









every day life
- food & clothes
- communication with people all over
the world
- learning different languages
- education
- mobile phones/so
every day life
- food & clothes
- communication with people all over
the world
- learning different languages
- education
- mobile phones/so
every day life
- food & clothes
- communication with people all over
the world
- learning different languages
- education
- mobile phones/so

every day life - food & clothes - communication with people all over the world - learning different languages - education - mobile phones/social media culture / religion - traveling (tourists) - fashion/beauty standards literature, music, films, Netflix migration - custom traditions, values, beliefs - food - religion -> exposure language -> converting is more usual - diversity of people - languages - studying abroad - sports - international events access to information. Globalization politics - international alliance and cooperations - trade as a warpen - investment policy - updates about every political decision from all over the world - more opportunities for espionage - global challenges (Covid-19) + opportunities (vaccine) cold war migration - climate change - worldwide movements (BLM, F for Future) nomy econc - global trade - constant change of development export/import -> easier access to other countries economic independence - outsourcing of labour and productions -> cheaper workers and prices stock markets technology - social media - internet - communication all over the world - copying technology - job opportunities - economical advantage - medical progress - artificial intelligence - military technology driving factors technological drivers market drivers - economical drivers (imperialism) - political drivers (industrialization) - assumption - it all started with imperialism winners & losers - bigger countries - economically - stronger countries industrialized developing countries - big companies multinational corporations = global players -GER industry. winners losers - developing countries (progress) - environment workers of developing countries smaller companies 4 competition - local farmers - loss of individuality. - textile industry. - low-cost factories cultures -> westernization/americanization effects of COVID-19 on globalization technology + communication via digital devices + significance of (face to face) communication + working from home...

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Ich liebe diese App so sehr, ich benutze sie auch täglich. Ich empfehle Knowunity jedem!! Ich bin damit von einer 4 auf eine 1 gekommen :D

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Die App ist sehr einfach und gut gestaltet. Bis jetzt habe ich immer alles gefunden, was ich gesucht habe :D

Lena, iOS Userin

Ich liebe diese App ❤️, ich benutze sie eigentlich immer, wenn ich lerne.

Alternativer Bildtext:

(flexibility) + efficiency parents 4 -coordination/management/timing + companies save money (less working spaces) politics trade, war between China 4 USA high pressure, bad, quick decisions competition (comparison of political systems -> drive) + political cooperations (eg. GER/F) increasing racism (China) --> institutional racism (Black ppl, USA) + crime rate went down impact on elections changing school system (digitalization) - cooperation/competition pressure opportunity other political issues seem less relevant + -> swept under the rocks due to omnipresent of Covid-19 - dependence on great production forces (China; imported goods) + questioning globalization pandemic prevention medicine medical cooperations- greater competition significance of urology + rising awareness for potential outbreak of viruses -> higher standards economy suffering companies/businesses crash of stock market delays in import/export trade: war between China 4 USA - less orders - fear of economic crisis + e-commerce (Amazon) - gap between big companies and smaller/ medium-sized businesses is widening tourism - trust issues/migration: are people healthy? +less people travel -> environment + +-less CO emissions +-> impact especially on countries depending on tourism risk of overcrowded places once traveling is. possible again +animals less endangered (lack of tourists) + ppl are forced to stay home (home office) individuals/society isolation -> depression -> suicide 4 -> domestic violence conspiracy theories gain attention crime rent went down people fear democracy/freedom of thought are in danger - loss of jobs + support, protection, bonding