Hamlet by William Shakespeare is a tragic tale of revenge, madness, and corruption set in the royal castle of Elsinore, Denmark. The play revolves around Prince Hamlet, who seeks to avenge his father's murder by his uncle Claudius. This Hamlet Zusammenfassung explores themes of betrayal, appearance versus reality, and the consequences of inaction.
Key points:
- Prince Hamlet's father, King Hamlet, is murdered by Claudius, who then marries Queen Gertrude
- A ghost appears, claiming to be Hamlet's father and demanding revenge
- Hamlet feigns madness while plotting against Claudius
- The play culminates in a tragic series of deaths, including Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude, and Laertes
This Hamlet Inhaltsangabe Wikipedia equivalent provides a comprehensive overview of the plot, character relationships, and central themes, making it an ideal resource for students seeking a Hamlet Zusammenfassung für Kinder.