


Boko Haram







Boko Haram -
One of the most violent terrorist groups in Africa
Islamic sectarian movement, founded in 2002 by Muhammed Yusuf in northeaster
Boko Haram -
One of the most violent terrorist groups in Africa
Islamic sectarian movement, founded in 2002 by Muhammed Yusuf in northeaster

Boko Haram - One of the most violent terrorist groups in Africa Islamic sectarian movement, founded in 2002 by Muhammed Yusuf in northeastern Nigeria, that since 2009 has carried out assassinations and large-scale acts of violence in that country. Later the group vowed to avenge the deaths of Yusuf and other group members, who were killed by security forces in 2009. Areas in Nigeria where Boko Haram was most active. Origins This, in turn, was popularly interpreted as <<Western education is a sin»> or <<Western education is forbidden.» Ideologically, Boko Haram is against Westernization, which it views as negatively impacting Islamic values. Early Activity Boko Haram gained widespread exposure in July 2009 when, after an incident in which group members were allegedly subjected to the excessive use of force by police and then were unable to get official investigation into the matter, the group launched attacks on police posts and other government installations, killing scores of police officers. The ensuing Joint Military Task Force operation left more than 700 Boko Haram members dead and destroyed the mosque that the group used as its headquarters. After that incident, Boko Haram appeared to be disbanded, or at least inactive, until the next year, when a video was made public in which Yusuf's deputy, Abubakar Shekau, declared that he was the group's new...

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leader and vowed to avenge the deaths of Yusuf and the others. Revival And Onslaught Of Attacks One early operation that garnered widespread attention occurred in September 2010, when the group attacked a prison in the city of Bauchi, in Bauchi state, and released more than 700 inmates, including some 100 Boko Haram members. Boko Haram's attacks increased in frequency, killing and injuring many. One of Boko Haram's deadliest attacks occurred on January 20, 2012, when more than 185 people lost their lives after group members launched coordinated attacks in the city of Kano, in Kano state, targeting police stations and government offices. The ruins of a street market in Kano, Nigeria, days after Boko Haram launched a series of coordinated attacks in the city that killed at least 185 people in January 2012. Sunday Alamba/AP After its 2010 resurrection, Boko Haram's membership and organizational structure were not clear. In February 2013 some Boko Haram members reportedly began operating in Cameroon. The shadowy nature of Boko Haram as well as its resilience made it difficult to craft an effective strategy to end the group's campaign of terror. In 2013 it was apparent that Boko Haram had taken over many rural local government areas in northeastern states, where they were able to gain strength. Such methods heightened tensions in a country already on edge from Boko Haram's attacks and elicited widespread condemnation from human rights groups. The next month Boko Haram launched a series of coordinated military-style attacks in the town of Bama.In response, the government started its largest-scale military offensive against Boko Haram to date, employing thousands of troops on the ground and a campaign of air strikes to combat the group. On the heels of the military offensive, in June President Jonathan had officially declared Boko Haram a terrorist group and banned it under Nigerian law, which meant that group members and anyone caught aiding them would be prosecuted under the country's Terrorism Prevention Act.