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Nr. Seite 1-2 3 4-6 6-7 8-9 9-13 13-15 INHALTSVERZEICHNIS Art der Arbeit how to write a.... figures of speech typical elements/structure of texts. important synonyms & operators. + the Media Disgraced, Ayad Akhtar American history 16-17 Science and technology 18-21 Macbeth, Shakespeare 21-24 24-27 Globalization. The Wall, John Lanchester Zensur I Englisch Abitur how to write a.. → Summary : 1. Einleitungssatz: TATATZE 2. Hauptteil: simple present, keine Zitate / direkte Rede, keine eigene Meinung W-Fragen 3. Schluss →analysis: (in general) analyse plot, setting, narrative technique, structure, Language connect stylistic devices with their effects explain in your own words and support with quotes -confirm/contradict your hypothesis short summary of results. •Conclusion: -> analysis : (political speech) 1. Redesituation politisch-historischer Kontext: Ort. Zeit, Medium, weltanschaulich ideologischer Hintergrund 2. Redeinhalt: Thema, Problemstellung, Kernaussagen 3. Redeabsicht: Intention bei Beachtung der Apellfunktion 4. Rhetorische Strategien: Aufwertung. Abwertung. Beschwichtigung, Ablenkung, Dramatisierung 5. Struktur & sprachliche Mittel der Rede: Aufbau der Argumentation, Schlüsselbegriffe, rhetorische Figuren 6. Vortrag der Rede / Wirkung 7. Beurteilung & Wertung der Rede R → characterization 1. Introduction: 2. Main part: · ΓΑΤΑΤΖΕ · W.Fragen: name, age, sex, height, clothes, language, nationality, social background, family, profession, behaviour towards others, actions thoughts, dreams, emotions, attitude · what other people think I say about him/her using text references & give examples 3. Conclusion: sum results up > direct characterization: the narrator la character tells the reader explicitly what a character is like > indirect characterization: the reader interprets a character by what the character thinks, says feels or does & how they interact with others. → comment 2. Main part: 3. Conclusion: 1. Introduction: contextualize the...
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quotation • · refer to underlying concepts/problems/mentalities - define a question you want to evaluate (thesis) critically evaluate the quotation / your question provide an elaborated opinion based on your Line of argument figures of speech > image > metaphor Vergleich > comparison - Vergleich > symbol konkrete Sache, die für etwas immaterielles/abstraktes steht > allegory Gleichnishafte Darstellung eines Begriffs > simile > personification > climax / anticlimax - Bedeutung in einer Reibung nimmt zu/ab > repetition > enumeration > alliteration > parallelism > exaggeration / understatement - Über-/Untertreibung > euphemism › allusion Beschönigen de Umschreibung Anspielung Ähnlichkeit > analogy > antithesis - Gegenbehauptung > paradox zuerst widersinnige Behauptung, die aber etimmt > oxymoron - Verbindung zweier sich logisch ausschließender Begriffe > tautology - Dappelaussage; zwei Worte, die das gleiche bedeuten > irony > pun - Wortspiel > rule of three > rhetorical question > use of the pronoun 'we' /inclusive 'we' S typical elements/structure of different types of text →short stories • short → 500-15000 words one main character (protagonist) or a group of equally. important characters a single setting time & place of action do not change lead-in : - starting right away, one plunges into action - main character, setting & scene are introduced slowly ·motivation for author: - there is a moral to be told ▾ depiction of conflicts or problems decisive moments in the life of a person • the plot facuses on action & suspense /psychology & character only one storyline often with a surprise lopen ending → narrative perspectives. first-person narrator: •a character narrates from their own perspective - often main protagonist third-person limited narrator: - tells story from the outside, focus on one persons feelings & thoughts but not identical with them third-person omniscient narrator: - knows everything but not involved in the storyline - sometimes comments on events / behaviour in the future. - style of narration is mainly neutral & distanced. strategies political speeches. Identification of the speaker with his audience to experience shared by speaker & audience >>. motivation because of all the things they've already overcame Look back in history the is what happens if they repeat the same mistakes Appeal to patriotism (emotion) to strengthen audience's sense of sohesion & community shows their love for their country & the will to fight for beliefs. refer to Bibel to support their arguments Reference to the Bibel / to religion many are very religious & identify with those storic Expression of the belief that America has a mission to fulfils. they have a purpose convinces nation everyone expects them to do what they're told to fulfil Ris Expression of the will to make sacrifices → makes speaker carn respect because they put the well-being of their country & people above their own Emphasis on the triumph of democracy speaker represents them & their gives people the feeling of being heard Evaluation of the speaker's own position (devaluation of the opponent's position supports speaker's position with orguments & examples > tone: hopeful demanding, admonishing, cheerful, assertive, Light-hearted, regretful, persuasive, inspirational, optimistic, urgent, serious.. -> expression of the author's attitude > style= colloquial / informal, formal, neutral language, specific semantic fields (religion, business,...) → refers to the kind of language the author uses → drama a drama → comedy "play classical drama (5 acts, created by Aristotle) or modern drama effect on the audience / spectators: > highly influenced /moved by the ending ↳ very strong emotions are triggered (e.g. shock...) > ponder it > Look at it from a different perspective, detect link to one's own Life, undergo a developement catharsis" (dt. innere Reinigung) Climax tragedy classical plays / tragical here lesson to be learnt > structure by alluding get attention of the audience. increases sympathy for the speaker Exposition Hiddia fart catastrophe ves 5 →non-fictional text. Line of argument (Gedankengang) tone of article (serious/sarcastic/ironic / lighthearted /etc.) presentation of opposing topics yet try to convince the reader of their own position point of view. - use of specific semantic fields/ sentence structure strengthening argumentation: use of passive, quoting authorities, examples & statistic stylistic devices (positive connotations, inclusive we, etc.) (indirect) address of the reader →intro / conclusion ► important synonyms + operators →show: to emphasize - betonen - to stress - betonen to highlight-hervorheben · to underline- unterstreichen - to draw attention to aufmerksam maches to point out-aufzeigen to make clear- deutlich machen • to claim - beanspruchen to maintain - aufrecht erhalten to focus on sth. -auf etw. konzentrieren - to clarify - klären - to depict - zeigen, darstellen - to prove - beweisen → good . . excellent great pleasant of high-quality Superior - to express - ausdrücken · to assert- behaupten · to suggest - vorschlagen to demonstrate - demonstrieren to accentuate - akzentuieren - to insist on auf etw. bestchen · to state - erklären outstanding impressive marvellous · perfect fine → bad: • awful terrible inferior · evil •naughty - disgusting Anforderungsbereich . describe - outline • state I : genau beschreiben grobe, oberflächliche Zsmfassung der Hauptpunkte -Sachverhalt klar & präzise auf den Punkt bringen (keine Details/Beispiele) present Aspekte (um-) strukturieren & niederschreiben • point out best. Infos herausfiltern & erklären (keine Details/Beispiele) · summarise - Zemfassung Hauptpunkte / best. Aspekte eines Textes Anforderungsbereich I : analyse /examine Text auf best. Merkmale / Aspekte untersuchen & analysieren; Aspekte beschreiben & erklären - horrible dreadful · mediocre wicked - contrast - sinister " appalling (niemals Zitate) interpret-Bedeutung eines best. Aspekts (2B. Textpassage, Aussage, Verhalten) herausarbeiten · characterise - Beschreibung & Deutung eines Charakters; Schlussfolgerungen aus expliziten Merkmalen zichen explain -Sachverhalte / Aspekte beschreiben & definieren illustrate compare Anforderungsbereich II: comment begründete, eigene Meinung abgeben & durch Textbelege stützen • discuss / evaluate/assess - Erörterung mit pro & kontra Argumenten justify überzeugend darstellen, wieso eine Entscheidung/Schlussfolgerung gerechtfertigt ist Gegenüberstellung zur Hervorhebung der Unterschiede Sachverhalt veranschaulichen; Beispiele aus Text herausfiltern Unterschiede & Ahnlichkeiten herausstellen +Fazit