


Shakespeare Abi







William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Life
likely born on April 23rd 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon
small town in central England
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Life
likely born on April 23rd 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon
small town in central England
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Life
likely born on April 23rd 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon
small town in central England

William Shakespeare Shakespeare's Life ● ● ● ● ● ● ● likely born on April 23rd 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon O small town in central England oldest child of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden of Warwickshire O father: lower class, leatherworker O mother: member of the aristocracy married to Anne Hathaway in 1582 (just 18 years old) O father of three children Shakespeare's Topics wide range ● "the lost years" (1585-1592): not much is known about this time member of the famous theater group "Lord Chamberlain's Men"/"The King's Men" become a popular actor and playwright in London 1597: purchased "New Place" in Stratford O had become quite prosperous died on April 23rd 1616 (52 years old) most important author of the Renaissance O his pieces are timeless and still popular today O comedies, tragedies, romances, historical pieces love, hate and jealousy disorder superstition ● power and ambition crime historical events/history ordinary people Shakespeare's Lifetime The Renaissance (late 14th - early 17th century) new inventions which had a large impact on society O e.g. telescope, printing press • learning, art, restructuring of society many traditional views, especially superstitions, remained popular O reflected in many literary works dealing with witchcraft or ghosts exploration of unknown regions (e.g. "discovery" of America) → changed perception of the world and the universe infectious diseases (e.g. the Plague) killed thousand of people → increased demand for literature as a distraction of challenging personal lives many executions (through torture or the scaffold, a version of...

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the guillotine) of people who were believed to be a threat to society, the government etc. The Elizabethan Age (1558-1603: reign of the Queen) ● also considered the "golden age" due to a period of success O economic growth O relative stability O increased popularity of theater, literature, music and architecture O Queen Elizabeth secured her position worldwide, strengthened English navy O successfully defeated the Spanish Armada, making England a leading sea power and achieving great prosperity → created the foundation for the British Empire ● time of great change, affecting the sciences as well as technology, trade, and the view of society and religion religious conflicts: Henry VIII. founded the Anglican Church and thereby officially separated England from the Catholics → divided population with different religious views society/people were divided into different classes o Monarchy, Nobility, Gentry (e.g. knights), Merchants, Yeomen, Laborers Theatre in Shakespeare's Time ● most common form of mass entertainment O besides bear-beating shows and drinking beer • people of all classes went to the theatre O affordable for almost everyone audience often took an active part in the performance O screamed, booed, cheered, helped O included by the actors "The Globe": famous theater in London, showing mostly Shakespeare's plays O one of the biggest theaters at the time, could seat 2,500 to 3,000 people Elizabethan Age provided favorable conditions for increased popularity of dramas O period of change centered around conflict O focus on human interaction (e.g. in theaters) → dialogue O discussion of morals and new values Relevance Shakespeare's Relevance Today Language: made a significant contribution ● invented over 2.000 words in the English language and numerous expressions Commercial success: profitable brand for hundreds of years modern adaptations O West-side story (Romeo and Juliette) O Lion King (Hamlet) - ● tourist attraction in England → Globe and Stratford-upon-Avon Entertainment: wide-ranging topics O "something for everyone": emotional, hilarious, romantic etc. characters are authentic and therefore relatable Discussion: Teaching Shakespeare at Schools Pro: Shakespeare should still be taught ● one can learn a lot about the period of the Renaissance and people's way of life during that age o important to gain awareness of history in order to improve the present and broaden one's view of the world still relevant and entertaining, many of the themes are timeless O ● some of Shakespeare's pieces, for instance "Romeo and Juliet", are still extremely popular and often reinterpreted leave one's comfort zone by being faced with classical literature opportunity to expand one's vocabulary • Shakespeare's incredible work and impact should be appreciated Con: Shakespeare should not be taught can often appear irrelevant after so much time has passed confusing or boring to students might ruin their interest in all classical literature ● ● students feel discouraged instead of empowered, as the language is very hard to understand plays were made for stage and not to be read ● it's become a requirement instead of a common agreement ⇒ duty teaching has become so ingrained/normalized that people might be oblivious to the discussion of its relevance → simply accept it as something that cannot/should not be changed