


Frankenstein by Mary Shelley







Frankenstein Mary Shelley (1818)
Typical elements of the Gothic genre
setting in a castle or old mansion
atmosphere of mystery and suspens
Frankenstein Mary Shelley (1818)
Typical elements of the Gothic genre
setting in a castle or old mansion
atmosphere of mystery and suspens
Frankenstein Mary Shelley (1818)
Typical elements of the Gothic genre
setting in a castle or old mansion
atmosphere of mystery and suspens

Frankenstein Mary Shelley (1818) Typical elements of the Gothic genre setting in a castle or old mansion - atmosphere of mystery and suspense a threatening feeling fear enhanced by the unknown an ancient prophecy omens, warnings, visions exploring what is forbidden supernatural or otherwise inexplicable events a disappearance intense emotions, often overwrought an unnatural event or occurrence characters see only a glimpse of something people show up dead inexplicably the way back to civilization has been cut off crying and emotional speeches inanimate objects come to life characters are overcome by anger, sorrow threats loom in the shadows Character traits Victor Frankenstein (adjectives) positive -curiosity -motivation -thirst for knowledge -fortunate -intelligence -person of harmony -grateful -> family -enthusiastic -passionate -determined, obsessive -sullen in his study -misery -indulgent negative -violent temper, vehement -unsatisfied -impulsive -broken -socially anxious -gloomy -obsessive -seclusion Narrative structure Robert Walton (letters I-IV) -> frame Victor Frankenstein (from chapter 1 on till the end) First person narrator → Convey information in a detailed way Change of perspective = alternating points of view Example of another narrative perspective He was indifferent, therefore, to his school-fellows in general; but he united himself in the bonds of the closest friendship to one among them. ➜Effect: reader identifies with the narrator, immediacy is created Victor's motivation O achievement motivation O power motivation O reward-driven motivation o competence motivation O fear-based motivation (after having finished creating his monster) source: tragic flow in Victor himself hamatia: fatal flow leading to the downfall of a tragic hero / heroine Comparison god as a creator and Frankenstein Frankenstein -seriously ill...

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scientist who creates a monster -> is obsessed -monster is ugly, horrible... -monster educates himself, is stronger than his creator, more intelligent -doesn't create a partner for his monster - > lonely -reward motivation -creature is absolutely unfit to live in the world that it is created into -> does not take over responsibility Definition Prometheus God -act of good when creating Adam -is satisfied with his work -> beautiful creature -is "in power" of his creature -creates a woman, so that Adam has a partner wants to have life -creates a world for his creature so that he can live in it -> is content, happy with his work Greek mythology -> Titan god of fire Is credited with the creation of humanity from clay Generally seen as the author of the human arts and sciences Stole fire from the gods of Olympus to give it to humankind -> was punished for it by Zeus → Tied to a rock and getting his liver eaten by an eagle every day over and over again (part of his immortality) O Comparing: Is Victor the modern Prometheus? Similarities: O Prometheus is credited with the creation of humanity, Frankenstein also does it in a similar way -> creates monster from dead body parts, brings it back to life Prometheus gets punished after stealing the fire from Olympus (tied to a rock, getting his liver eaten by a hawk every day over and over again), Frankenstein gets punished for his creation as well -> by monster, first punishment when he kills his brother William (p.88), in the following chapters more people who are close to Victor get killed and he himself dies in the end not the same kind of punishment, but in both cases it is a punishment till their end of life O Frankenstein creates a form of immortality -> brings dead body parts back to life, Prometheus himself is immortal From listening comprehension: Examining ethics (general information) At that time, it was important for scientists to communicate with each other and to network. The book itself demonstrates how knowledge was created at the time. The novel implies that isolation is a negative trait Victor's isolation causes a lot of problems in the story Sociability is the act of communicating and networking -> community/company When Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, she did not isolate and stayed in touch with people When Victor retreats to his room to work on his creation, he isolates himself. Sociability was very important to scientists Victor could never have been an ethical scientist When Victor goes to college, he studies natural science. The lack of sociability prevented Victor from considering negative consequences How is Victor's isolation seen? O Negative trait, isolates too much, no contact to other people like professors, friends or his family How does Mary Shelley's approach to writing differ from Victor's creative work? O Mary Shelley did not isolate herself, she communicated with other people and talked about her novel, still in touch with friends -> Victor isolated himself and did not talk with anybody about his work What is sociability compared to? o Making a (social) network, community/communication -> something to communicate with others and stay in touch Definitions differences O solitude: the state of being alone, especially when you find it pleasant O loneliness: (example) a period of loneliness someone experiences, not finding it pleasant, unintentional-> rather negative O isolation: separating somebody/something, state of being separate voluntary (example: self-isolation lockdown) Characteristics monster Observing the family's behavior -> human-like, learn and understand it better Hides in a hovel from the other villagers -> fearful Tries to understand the reason for the villagers behavior Longing for company and does not want to be alone, feels lonely ➜ Characteristics similar to humans = human-like