


Englisch Lernzettel, Q1 (Summary, Analysis, Comment); Thema: American Dream







→Read the text carefully to find out the main idea
(thesis) Underline it.
→Read the
→Read the text carefully to find out the main idea
(thesis) Underline it.
→Read the

KLAUSURTHEMEN -Summary -Analasis -Comment Shummary STEP →Read the text carefully to find out the main idea (thesis) Underline it. →Read the text again and highlight idees facts or arguments (words and phrases rather that whole sentences) that support the thesis STEP2 → In the first sentence mention author, titel, tert type, date and the mainidear theme of the text: → write short paragraphs summing up the major Arguments STEP3 check and if nesessary revise your summary. You can do this best if you imagine you are a reader who knows nothing about the topic -nur wichtige Aspekte -13-14 der länge des orginal Textes -Simple present -eigene worte -keine eigene Meinung - keine wortliche Rede/aitate → Formulierungen 1. Einleitung The speech ..." given by... in (ort)...in (Datum) deals with/talks about... He points out the fact that... (Intention). 2. Hauptteil According to the author (überthema 2.8. the American Dream has changed over the years) >Puther more > Moreover > In the first/second / third part he points out.... 3. Schluss > In the end you draw the conclusion that... > All in all... (Author) belives that... получи 1 Einleitung →in his/her speech... (Author) tries to influence/convince/ motivate the listener to... (Intention) In order to convey his message he employs different kinds of stylistic devices as well as a certain choice of words. 2. Hauptteil → It is noticiable that he/she uses easy words/informal/ formal language. because he/she gives the speech in public / private Situation. The Author uses (Stilmittel) in part......

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of his / her speech, when he says "..." 3. Schluss All in all the speaker convinces his listener by the use of positiv /negativ words and stylistic devices to support his aim, Therefore, he can get full attention from the listener that.../2.B he is the perfekt president for America) → denotation: wörtliche Bedeutung >2.8. legless reptile) the speaker uses.... (bsp. →connonation: Assosiation >&a evil, danger 11-to create a negative/ positive connoation (deno- bation COMMENT 1 Einleitung (Thema → Spannend) 28. The American Dream has been around for hundreds of years. But is hard work actually the key to success, or do other factors such as a wealthy familiy, skin color and heritage play a part as well? The text introduces the problem of... Nevertheless ... (Author) belives /not in the American dream. I do not completely agree with. In my opinion... + example 2. Hauptteil (Argumente) + Considering the fact that... In contrast to... +example Moreover another important point is... Supporters of... might argue that... Above all, it must be said... 3. Schluss > Having considered the different arguments, I... > Looking at the two sides, I have to say... REFORICAL DEVICES Accumulation (Aufzählung ähnlicher Wörter) Alliteration "rock the ragged". Allusion (Andeutung) " From 1914 to 1918 we..." points to historical events Anaphora (Aufzählungal. Wörter) "Every day []. Every day CD!" emphatic effect Antithesis/contrast, "When she came in, I went out" to stress certain aspects of a message abrouse reader's interest; produce a rhythmic effect Antonym (opposite) " night-day" Climax (Steigerung der Wichtigkeit) "faith, hope and love" Ellipsis (Auslassung) "She came in, (then she) saw..." Enumeration (Aufzählung) Group of three "our openness, our hospitality and our belief" Hyperbole (übertreibung) "This man weighs a ton" Metaphor (Visualisierung) "This exam was hell for the students" Oxymoron (Paradoxon) "bittersweet" O dramatic effect Prounouns "we, our, your" Listener feels included Parallelism (the repetition of a sentence pattern) "Clook at you. Look at us... Personification (Verbildliching) "The sun is smiling" (Ähnlichkeit mit Metapher) Repetition (Wiederholung) catching reader's attention Rethorical question rhythmic effect Symbol create complex associations simile (Vergleich) "beautiful like.../... as... as to enhance expressiveness (Sprache verbildlicht) superlative "the biggest" highlights certain aspects