









There is a lot to see and to do on a trip to London and I want to visit it with my family. Firstly, we
want to take a red
There is a lot to see and to do on a trip to London and I want to visit it with my family. Firstly, we
want to take a red

ONE DAY IN LONDON There is a lot to see and to do on a trip to London and I want to visit it with my family. Firstly, we want to take a red bus and visit London's famous bell, Big Ben. Next, I would like to go the Camden Market, I want to buy a lot of things for me and for my friends, because in this market you can find cheap and cool food and a lot of other things too. I am sure that my sister wants to visit the Sherlock Holmes Museum. She loves criminal books and films. Tickets are 15 pounds. Then my parents want to drink tea. In my opinion Whittard Chelsea Tea is the best tea shop in London. Two floors with full filled shelves of tea and hot chocolate. It's absolutely delicious! and I want to go to the St James's Park, it's the prettiest park in central London with a large lake. My brother wants to see the London Eye, it's not cheap but we want to go there. Finally, I really want to visit the London Stadium with my father, because I am a big fan of football. LONDON SHERLOCK HOLMES MUSEUM Y MY DAY IN LONDON London Eye FOOTBALL BS CHELSEA SLESYS 49 Cafe! $?

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