


• characterization •







characterization o
Main part
cf → indirect quote
1.9 → one line
11.410→ two lines
11.9ff two or more lines
"Hi"(1.9)— "

g characterization o Introduction Main part Quote cf → indirect quote 1.9 → one line 11.410→ two lines 11.9ff two or more lines "Hi"(1.9)— "Hi "(|.9-0) Conclusion Person wird knapp dargestellt Wer, Wo, Altar und welche Rolle er im Text spielt Obinze, the main character of the novel extract " Americanah" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, is an ? year-old man, who lives an privileged life with his beautiful wife and two year old daughter but he can't help but still think about his ex from university who wrote him an email to keep in contact. Hypothese: "He should be happy but isn't even though he is wealthy Write what your focusing on (steht in der Aufgaben Stellung): "Focus on Point of view " You explain Outward appearance You explain What you know about his/her life You explain His/Her Family and Social background You describe his/her behaviour You describe his/her relationship with others You state, describe and explain at least two of his/her character traits (1 use adjectives!) You explain His mood and feelings in the current situation Die gesamt Einschätzung der Figur Zusammenfassung

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