


Crooked Letter crooked Letter chapter 1







Crooked Letter crooked letter
The setting: State Mississippi
-river, kudzu
- lots of fields
-dry area
- poorest state in Amer

Crooked Letter crooked letter The setting: State Mississippi nature -river, kudzu - lots of fields -dry area economy - poorest state in America - ongoing industrialization (slow process) - economy based on agriculture infrastructure -natural area, poor Family -mother in old people's home (mostly Hack peoplel (Alzheimer's) father is dead infrastructure HW: read first chapter and collect information. on: his chickens - lived in a chicken per Mississippi music -blues and jazz are an important part of culture his farmi muddy driveway, bobwire fence sodden green field next house 1 mile away near the woods not a strong connection to place feels like caretaker -> cares about them - built a head-high moveable cage with an open floor-> good weather. -cage pushed on a different field seem to replace company people segregated community with regard to skincolour and prosperity - high rate of unemployment - 40% Aft. A. 50% white A - konservative; religious Larry Ott: - 41 years old, single lives in Mississipi greyhair, poor Shot by a man with mask history -confederate state once -supported slavery -segregated State after 1865 • KKK founded - owns a carshop, is a mechanic not allowed to carry gun bec. of his past a suspect in a different case, 25 years ago but not found guilty likes reading - Sticks to his daily routine his mailbox -tilted + always full Zombie mask ·Larry owns this mask since he was a kid - worn by the "murdered" hated by parents his only friend - Wallace Stringfellow Cindy. I -was kidnapped 25 years ago - he was a suspect Rutherford girl - still missing weather rainy, cloudy, storm time of the year early September his...

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