


MAUS Charakterisierung und Panel Analyse







Introduction characterization
In the following text I am going to characterize (...) from the graphic novel "MAUS-A survivor's
tale" from pa
Introduction characterization
In the following text I am going to characterize (...) from the graphic novel "MAUS-A survivor's
tale" from pa

Introduction characterization In the following text I am going to characterize (...) from the graphic novel "MAUS-A survivor's tale" from page (...) from Art Spiegelman's graphic novel "MAUS - A survivor's tale. It was published at first by the penguin group in 1980. The novel memorializes Spiegelman's father's own experience of the Holocaust. The pages between (...) and (...) are about (...) Introduction panel analysis In the following text I am going to have a closer look at the panel on the (...) from page (...) from Art Spiegelman's graphic novel "MAUS - A survivor's tale. It was published at first by the penguin group in 1980. The novel memorializes Spiegelman's father's own experience of the Holocaust. The panel is about (...) Other: ● ● ● Mouse: the author wants to symbolize that the mice are small and helpless - just easy food for the cats. The relationship between cat and mouse. (Jews) Cats: The cats should symbolize the Nazis Pigs: The pigs should symbolize the Polish Dogs: should symbolize the Americans French: Frosh Vladek Spiegelman ● Polish Jew ● survived the Holocaust moved to the U.S. in the early 1950s Speaking broken English is presented as miserly, anal retentive, egocentric, neurotic and obsessive, anxious and obstinate-traits that may have helped him survive the camps, but which greatly annoy his family displays racist attitudes, as when Françoise picks...

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up an African American hitchhiker, who he fears will rob them. He shows little insight into his own racist comments about others in comparison to his treatment during the Holocaust. ● Mala Spiegelman ● ● ● ● Anja Spiegelman ● Polish Jew ● survived the Holocaust ● Art's mother and Vladek's first wife ● Nervous, compliant and clinging has her first nervous breakdown after giving birth to her first son. She sometimes told Art about the Holocaust while he was growing up, although his father did not want him to know about it. killed herself by slitting her wrists in a bathtub and left no suicide note. ● ● ● Vladek's second wife Vladek makes her feel that she can never live up to Anja is a survivor and speaks with Art throughout the book Art makes no attempt to learn of her Holocaust experience Françoise Mouly ● ● ● married to Art is French and converted to Judaism to please Art's father Spiegelman struggles with whether he should present her as a Jewish mouse, a French frog, or some other animal-in the end, he uses a mouse