


Leseverstehen und Lingua Franca







Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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5 10 15 20 25 Part 1: Reading Comprehension For multiple choice or right/wrong questions please note: ● ● 7/10 Tick the correct solution(s) Give reference from the text: Write down the line (s) plus the first three words and the last three words of the text quote which supports the solution you chose. [...] Khaddam Hussain arrived in the northern English city of Bradford at the age of 8. His parents, like many Pakistanis in the early 1960s, had come to fill their former colonial rulers' demand for cheap labor. While his father kept his head down working at the woolen mill, Khaddam coped with racism. "I was the only Asian in the whole school," he says. "Day in and day out I got beaten up and some teachers just stood there." Soon, though, there were few white faces left in the Manningham district, where his family lived. Asians moved into the terraced houses and eventually, Pakistani supermarkets banned alcohol. Children learned little English and not much else at ill-funded schools that were almost 95% Asian. As they grew older, young men complained of police insensitivity and borderline brutality. Some, like Khaddam's son Adnan, had enough resourcefulness and family help to start their own businesses, but many can't find a way out of the ghetto. The eruption came when a minor clash between...

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white and Asian gangs exploded into three days of violence in July 2001. Young Asian men turned their rage on the police and ravaged the symbols of "white culture," like a BMW showroom and a club for white working-class men. Many of the older generation were shocked their sons were involved. But young men with Bradford rather than Punjabi accents were no longer operating by their fathers' rules. "They feel a distance from their own parents," says Martin Baines, a West Yorkshire police inspector who has worked on police-community relations for 25 years. "They've created a culture and identity all their own." 2 Rebuk The riots coincided with the publication of a report on ways to ease cross-cultural tensions. The report painted a grim portrait of a place where white flight had left behind an underclass of poor ethnic minorities and concluded that the nation was in danger of becoming a collection of separate communities leading parallel lives with their own places of worship, employment, schools, community organizations, languages and social networks. Bradford exemplified the perils of Britain's 20-year approach to integrating its immigrants. Responding to the open racism that greeted the first postwar wave from the old empire, Britain grudgingly decided to let the different identities of its minorities flourish. Yet for more than a decade 30 35 40 45 50 - and especially after the July attacks on London's transport system by alleged homegrown sukehrend suicide bombers-the government has grown increasingly uneasy with passive multiculturalism. Trevor Phillips, the black chair of the Commission for Racial Equality, recently fueled the debate when he charged Britain with "sleepwalking into segregation," with its emphasis on recognizing and respecting diverse cultures. But Britain rejects U.S.-style affirmative action in favor of something less drastic: having the government take a more active interest in ensuring all its diverse citizens share enough values and common experiences to keep the country together. That can entail small things like encouraging a more profound sense of British citizenship through tests of national knowledge. And it can involve fundamental changes in how the police, for example, interact with minority communities. In Bradford, Baines works for a department that now has 4.1% minority police officers, regularly consults with an ethnic-liaison committee, broadcasts a radio program to the Asian audience, and works with locals to head off trouble before it can build into rioting. The difference in community policing, he says, is that "We're on the ground, we can't run and hide." Yet the steps are incremental. Bradford today is still a poor, uneasy mix of integration and discrimination. Iftikhar Hussain, manager of a restaurant wrecked by white youths in revenge for the 2001 riots, has helped rebuild a business that attracts a booming white clientele. But he is convinced racism lies behind difficulties he's had with the local authorities. And he is angry that the schools his children attend are still almost completely Asian. He supplements their lessons with private tutors and the kids, aged 18, 16 and 14, want to go to university. "But I worry because they haven't een to school with any whites," says Hussain. "How are they going to handle things when they go to university with them or when they start a job?" [...] (701 words) From: Time, 2005 Annotations: 1. 20 1. 32 white flight affirmative action 1.38 ethnic-liaison committee the fact that white citizens have moved away from a certain area government program to support minorities and women committee that consists of representatives from different ethnic groups and that works towards interracial understanding 1 True or false? Give the appropriate quote. Adnan and his family are typical of the majority of Pakistani inhabitants in Bradford. line(s). 9-11 2 True or false? Give the appropriate quote. line(s) follow Male Pakistani adolescents are no longer willing to adhere to a traditional code of behavior. quote: "Khaddam's son Adhan. 15-16 line(s). quote: "But 3 The report mentioned in the text was meant to Xanalyze the threat of racial unrest in Britain. improve the standard of living in Bradford. 21-22 yung mer. raise the standard of education in cross-cultural communities. reduce the effects of urbanization in Bradford. of the ghetto." ky their father's rules. true quote: concluded that the... leading parallel lives, false true false X X 4 Trevor Phillips accused the country of "sleepwalking into segregation" (I. 30) because Britain has taken 20 years to integrate its immigrants. IX the government is doing nothing to integrate different cultures. the local authorities did nothing to prevent white flight. the police did nothing to prevent the London Transport attacks. line(s) 28 5 Complete the sentence in your own words. · quote: "the government has ... with possive multiculturalism." When Baines says "We're on the ground. We can't run and hide." (1.40) he means that the whole community has to begin to integrate all of the minority, so racism ext and antagonism towards other ethnic groups will no longer be an issue. 6 Tick the two solutions and give the appropriate quotes. Iftikar Hussain became a target of white retaliation. has experienced discrimination by his white clients. is afraid that his children won't be able to go to university. serves as a good example of successful ethnic-liaison efforts. X wants a more racially diverse environment for his children. line(s) line(s)...2.........quote: "Iftikhar Hussain 44-45 ・quote: " he is angry • manager by white youths "# almost completely asian." 3 5 7 Match the following headings to the appropriate paragraphs in the text. Only three are correct. a. analysis of parallel communities in Britain b. Asians with their own culture and their own identity C. Britain's ethnic diversity d. government report on white flight e. measures for the integration of ethnic minorities f. rejection of affirmative action g. rioting Write the correct letters in the three corresponding boxes. paragraph heading 2 II. 12-18 Part 2: Composition OR Choose one of the following tasks: 3 II. 19-23 Comment on the statement. d 5 II. 32-40 Comment on the statement. ev 1. "To speak a single language is to be destined to live in the cultural cage into which you are born." (Michael Hofmann, translator) 2 content: 9.5/10 language: S/15 2. "Learning a language using online tools only is the perfect alternative to having English lessons with a teacher." -Learn proper English according to former uses of E. attend classes anytime anywhere. - lange age only go culture -programs not able to language as cultes close personal 6 English Exam Nr.1 @- Part 2 Learning a language using online tools only is the perfect al- ternative to having English lessons with a teacher. " Over 6000 languages Ofe be able to speak several languages is especially in industry countries ar respects and lo an advantage in many caterogjes, such as jobs, traveling. mary schools it is ver expected to learn at least one foreign language. Therefore, visiting Eng lessons with a teacher is the most used and successful method. But what if someone wants to learn a language and doesn't have the opportunity to visit a class ? for this A quote from unkoum claims that online tools would be the best choice after taking classes. comment on with English as example. In the following I will discuss the quotexx, with the exemple of age spazone existing in today's earth world. To ap 65 2 Learning a foreign language with the support of an online fool barcan be very successful, if you want to learn for example English On & level for formal uses. Online foot hang after are o programmed to use the کاوه Z formal terms and workings Online programs probably will not accidently use vernacular or an informal wording, other as a human teacher. Considering this aspect, online tools will be RIL ILL Learning a foreing language in the support of an adlinke tool is R very handy other than being fought by a human teacher. If classes with a teacher to learn for example Grifglish, you have to be you attend at a certain place of a certain time and have to bring all the pecessory material for the class. 16 using an online foot to learn the language, you have everything gathved in your phone /computer and also can (am St → don't give the language eany time. lovengonvinced that thi options advantage can help you to save more obligatory fime. While you deal with the appointments and obligative things in day 2 St R Cos GS: word (st) کھ (st) missing (St) uglow (St) / Bez Z 2 R dy R time, you can use the online food ex every time any thing t do. For example inte the bed at night or in breaks or when your are Laiting for something. The third argument I want to examine is the aspect that do no onkius program existing is able to deal with the diversity of humanity, and so the Ger: word missing different everyone has with bearning a foreign ・problems. # While one has with the tenses, another may struggled with the right building of a sentense and a third's difficulty is the vast vocabulary. If bal allending a bclass & with a teacher he/she? will be able to concentrate on the the by problems of each individually. A program is not able to adapt itself to the requests of wach person. According to theit, a program probably is not able to ansier porsa specific questions to a special exercise or precise exemply while a human teacher hould be in the position to do that don't have any has to On the other side, Learning a foreign language it with the support an online tool instead of a teacher, is that he/she probably will have more of an cultural influence in his/her language. An online tool will only teach. A human teacher you the language with it's vocabulary and surely has some experience teaching, wores and grammar. -country of the language he/she is or is ever a native speakers. I think that culture and are very close and are a part of each other because of that I believe that if somebody Lents to learn a new language get Canguage, he (she also to know the culture the language belongs to, to really be able to use the fanguage in a proper Lay. This achievement can reached with a human as a teacher. Bly be ای lovo to 2 In conclusion I can say that I understand and agree with the advantages of an online tool for learning a foreign languages. Further Itroly believe that for some people an online book would defindely be the better not choice, but I can not agree with the quote in view of the average human. From my point of view I down think of or link tools as the perfect alternative to a class, instead I would prefer learning books, with a maybe with the support of the Into net; but and an online book itself. R R