


Berlin 2 min Talk







was founded in the thirteenth century near the spree
has always been the capital of Germany (in the Middle Age, in the "German em

Berlin ● . was founded in the thirteenth century near the spree has always been the capital of Germany (in the Middle Age, in the "German empire" to the first German Republic) 1949 East Berlin was the capital of the German Democratic Republic, but not the west side of Berlin has been separated after the second world war and a wall was built between Federal Republic Germany and the German Democratic Republic. In 1989 the famous wall has been pulled down and 1990 Germany has been reunified. Today the rest of the wall is a famous tourist attraction and a symbol of the Cold war. since 1991 the seat of government and Parliament is there (it moved from Bonn to Berlin) capital of the Federal Republic Germany it is also a country, the most populated in Germany with 3,6 Million inhabitants it's a popular metropolis for visitors of Germany (especially for Chinese) has a lot of tourist attractions like the "Brandenburgertor", the" east side gallery" (a gallery of street- art at the old wall), the" Reichstags building", a" memorial for the murdered Jews", the TV-tower, the "Charlotten-Schloss" built by the Pursian leader Friedrich the third There's another side, Berlin has a lot of homeless people there's no official statistic but up to 10.000 people live on Berlin's streets. In...

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the winter the hardest time for the homeless people some facilities open up to give them a winter shelter (for example "Kältehilfe"). Today Berlin is the capital of the Federal Republic Germany. It was founded in the 13th century near the Spree. Berlin has always been the capital of Germany (from the Middle Age to the first German empire). Only after the separation of Germany 1949 and with the building of the wall through Berlin at 1961 just the east side of Berlin was a capital but not the west side. In 1989 the wall has been pulled down and 1990 Germany has been reunified and Berlin became the capital again (the seat of government and parliament moved also from Bonn). Today Berlin has as a result of the historical background a lot of attractions like the rest of the wall with the "east side gallery", the "Brandenburgertor", a memorial for the murdered Jews, the "Schloss Charlottenburg" at the edge of Berlin built by a Persian leader, the Charite, the "Reichstags building" and Checkpoint Charlie a famous border Crossing point between the old East-and Westside are a few of them. What the most tourists don't see are the homeless people, there's no official statistic but up to ten thousands live in the Berlin streets. In the winter, the hardest time for them, some facilities open up to give them a winter shelter. In Berlin you can find culinary dishes like "Currywurst", Berlin's interpretation of pancakes or Brezeln and Berlin has also a "Berliner Weiße" it's a Weizen with syrup which you drink out of a bowl with a straw. In the foreground of the Berlin's flag is the black bear with a crown on the head, in the background we see two red stripes above and below of the white stripe in the middle.