


Englisch Abitur 2022







Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat
Englisch Lernblätter
Table of Contents
1. American Dream
- important information about America
- The American political system
2. Globalisat

Englisch Lernblätter Table of Contents 1. American Dream - important information about America - The American political system 2. Globalisation - global warmin Multinationals and developing countries Global changes Issues of globalization 3. Great Britain The political system Brexit - 4. Nigeria Problems/ challenges that need to be faced in Nigeria Colonial past - The oil industry in Nigeria - Lagos - - - Multiculturalism - 5. Shakespeare the first folio Shakespeare's Language - The elizabethan age The elizabethan theater Is Shakespeare still relevant today? - Nollywood The Nigerian Dream Seite 1 von 21 6. Utopia/ Dystopia Utopia - Dystopia - - Genetical engineering - Ethical issues Scientific innovation and technological progress 7. World of Work - Studying/ working abroad English as lingua ca The changing world of work Minimum wage and living wage Being available on the weekend? Effects of the digital revolution Seite 2 von 21 The American Dream The term ,,American Dream" was coined in a best selling book in 1931 titled, The epic of America' by James Truslow Adams. It was described as that dream of a land in which life should be better & richer & fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement". In general the American dream is often used to inspire and motivate Americans to improve themselves an to get on life. But at the same time it often gets blamed for creating unrealistic expectations. The American Dream vs. The American Nightmare - The American Dream "From rags to richest" ● success, money, freedom, opportunities Equal rights, high living standards Democracy No poverty → The...

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ideal America Important information about America: • America wants to be a Melting Pot, but in reality the country is more of a salad bowl The American Nightmare discrimination, racism unequal rights Police brutality Terrorism →gun laws Huge gap between rich and poor → High crime rate because of unemployment, poverty and many low- income jobs Lack of health care Segregation (rich and poor don't live in the same areas; cities are divided into Chinatown, Downtown, etc. → different nationalities live in different districts) → The real America • 4th July 1776: Independence Day signing of the ,,Declaration of Independence" The stars and stripes of the flag: White resembles the purity of America Red resembles the endurance and bravery Blue resembles the justice Stars resemble every state of the US ,,Melting Pot" is the metaphor for the ideal America -> different nationalities and cultures get,melted' into the American culture Ellis Island: newly arrived immigrants came to this island before they could go to America because they needed to be in quarantine first Seite 3 von 21 Statute of Liberty: Represents the roman goddess of freedom ,,Libertas" and holds a plague with inscription: July 4th, 1776: Date of the American Declaration of Independence Is a symbol for freedom - Sculpture is on liberty island, New York ● • - . - - Individualism: Central concept in the way Americans see themselves and are viewed by others Pursuit of the American dream . Manifest destiny: Americas mission is to democratize the world • The Puritans: - A social and religious movement in the 16th/ 17th century Term ,,puritans" is used to describe people with an extremely narrow-minded and conservative outlook Nation of the future America used to believe in this manifest destiny to justify its territorial expansion as well as imperialism Uncle Sam Nickname for the American Government Bearded man dressed in stars and stripes Was used to recruit volunteers during the two world wars New Canaan: Referred to the country in which Moses led his people People who where fleeing to America from religious persecution envisioned the American colonies as the ,,New Canaan" Seite 4 von 21 The American political system March 1789 the American Constitution went into effect 2 years later: The bill of rights was ratified -> The original constitution and the bill of rights have been the foundation of American democracy for over 200 years the preethime nove presidential. pass laws are and remom hos wat Maiso FS from office ent from esident legislatsional కలలు పాలు Legislative The Congress House » Senate May reject each other's bills f Executive The President Executive office of the presidenti executive and cabinet departments independent government agencies Chief Congress can change laws; Initiate a constitu- tional amendment; 28 restrict jurisdiction of courts to her Certain types of cases; Create whole new court! systems or abolish existing ones; expand or contract times and places that federal Courts sit may prevent dides The Pres The court can declare presidential acts as unconstitutional ons president appoints judges Justic impeachment hrough injunc The Senate must confirm the Judicial president's judical appointments; The Supreme Congress can impeach and Court of the US remore judges from office. Circuit Court of Appeals of the us •The Court can declare laws District court unconstitutional Seite 5 von 21 Globalization Globalization is the word used to describe the growing independence of the worlds economies, cultures and populations, brought about by cross-boarder trade in goods and service, technology and flows of investment, people and information. It promotes and increases interactions between different regions and populations around the globe. Problems ● Bad working conditions in sweatshops Pollution because of the long transport of goods extreme poverty vs. capitalism Unequal rights Destructions of traditions/ cultures because of digitalization Non-sustainable transport of all productions Effects of global warming: Temperatures will rise Fros-free seasons will lengthen Changes in the precipitation patterns Drought and heat waves Advantages Global warming Global warming, the gradual heating of the earths surface, oceans and atmosphere is caused by human activity, primarily the burning of fossil fuels than pump carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Hurricanes will become stronger and more intense Sea levels will rise Arctic is likely to become ice-free Global cooperation (prevention of inflation) More comfort for consumers and cheaper prices Connection because of technology Insight into communities in different countries Reasons why people deny climate change: Science denial -> that the climate changes is part of a natural cycle Economical denial -> the idea that climate change is too expensive to fix is a more subtle form of climate denial. Economists however suggest we could fix climate change by spending 1% of the world GDP which is about 80934771 billion dollars Humanitarian denial -> climate change is good for us, longer warmer summers in the temperature zone will make farming more productive Political denial -> we cannot take action because other countries are not taking actions. But not all countries are equally guilty of causing current climate change Crisis denial -> we should not rush into changing things Multinationals and developing countries A multinational company is a business that operates in many different countries at the same time. In other words, it is a company that has business activity in more than one county. Todays international markets are almost unavoidable even for smaller companies. The influx of Chinese manufacturing and less expensive asian Seite 6 von 21 labour has pushed large and small companies to invest in operations and expansion overseas. ● ● - Advantages of multinationals in developing countries provide an inflow o capital into the developing country -> helps economy develop and increase its productive capacity Create jobs -> may be low wages for the western world but in asian countries they are better than the income of a local farmer ● Often sweatshops labour is better than the alternative of no paid employment Help to diversify the economy away from relying on primary products and agriculture - Disadvantages of multinationals in developing countries environmental cost -> they can outsource parts of the productions process to developing economies with weaker environmental legislation Profit repatriated -> They may invest in the countries but the profit is still theirs Skilled labour -> the best jobs are not received by local workers What is a sweatshop? A sweatshop is defined by the department of labour as a factory which violates 2 or more labour laws. It has 3 characteristics: low payment Long brutal hours Unhealthy working conditions Many people work together in a small room while they are not allowed to go to the toilet and with the money they make they can barley make ends meet Raw materials -> multinationals are seeking out raw materials like oil which can pollute rivers Sweatshop labour and child labour Workers can get fired easily, they have no lifetime employment • Global changes: multinational companies Constant movement of individuals World becomes a global village Flow of money between international markets and production sites Global spread of ideas and values Better/ more working opportunities/ education -> 1 out of 6 children between the ages of 5 to 14 years old is still in some form of child labour in developing countries; especially in sweatshops of large clothing brands like Nike, Gap or Adidas Economic issues: bad working conditions in developing countries Child labour Seite 7 von 21 Attempts to improve working conditions are often met with violence -> the victims of globalization are the people who's lives just get more worse because of it - Jobs are outsourced -> there are lower wages, etc. Gap between rich and poor gets bigger ● Ecological issues: air pollution -> increase of greenhouse gases, destruction of onzon layer, acid rain, health problems, environment being destroyed, smog problems Possible solutions: install filters in power stations, use electric cars, public transportation, speed limits on motorways Water pollution and the waste problem Seas, lakes and rivers become the dumping ground for toxic industrial waste Overpopulation with inadequate waste management Plastic and micro-plastic gets thrown into the sea - A lot of people don't have access to clean water -> health problems Possible solution of water pollution: waste management, stricter laws, new technologies for recycling • Political issues: Corruption The modern-nation state system: changes the role of global governance and the direction of the global political system Rising migration Global conflicts that could lead to wars Seite 8 von 21 Great Britain The political system The political system of Great Britain consists of a constitutional (Parliament -> elected) monarchy (Monarch -> King/ Queen; hereditary monarchy) Sovereign → Queen Elizabeth I Sno political power but influence/hare to stay mutual appoints on recommandation of the PM House of Lords →1.175 Lords (2 archbishops, 24 bishops, 790 hereditary peers, 359 life peers) since 1953 women can get a seat appoints can delay legislation herechitary peer Sinberit the seat in the House of Lords Pros - stands for British values and national unity - Brings stability Head of Cabinet →Prime Minister Government other ministers (executive) Represents British interests abroad and improves international relations responsiality, dissolution House of Commons represent the → 650 Members of 660 constituencies. Parliament (Wahlbezirk) →MP = Members of Parliament are elected elects for a max. periode of 5 years There is no separation between state & religion and no independent supreme court, so there is no democracy Monarchy - pros and cons electorate Cons - Is old-fashioned and no longer needed A monarch is undemocratic -> people should be able to elect their head of state - Ver expensive -> taxes could be better spend on other things Seite 9 von 21 Brexit Britain left the European Union in January 2020 because they wanted ,,more independence, more sovereignty and less immigration" 48% where con, 52% where pro leaving the EU Pros - freedom of making own laws - UK can decide about problems like refugees People voted for Brexit in 2019 but then referendum Becoming independent - Have a national say globally - Freedom in making trade deals with different countries - More jobs for the British, less foreign workers - No need to pay money to the EU Cons immigration problems won't be fixed, might even get worse EU is a strong economic and political power It is important for countries to work together in todays globalized world -> the UK will be on its own from now on a lot of goods will get more expensive Traveling will be more difficult -> boarder controls -> maybe even less tourists big companies could leave the UK Around 3 million jobs where linked to the EU -> a lot of people could have to decide between their job and their home Less foreign students that will visit the famous universities UK has always been a very international and multicultural country -> might lose this Multiculturalism Multiculturalism is the existence of many different cultures, bringing their own traditions and languages in a single country or city. Many people immigrated to the UK from countries which where colonized by the British. That is why there are so many migrants from e.g. India or Pakistan. The people come to work, study or join family members. The British Empire: lasted from the late 16th to the mid 20th century Covered almost one fourth of the worlds land area - The British exploited natural resources, established foreign trade and spend the christian religion There mission was to ,,civilize" the native population of the colonized countries and impose the western values on them - In the course of the 20th century Britain has lost almost all of its former colonies Seite 10 von 21 • The Commonwealth: political association of 54 member states - 2.1 billion people live in countries that are members of the Commonwealth Promote equality, peace, liberty, human rights and free trade Values of democracy, freedom and decolonization Members: Australia, India, Nigeria, .... - • Second Generation migrants: Children born in Britain to migrant parents often find themselves in a difficult position because the experience Culture clashes, language problems within the family, discrimination and crisis of identity - Multicultural society Advantages Introduces a wide variety of food, music and fashion Makes people more open-minded and tolerant Disadvantages People who don't identify with their host county might feel isolated and are not integrated in society Cultures that don't share the same values might lead to tension and conflicts Immigrants might have to face discrimination and racism Seite 11 von 21 Nigeria capital city: Abuja, biggest city: Lagos Actual name -> ,,Federal Republic of Nigeria", in the western coast of Africa Used to be a British colony - - - One of the best economies in Africa -> large oil industry 50% Muslim (mostly in the north), 48% Christian - 250 ethnic groups, 500 languages -> 7th most populous country in the world, most populous country in Africa Rapidly growing population, 3rd highest youth population Problems/ challenges that need to be faced in Nigeria: Poverty Climate change -> environmental disasters Hunger -> not enough food for everyone Inequality between men and women Organized crime, terrorism (Boko haram) Child labour Female genital mutilation Religious tension between the two major groups - A lot of tension/ distrust between the different tribes - Rapidly growing population -> very young population Corruption, police brutality Colonial Past 1500 Begining 1807 1947 1960 1966 1975- 1983 1999 2009 • ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Protugese slave trade began Becomes a British colony Slave trade get's abolished North and South united Nigeria becomes independent military regime takes over First periode of democracy ended by military coup end of military rule Boko Haram leads a campaign of violence Seite 12 von 21 The oil industry in Nigeria Nigeria was a country with several ecosystems and a rich flora and fauna. However, since 1908 the oil companies deforested everything. Now there is only a oil catastrophe left. . ● Nigeria heavily depends on the oil industry -> 75% of the revenue The money coming from the oil industry is not reinvested into schools, health or infrastructure -> mostly used to pay of debts Nigeria does not have the Infrastructure to refine the oil themselves. They have to export the oil to refine it and they have to import the refined oil back at much higher price -> The oil industry makes up a huge part of Nigerias economy and creates workplaces -> bad working conditions and it destroys the environment, a lot of pollution because of spilled oil which even destroys whole villages Lagos largest city: city itself has about 15.3 million citizens, the metropolitan area has a population of 23.5 Million inhabitants - The rich and developed side and the poor and undeveloped side of Nigeria can be seen in Lagos Over 60% of the population of Lagos live in slums while the other part of the population lives in luxuries gated communities Because the rich and the poor live so close to each other there is a lot of potential for conflicts Nollywood (Nigerias dream factory) more than 1500 movies per year Second largest film producer Style: documentary, answer to colonial narratives, the use of their voices agains conflicts/ inequality / ... Began in the 1980s, expanded in the 1990s and 2000s to „New Nollywood" with higher budgets In general the films have a great diversity and a lot of variation (genres and language) The Nigerian Dream a great and powerful nation without exploitation and dependence Constant development and progress Sustainable environment Being important for the global economy Using everybody's full capacity -> together means stronger Seite 13 von 21 Shakespeare William Shakespeare was born on the 23rd April 1564 in the UK, Stratford-upon- Avon and he died on the 23rd April 1616 Was married to Anne Hathaway -> they had 3 children - Playwright and poet -> wrote about 40 plays (Macbeth, Hamlet, Romeo& Juliet, etc.) Creater of the Globe Theatre The first folio: collection of Shakespeare's plays - Was not written by Shakespeare himself but by actors who remembered the plays after he died. Nobody now knows what the original play looked like Shakespeare's language ● ● Use of Prose and blank verse: Prose: Macbeth a tragedy written by William Shakespeare and first performed in 1606 Topics Guilt (blood as symbol) Ambition Supernatural powers and hallucinations Fate and free will Honour and loyalty vs. betrayal Love The connection Motifs "fair is foul and foul is fair" between cruelty and masculinity Distrust Femininity and masculinity (images are created) www Light and darkness Blood Dagger Sleep Chaos Form of language with grammatical structure and natural flow of language No metric structure of poetry, unrhymed ,,Ordinary language" which people normally speak Blank verse: iambic pentametre → The Elizabethan world picture Major conflicts Poetic language which is based on meter and rhyme, poetic composition and usually found in stanzas It should resemble the natural human speech Use of language in plays - a lot of puns -> „,word plays" - Personal pronouns ,you/ your" -> Thy, thine, thous.. Used in 3 different ways: The struggle within Macbeth between his ambitions and his sense of what is right and what is wrong Struggle between the murderous evil and the best interest of the nation Shakespeare's plays: Prose is often used by low-status characters, in comedy/ madness/ bantering/ etc. - Blank verse is often used by high-status characters/ witches/ faire/ etc. 1. Familiarity 2. Subordination (Lord addresses his servant) 3. Insults (servants address their master) Seite 14 von 21 The Elizabethan Age named after Queen Elizabeth I (reign for 45 years) Politics and economics: golden Age -> England emerged as world power/ international trade -> rise of capitalism/ constant clash between catholics and protestants Clear distinction between royalty, nobility and poverty Marriage: out of financial causes and social status, not out of love Woman's role: to serve as wives and mother-> to marry as her family directed her Elizabethan Theater -> Theater enthusiasts Theaters in elizabethan London where venues of mass entertainment because they where the only entertainment source for the citizens • Theaters: situated outside the city, all performances were presented during the day time because there was no lightening; they couldn't play during darkness Plays were attended by people from all social ranks Women's roles were played by men -> women were not allowed to work - The Globe Theater The pit (ground) -> 1 penny -> people standing there were called "groundlings" galleries > 10 pennies -> people could sit Rising flag -> flag on top of the theater => showed that there was a play going on -> People immediately left there jobs and went to the theater No costumes -> actors had their normal day clothing on Is Shakespeare still relevant today? Pros timeless themes (love, hate, greed, jealousy) -> same topics as in plays written today There are strong personalities/ role models in the plays Human conditions never change -> what it means to be human Every possible emotion is displayed Supernatural things are still up to date Culture and language reflection -> a British ,,icon" -> national pride Cons can be hard to read and understand Many situations are outdated To much focus on the past Role of women was different Seite 15 von 21 Utopia and Dystopia Utopia Definition: a perfect society in which people work well with each other and are happy -> perfect society, government got everything right -> everyone is happy ● ● The natural world is embraced and revered - Individuality and innovation are welcome The society evolves with change to make a perfect world · Characteristics of utopian society: information, independent thought and freedom are promoted Dystopia Definition: a very bad or unfair society in which there is a lot of suffering, especially an imaginary society in the future, after something terrible has happened A figurehead or concept brings the citizens of the society together, but not treated as singular Citizens are truly free to think independently Citizens have no fear of the outside world Citizens life in a harmonious state - • Characteristics of dystopian society: - propaganda is used to control the citizens of society Information, independent thought and freedom are restricted A figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society Citizens are afraid of the outside world and the government - Individuality and dissent are bad . Genetical engineering Definition: process of purposely altering the DNA of an organism with the use of recombination DNA technology PRO able to developing a stronger understanding of life by examining it and possibly improving it Helps to prevent/ cure illnesses -> possibility of a healthier child-> increasing life spon - Children will be smarter, stronger and better looking CON - manipulating the natural product Manipulating God's creature More risks of geneticists making mistakes Less individuality Seite 16 von 21 . Examples for genetic engineering: modified humans (there are already trials on embryos with the purpose to cure cancer and HIV) - GM plants -> Plants that are modified to be more resistant against weed and extreme weather conditions Designer babies: A designer baby is one whose genome has been selected or altered, often to include a specific gene or to remove genes associated with a disease • Artificial intelligence and robotics: The development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, for example making decisions or visual perception PRO: make human life easier/ more comfortable, increase productivity CON: workers may lose their jobs as machines replace them, could surpass human intelligence and become autonomous Cyborgs: regular people who have integrated technology into their bodies to improve pr monitor some aspects of their health No Universal agreement what makes a human a cyborg PROS: walking with bionic limbs when you wouldn't otherwise be able to/ A better chance of surviving certain conditions/ Improved mood and lower rates of depression for paraplegics who can now walk as a result of bionic limbs CONS: bionic body parts and implantable devices are expensive/ the body might negatively react to implantations/ there are medical risks involved in any type of surgery/ the whole issue of humanity comes into questioning -> line between right and wrong becomes blurred, you could lose characteristics that make you human such aas compassion or empathy Ethical issues Genetical engineering: Safety: possibility of off-target effects (edits in the wrong place) and mosaicism (when some cells carry the edit but others do not) / risk can not be justified by the potential benefit Informed Consent: embryos can't decide if they want their DNA to be changed / can parents decide this for their children? Justice and Equity: concern that genome editing will only be accessible to the wealthy and will increase existing disparities Genome-Editing research involving embryos: moral and religious objections to the use of human embryos • Artificial intelligence: disappearance of jobs Lack of privacy, transparency, quality data Unequal power relations Security problems Negative impact on justice system/ democracy Seite 17 von 21 Scientific innovation and technological progress Visions: ● Potential for military use Potential for criminal use Loss of human decision making . Quality of life has improved significantly, e.g. machines do hard work Benefits in medicine: artificial body parts -> help us life longer Genetic engineering could raise average life expectancy Innovation and creativity took into next level Dangers: Can be used for destruction Unethical purposes Intervention in natural mechanism: consequences for humans and environment Seite 18 von 21 World of work With the world constantly becoming smaller due to globalization, it has become much easier to spend some time in a foreign country for educational reasons, both during one's time at school and/ or as a part of studies at a university or vocational training. Studying or working abroad Some future employers consider it an essential aspect of prospective employee's CV to have some time abroad, very often in an English-speaking country. Studying and working abroad has also benefits for employers. A growing number of companies tend to employ other people that have studied abroad, as these employees are said to posses key job skills, e.g. cultural empathy, excellent foreign language skills, ... Language learning Improving language skills Daily interactions with native speakers Bilingual/multilingual → Learning by doing Cultural learning Cultural immersion Tolerance Becoming open-minded Individual growth Overcoming fears Becoming independent Gaining new skills through new experiences/ challenges Gap Year: A gap year, also known as a sabbatical year, is typically a year-long break before or after college/ university during which students engage in various educational and developmental activities, such as travel or some type of regular work. Benefits of a gap year are definitely getting an insight into other cultures, improving language skills, experiencing different educational systems, contributing to your personal development and making new friends Volunteerism: Volunteerism means that a person volunteers to use his/her time and skills to contribute to a community without receiving any payment, e.g. teaching at a school in a rural village or humanitarian aid. Many people combine being a volunteer with spending some time abroad Voluntourism: Voluntourism is defined as a combination of volunteering and sightseeing. It is criticized that volunteerism counterfeits the original idea of volunteering. The „voluntourists" only seen a relatively short time in the communities and therefore not truly immerse Seite 19 von 21 English as lingua franca lingua franca -> language spoken by such a vast number of people all over the world that it enables speakers of different first languages to successfully communicate with each other -> language of international communications about 800 million people speak English, ether as mother tongue or as a foreign language Non-native speakers have a huge impact on the English language (e.g. grammar and pronunciation) When not-native speakers communicate with each other it is their main intension to communicate a message Fewer native speakers and more non-native speakers make use of the language - ● ● Code mixing: speaker uses words, syntax, etc. from his mother tongue and English words in the same sentence Code switching: speaker who switches between vocabulary, syntax, etc. of their mother tongue and English Nowadays English language skills are not considered a special feature but are taken for granted in many areas! The changing world of work Due to globalization the world of work has changed rapidly over the last half century past generations often spend their entire working life with one employer/ in one company -> job security lead to loyalty The advantages today have lead to more change of workplaces since people are more mobile and the exchange of information is easier. It is now possible to work on a project together even though the employees are not in the same country New developments have created new types of jobs Flexibility and adaptability are expected from employees and there is a lot of competition in some sectors The number of jobs for people with no or low working skills is decreasing and the gap between the rich and the poor is widening all over the world • Minimum wage and living wage Being paid a minimum wage means that an employee receives the lowest wage their employer is legally allowed to pay Some arguments put forwards in favor of the minimum wage are that it prevents people from being exploited by employers and from having to rely on social benefits in order to make ends meet Seite 20 von 21 ● Minimum wagę: calculated in accordance with the development of the job market Living wage: hourly rate calculated on basis of the cost of living index (e.g. travel, food, etc.) Being available on the weekend? Flexibility is an important quality in the world of work and in some jobs the employees must be available at every time Not enough time for family and friends -> reduction of free time No separation of work and your private life Burnout, illness, stressed out Employers hire people who don't have a family or children, fire people who want to start a family -> more competition Outsourcing and teleworking Your employer expects you to travel although its your day off Effects of the digital Revolution Positive aspects opportunities for the emerging world Raising wages for the knowledgeable Empowering the talented Creating jobs for the educated Demand is high in some sectors Negative aspects gab between skilled and unskilled workers Large pool of unemployment Premature deindustrialization Damit is high which could cause problems - Seite 21 von 21