


Characterization Constance (Mambo Sauce)







Characterization of Constance (Mambo Sauce)
Constance, also known as Connie, is the main character and protagonist of the short
Story "Mambo
Characterization of Constance (Mambo Sauce)
Constance, also known as Connie, is the main character and protagonist of the short
Story "Mambo

Characterization of Constance (Mambo Sauce) Constance, also known as Connie, is the main character and protagonist of the short Story "Mambo Sauce" written by Camille Acker. She is a black woman in an interracial relationship, with her white boyfriend, Brian. She raised up in San Francisco and worked in New York as a part-time teacher. Even if she enjoyed her life in New York, she always wanted to move in with her boyfriend, when Brian got a job in DC she decided to come with him and chase her dream of being an artist and to sculpt. Constance's outer appearance is described as her being a black woman with short cropped hair. She normally isn't attracted to boys like Brian and is surprised by herself for being attracted to his body and attitude. Before she had mouthed love when it was much to early to think about such a word. Her mother was surprised by the fact that Constance never been in a relationship with a white man before. Her Mother in law even called her "her future daughter-in-law", which impacts that she has a good relationship to his mother.Connie and Brian moved to the Far Northeast into an apartment with old windows casements. Their neighborhood was assured by the broker as being up-and-coming (p.123,1.61 ff.)....

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But she didn't feel comfortable living in a black neighborhood as the only interracial couple (p.123,1.61 ff.) She wanted to make sure that Brian is comfortable with the neighborhood and the apartment too. She liked and preferred living in New York because of the different cultures and the nice party's there. Constance has a flat character and throughout the story she learns more about herself as a person, being in an interracial relationship. She does indirectly get “convinced” by the black neighborhood, but also at the beginning of the story, you can find out, that it is difficult for her being in an interracial relationship and to be committed to her white partner (p. 122, 1.8 ff). She is always very focused in reaching her goals. An important character trait of her is being open-minded and don't want to be the problem of others. Throughout the story Constance finds a diner in her neighborhood called "winging it!" which becomes important to her. Constance likes to try new things and tried the special "mambo sauce" of the diner and was surprised by its flavor. In the diner, she is able to express her confidence and opens up to the black waitresses. She starts feeling more connected with herself as being part of the black community. Throughout the time spent in the diner she starts imagining information, as name, character traits, for the tree waitresses without even knowing their names. That's the reason why she feels connected to the diner because she sees her old friends in the waitresses. She always has a fun time and feels understood at the diner. Because she wants to fit in and to stand out, she leaves out the important detail of her being in an interracial relationship with a white guy. She did this because she was ashamed and scared of how the people in the diner are going to react or if they would even start judging her. After hearing that "winging it!" might have to closed, she wanted to stand out for them and tried to save the diner. But reacted exaggerated and when she brought a TV show in the diner, she had an argument with the waitresses. During this argument, her boyfriend Brian comes to support her, which brought the trough to light. After the waitresses experienced the trough, they did not want to hear from Constance ever again. Her Boyfriend felt betrayed because Constance did not mention him in any way. Throughout the Story, the lack of communication between the couple results into arguments. Constance, who leaves out important details of her experiences and does not talk to Brian about them and her feelings (p. 127, 1. 208ff), shows Constance as being a self-effacing person. At the end, Constance, for once, states her feelings clearly of being scared that their relationship and love would change without Brian recognizing it (p. 137 1.66-668) In conclusion, we can tell that Constance is a complex character, which leads to having trouble with her inner thoughts not appearing. Communication and being 100 percent clear about herself and her environment is not one of her biggest strengths. She starts feeling uncomfortable easily and live in her own world. All in all, Constance is an educated and friendly woman who tries to be the best version of herself by helping everyone