









• global changes in communication, the economy, technology and transport
-people around the world are able to communicate with each other mo
• global changes in communication, the economy, technology and transport
-people around the world are able to communicate with each other mo
• global changes in communication, the economy, technology and transport
-people around the world are able to communicate with each other mo
• global changes in communication, the economy, technology and transport
-people around the world are able to communicate with each other mo
• global changes in communication, the economy, technology and transport
-people around the world are able to communicate with each other mo
• global changes in communication, the economy, technology and transport
-people around the world are able to communicate with each other mo
• global changes in communication, the economy, technology and transport
-people around the world are able to communicate with each other mo
• global changes in communication, the economy, technology and transport
-people around the world are able to communicate with each other mo
• global changes in communication, the economy, technology and transport
-people around the world are able to communicate with each other mo
• global changes in communication, the economy, technology and transport
-people around the world are able to communicate with each other mo
• global changes in communication, the economy, technology and transport
-people around the world are able to communicate with each other mo

• global changes in communication, the economy, technology and transport -people around the world are able to communicate with each other more easily -Consumers are able to get goods and services faster and cheaper Globalization (phenomenon). Definition process of global spread of ideas /information/products/power globally / based on free trade / modern technology/cultural knowledge / the contract between people /c06- peration -growing global network of trade, travel, knowledge and influence. -transfer of goods, capital and services - a lot of chances but also challenges -the key to problems but also their solutions -the interviewing of markets, technology, information systems and telecommunication networks - expansion of foreign trade and investment -process where regional economics and cultures have been integrated into the global trade - people functioning together - leads to a feeling of "togetherness" Causes Components of globalization: environment, culture, society, economy, population, politics, media, technology -exploration (unlit 1500). L> founding and forming of villages, cities and infrastructure Colonization (1500-1900): 1776/89: US and French revolutions development of writing and printing technologies. Industrial Revolution (numerous inventions) ↳advances in communications ・Internationalization (1906- present) : 1927: Development of the TV Lint. trade and organizations 1> technology and global media. Lsinformation revolution Global warming - Weather: world heats up, extreme weather, number of natural desasters has more than doubled up -polarice: Shortening of the show season, melting of polarice and permafrost. broderisity: pushes...

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species out of their hapils -> clestrous diversity of species - health people die as a direct result of global warming, weakened people are more affected for diseases -trade/economy •Spread of information and knowledge -(political) cooperation -technology • transport / travel" -Cultural exchange -interconnection 1978: Opening up of China to the rest of the world 1989: Tearing down of the Berlin wall 1992: Formation of the Europe Union The impact of globalisation on culture and communication -majority of products orginiating from Asian / 3rd world countries (clothes, technological products) -mass production of low budget + high quality labels -cheap production / low production costs / low wages/child labour/poor working conditions /less governmental regulations for production/ little environmental protection The globalization of companies - industrialisation allowed cheap production and was the beginning of modern globalization - important developments: world got more connected -population growth creates demand for products -multinational companies were foundeel -> rise of sea level, irreversible -global integration and economy -movement of goods and information Chances and Challenges Chances: -increases cultural awareness and exchange. - peace /tolerance / global togetherness » a global civil society (exchange) •int. exchange of knowledge ->help to where it is needed (charities / NGOs) -migrants can move to different countries - more information is available than ever before -major improvements in productivity, innovation, creativity -→>can find friends / partners all over the globe -- traditions ; regional; cultural identity can be shared/explained/ continued and celebrated gaining access to essential products, medicine and specialities from all over the world - small and large companies can sell their products ・global market area secures jobs, livelihoods and economic stability -global trade / access to products/ cheap material -fair trade campaigns can help other countries - mobile and internet technology - global communication facilitates trade, travel and contact -Cooperation in different areas. -news and instant information can safe lifes -globul job market /travel + transport - has helped the spread of democracy -promotes international trade and competition facilitates trade - more open information flows -diffusion of new ideas; kechnology, products, services, lifestyles; gaining access -new potential markets and customers; global mathet are; global trade -increase of communication - increasing coherence of politics in economy, society and employment due to international standards - cooperation throu h partnerships major increase in international investments. -cultures become closer and intermingled - fighting racism Challenges: -westernisation -> endangers the cultural diversity -developed countries use their economic and political to intervene in other countries affairs > interventions -> can cause divide and war ·limited ressources are disappearing -un-sustainable lifestyle and consumerism -toxic waste is left to Third World workers. -availability of fresh water may become crucial -people- smuggling -bad: treatment of immigrant minorities. - difficult working conditions (child labour, low pay) -unfair clistribution of wealth and power -rise of 'global players' dominating the market' Lbad for small businesses - outsourcing and the global competition for cheap materials and labour -> undermine the standards of living and the income in poor countries. manipulated to consume more than what we need -environmental pollution -Widening gab between pour /rich countries - personal data becomes less secure -non-clemocratic governments control their people -poor counhies have little to no access to the global internet network -flood of information makes it difficult to find out which information is important and to assess the quality of the s e source - risk of infections (global health issues and spread of pandemics). -gain has been at the expense of developing countries - more difficult to fight terrorism and crime (human traffiching) -exploitation of poor developing countries -dependence on other countries regarding specific goods or services -global financial crisis situations -Social goals are being ignored → stand second to financial interests -rising Competition -uncontrolled money flow - control by multinationals; degradation of social standards; widening powser imbalances - trade barriers still exist - widening social gaps -danger to the environment -massive pollution in third world countries - "outsoursing" of CO2 emissions > a lot of traffic and transport. - regional and ethnic tension about natural ressources (clean water biological diversity is clestroyed). -corruption - erosion of clemocracy and fair play through multinationals. -1, flexibility of companies => hiring and firing becomes more easily. --technology can replace people - loss of jobs Economy Sweat Shops: - cheap labor -> Western consumers get cheaper goods, but there are very bad working conditions working Conditions:- famous brands: Nike, Adidas are breaking every rule when it comes to labour rights is poor countries:- minimum wage -temporary contracts -workers don't receive pay until their quota is reached -forced to work overtime -mental and physical abuse -too many workers in one room without access to toilet / water or food Process that made the textile industry move to Bangladesh - before in countries like China, South Korea, Japan... -with textile industries the economy developed, gained more knowledge about business, make new investments into electronics →wages increase-prices of products increase as well →> companies more to new places to produce - more cheaply What role did the developed world play in this ? -> always want to find cheaper prices for clothes fall -> the countries can't expand to higher-wage indushies like electronics -> can't invest because they are poor >> no lucrative industries. -> wages stay the same, are suppressed by first world countries. The garmet's inclustry's effect on poor people in Bangladesh · exploitation or opportunity. Opportunities - get access to the market. -export growth reduces poverty -poverty rates have fullen. -developping countries are integrated into the world trading system -workers standards of living are much higher than without a job. → beneficial for them -gives the people opportunity to be able to support them and their family -introduces poor countries into world trading system region in another job hope for better lives beyond the daily struggle -working in garmet factories is better payed than most jobs in rual areas. ↳may be able to pay for their children's education -Some workers can climb the society ladder and became a supervisor in the factory - some people may be able to save part of their wages. and invest in setting up their own business Exploitation - can't fight against the bad working conditions -child labour -> no ability to get educated can't get out -the economy of the country can't improve - get paid too less ·garmet industry exploits people from Bangladesh because they rather work for less money than having no job and being poor -workers in Bangladesh clon't have rights wanting more money means to get fired or Companies search for cheaper procluction in other countries -tough working conditions. ·loose their social connections workers are always at rish: being seriously injured or even killed. -the garmet industry demands millions of unskilled workers who are not compelled to improve their knowledge and skills and are unable to get better qualified and more remunerative jobs Globalization and Poverty -complex relationship -creates an increasing gap of poverty and inequality -poor countries need help with education, improving their infrastructure and need access to credit may be hurt by globalization I have low productivity which leads to no access to the market. -export growth and incoming foreign investment reduces poverty (proofen by studies) Negative impacts of globalization on poverty -globalization leads to rising inequality. - small producers are put into hardship and it exists a price hike of daily usable commodities as a consequence poor countries need economic growth to reduce poverty - economy can't growlth if the country is poor - Vicious cicle (Teufelskreis) child labour children aren't able to go to school -poor countries with an abundance of unskilled labour don't gain from trade -dominance of foreign inclustries - Competition among developing countries Positive impacts of globalization on poverty - more efficient markets and wealth equality · poverty rates have fallen developping countries have been inkgrated into the world trading system - foreign investment has brought jobs - living standards increase Antiglobalists - globalization is a producer of inequality ↳ the workers have no rights, low wages and unsafe working conditions -Wages aren't enough for the workers to be able to provide their families ··Swealshops are the cause of poverty an inequality - developing countries are left behind and can't be in the process of economic integration Globalists -workers standards of living are much higher than without a job -> beneficial for them. ·=> Pardow might recluce poverty but increases inequality. Conclusion threals and opportunities - we have underestimated its fragility - best way for them to have employment opportunities that anse when there is a demand in rich countries that poor countries can produce is have to take bach control of the economic process -future tasks and requirements - thinking locally and globally -being future-oriented; sustainability, raise our awareness to our consumption -improve health and safety standards in cleveloping countries stewardship of natural resources -redefine our self-interest mündliche Prüfung - 25 min Vorbereitungszeit introductory sentence reffering to the context of the cartoon; general statement on the message / the aim of the cartoonist barchart pie chart. table. The cartoon by... was first published in... ridicules / poles mat/ line graph. mochs/aims at /criticising... map •2. Cartoon beschreiben L> combination of drawing with a text, criticising current events; clevelopments; Society Consider the source of the cartoon, clate of publication and the target group of the cartoon -describe all the elements in the cartoon which relate to the message in detail - describe activities displayed in the cartoon => present progressive. -pay particular attention to symbols the cartoonist uses to refer to sth. else - closely examine the text - refer to the title, caption, bubble(s) -find out whether there is a contrast between picture and text -record any important clates or numbers in the cartoon 3. Interpretation of the cartoon -explain what the idea is referring to --point out what hey people / groups are part of the cartoon's message describe how these are betrayed -find out how the caption in the cartoon conhibues to the cartoon's message - identify the irony, symbols, exageration, their effect -summarise the overall message" 4. Evaluation of the cartoon are the methods chosen effectively. - point out which people would agree/disagree with the cartoons message. 11. eine Rolle für ein Gespräch zur Globalisierung -> Sätze ausbauen -> auf den Vorredner eingehen. statistic information voc: horizontal/vertical axis ・ to show / present / illustrate/highlight/ to demonstrate / referto ・ wogegen = = whereas - make an indication of the source. - give your own opinion => check the reliability. -arranged from highest to lowest - no source is given => we don't know the year. , how many people where ashed = 1 not really reliable. - in the first panel / in the panel on the left in the middle / centre of the cartoon - at the top / bottow / on the left/right in the top left-hand / bottom right-hand /corner/ in the background / foreground -is crawn realistically /is clistored/exagerac" -is a symbol of -Stands for implies - refers to / alludes to -is a reference / allusion to/ a hint -Shows /reveals/points to the fact that -the cartoon aims at critisising /ridiculing/ poking fun at /is supposed to satirise/condem/ moch / make fun of.. -the cartoon depicts - the cartoonist's point seems to be lis -Presumably the message /intention. / aim of the cartoonist ist.... Describe and analyse the cartoon. Begin by stating what it is about and describe what it shows, Mention all the details that contribute to its message. Explain whether you think the cartoon is effective or not. 25 THE RICH Describe and analyse the cartoon. Begin by stating what it is about and describe what it shows. Mention all the details that contribute to its message. Explain whether you think the cartoon is effective or not. m GLOBALISATION JUSTI DO IT! NIKE Ⓒ Geography Resources contribut and analyse the cartoon. Begin by stating what it is about and describe what it shows. Mention all the details that contribute to its message. Explain whether you think the cartoon is effective or not. USA INDONESIA NO WORK $150 SHOES BOSSES ONLY THAT'S OUR RISING STAR HERE AT NIKE HE CAN MAKE A RUNNING SHOE IN 9.68 SECONDS! HAHAR 320 Go Foll GOLD: Describe and analyse the cartoon. Begin by stating what it is about and describe what it shows. Mention all the details that contribute to its message. Explain whether you think the cartoon is effective or not. SHET CLOCK 124203.86 TOMORROWS EVENT MENSA SHIDY MAMO GUOTA 100 100 LOTS OF WORK BORS NO SHOES JUST Do IT! DANZGER OUFS Inc Role play/discussion Imagine the following scenario: Bjoern, a Swedish boy, 17 years old, fervently supports the Fridays for Future movement. He thinks that consumerism must be reduced and the people should urgently turn towards a sustainable lifestyle. On a ferry to Great Britain, he meets Anna, 17 years old, a student from Germany who has her own fashion channel and thousands of followers on Instagram She cannot understand Bjoern's stance and sees no sense in reduce consumerism. A third fellow traveller is Jamal, 16, from India, who has come to France three years ago as an immigrant after having worked in an Indian call center company for years. He is happy to have left India and tries to understand both mindsets. Make sure you use suitable discussion phrases. If you want to contradict your partner, for instance, you could use some of the expressions below, for example: . . exercise 2 for oral exam . • . . You have made some good points; however, one must also consider ... You seem to have forgotten some very important issues, namely ... At first glance your argument seems to be true. But ... You have obviously failed to reveal the truth of the matter, ... I agree with you about ..., but You've rightly pointed out that ... However, ... I strongly disagree with what you were saying. One must take into account that ... I can't approve of ... That's one way to think about it, but you should also think about/consider... Your argumentation seem plausible at first glance; however, I would like to remind you of ... I'm afraid but your arguments are not really convincing. These days it is generally accepted that ... You have rightly pointed out ..., but... There's no doubt about ..., but... I'm afraid I have to contradict you there/on that point. I agree/disagree with you on the following points ... Another way to look at this is ... Surely you have to admit that ... Role play/discussion Imagine the following scenario: Angela, German, 17 years old, has done a school project on globalization and has taken quite a critical stance. She is even thinking of joining an anti-globalisation group in order to make people aware of the negative aspects of globalization. In a compartment of a train to Italy, she meets Fred, 17 years old, an exchange student from the USA who fervently supports the idea of globalization. He cannot understand Angela's pessimistic views A third fellow traveller is Amila, 16, from Bangladesh, who has come to Italy five years ago as an immigrant after having worked in a textile company for years. She is happy to have left Bangladesh and tries to understand both mindsets. Make sure you use suitable discussion phrases. If you want to contradict your partner, for instance, you could use some of the expressions below, for example: . . exercise 1 for oral exam . . . . You have made some good points; however, one must also consider ... You seem to have forgotten some very important issues, namely ... At first glance your argument seems to be true. But You have obviously failed to reveal the truth of the matter, ... I agree with you bout..., but ... You've rightly pointed out that... However, ... ... I strongly disagree with what you were saying. One must take into account that ... I can't approve of ... That's one way to think about it, but you should also think about/consider ... Your argumentation seem plausible at first glance; however, I would like to remind you of ... I'm afraid but your arguments are not really convincing. These days it is generally accepted that ... You have rightly pointed out..., but ... There's no doubt about .... but ... I'm afraid I have to contradict you there/on that point. I agree/disagree with you on the following points ... Another way to look at this is ... Surely you have to admit that ... KV 8 b: Analysing cartoons - Part II Analyse the cartoon using the words and phrases in the Word bank. YESTERDAY TODAY FINISH YOUR HOMEWORK- THERE ARE PEOPLE IN CHINA AND INDIA WHO ARE STARVING FOR YOUR JOB... FINISH YOUR DINNER- THERE ARE PEOPLE IN CHINA AND INDIA WHO ARE STARVING... 20 A RIGGERS WWW.MILTPRIGGEE.COM/FUBER SOUND BUSINESS JOURNA Word bank *** • The cartoon by. was first published in ... ridicules/pokes fun at/mocks/aims at criticising.. . In the first panel/in the panel on the left/in the middle/centre of the cartoon/at the top/ bottom/on the left/ right/in the top left- hand/bottom right- hand corner/in the background/fore- ground/... ... is drawn realistic- ally/is distorted/ exaggerated/... ... is a symbol of/ stands for/implies/ refers to/alludes to/... ... is a reference/an allusion to/a hint/... shows/reveals/ points to the fact that ... ● p. 37, ex. 4 ● • The cartoon aims at criticising/ridiculing/ poking fun at/is supposed to satirise/ condemn/mock/make fun of/... • The cartoon depicts ... • The cartoonist's point seems to be/is (not so) obvious/... • Presumably the message/intention/aim of the cartoonist is ...