


Character of a nation, the, cartoon description







The character of a nation
National identity: the sum of a country's cultures, traditions, language(s) and politics = pride in
the nation. Sh

The character of a nation National identity: the sum of a country's cultures, traditions, language(s) and politics = pride in the nation. Shared values and beliefs between ethnic and social groups Stereotypes: assumptions, fixed ideas what people are like in a country = too general Diversity: multicultural society- fact = different ethnicities, cultures, traditions The use of the definite article Use THE With nouns (abstract, material, plural nouns) when they are used in a specific sense, for example when followed by an of-phrase or a relative clause = i.e. the history OF Thanksgiving has been researched • Institutions = specific building Plural names Names of seas, rivers, instruments Names of mountain chains and countries in the plural Describing a cartoon Introduction Main Part Analysis Conclusion Don't use THE With abstract nouns (life, love, freedom, politics,…), material nouns (water, air, flow, ...) and plural nouns (children, students, ...) when they are used in a general sense = i.e. Life is beautiful. Freedom is precious. American students do a lot of sports ● Institutions functions: school, prison Singular names • Names of lakes, buildings, streets, parks Names of mountains and countries in the singular Topic, artist, year, publisher, title, type of image Cartoon description: from centre to corners, from foreground to background, from left to right/ right to left, from top to bottom/ bottom to top Details: setting (time, place), situation, quality, striking features, characters (appearance, body language) Message/ intended effect, pictorial elements, Interaction of the...

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