









Q1.2 E1/E2
2nd paper
2nd June, 2021
Part. Reading and writing
Text: William Shakespeare, Macbeth,
Q1.2 E1/E2
2nd paper
2nd June, 2021
Part. Reading and writing
Text: William Shakespeare, Macbeth,
Q1.2 E1/E2
2nd paper
2nd June, 2021
Part. Reading and writing
Text: William Shakespeare, Macbeth,
Q1.2 E1/E2
2nd paper
2nd June, 2021
Part. Reading and writing
Text: William Shakespeare, Macbeth,
Q1.2 E1/E2
2nd paper
2nd June, 2021
Part. Reading and writing
Text: William Shakespeare, Macbeth,
Q1.2 E1/E2
2nd paper
2nd June, 2021
Part. Reading and writing
Text: William Shakespeare, Macbeth,
Q1.2 E1/E2
2nd paper
2nd June, 2021
Part. Reading and writing
Text: William Shakespeare, Macbeth,
Q1.2 E1/E2
2nd paper
2nd June, 2021
Part. Reading and writing
Text: William Shakespeare, Macbeth,
Q1.2 E1/E2
2nd paper
2nd June, 2021
Part. Reading and writing
Text: William Shakespeare, Macbeth,

Name: zeynep Q1.2 E1/E2 2nd paper 2nd June, 2021 READING AND WRITING/MEDIATION Part. Reading and writing Text: William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act III, 1, 48-72 Assignments: 1. Outline Macbeth's view on his personal situation. (Comprehension-12 points) 2. Analyze how Macbeth presents his state of mind. Focus on structure, images and stylistic devices. (Analysis-16 points) 3. Against the background of your knowledge of the Elizabethan World Picture/ The Great Chain of Being, the drama and of the work done in class, comment on Macbeth's further development and the differences between the two regicides. (Evaluation: comment-14 points) Annotations: L. 48 thus-king, L. 52 dauntless - fearless, 1. 56 genius-guardian angel, 1. 57 chid-chided, challenged, 1. 62 barren-(unfruchtbar), gripe - grasp, hand, 1. 63 with an unlineal hand-by someone not of my family, 1. 65 issue-descendants, filed-defiled, corrupted, 1. 68 eternal jewel-soul, 1. 71 list-jousting tournament, battlefield, L. 72 utterance-death Part B: Mediation Text: Darum spielen wir Shakespeare, Karim Saab, 23. April 2016, MAZ Good Luck! Pa/Hul Your English pen pal is working on an essay about Shakespeare's global appeal and asks you whether Shakespeare is played in German theatres. You have found an interesting article explaining why producers in Brandenburg still put on Shakespeare's plays. In an email to you pen pal, outline the reasons each producer provides for staging Shakespeare. NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE Act 3, scene 1 e) You there, let me have a word...

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with Are those men waiting for me? he palace gate, my lord. Bring them to me. Kamany of tag E.T MODEEN TEXT 1 topics Part B Mediation: Shakespeare on German stages Your English pen pal is working on an essay about Shakespeare's global appeal and asks you whether Shakespeare is played in German theatres. You have found an interesting article explaining why producers in Brandenburg still put on Shakespeare's plays. In an email to your pen pal, outline the reasons each producer provides for staging Shakespeare. Darum spielen wir Shakespeare William Shakespeare, der vor vier Jahrhunderten starb, ist immer noch das Maß aller Dinge. Was macht sein Werk so brisant und aktuell, dass er immer noch der beliebteste Dramatiker ist? Die MAZ [Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung) hat sich unter vier Brandenburger Theatermachern umgehört. Karim Saab, 23. April 2016, Märkische Allgemeine [...] Mario Holetzeck, Schauspieldirektor am Staatstheater Cottbus: Shakespeare. Ein Star in ruheloser Zeit. Ein Genie? Das Wunder einer dauerhaften. Lebendigkeit? Shakespeare ist der Wahnsinn. Ist die Rache. Ist der Verrat. Der Mord. Ist die Spionage. Ist der Hass. Der Zweifler. Versachtung. Wut. Intrige. Die reine absolute Liebe. Er ist anders! Er stellt uns ständig vor Überraschungen. Wir können nicht aufhören, Neues in ihm zu entdecken, weil sein Drama uns immer wieder von einer neuen Seite her packt und uns dazu zwingt, nach anderen Antworten zu suchen. Wir tauchen in eine Welt der Vergangenheit ein und sind konfrontiert mit einer Welt der Gegenwart. Mit Shakespeare, der im 21. Jahrhundert angekommen ist. Obwohl sich sein 400. Todestag jährt, ist er aktueller denn je. Er hält uns einen Spiegel vor, in dem wir Eigenes wiedererkennen. Eine Shakespeare- Aufführung geht an keinem spurlos vorüber." [...] Tobias Weilemeyer, Intendant des Hans- Otto-Theaters in Potsdam: Shakespeare hat wie kein anderer das Theater geprägt: Ohne ihn kein Goethe, kein Schiller, kein Brecht. Schauen Sie in unseren On Spielplan, auch Huxleys „Schöne neue Welt" kommt nicht ohne Shakespeare aus. Wie kein anderer hat er poetisch, geistvoll und komplex die Abgründe des Menschen. beschrieben. Gnadenlos zeigt er das Ringen des Einzelnen um Glück und seine Verstrickung Machtmechanismen. Er zeigt Despoten im Aufstieg und Fall, menschliche Verkommenheit, schwache Helden, starke Frauen, dunkle Clowns. Mit seinen einzigartigen Beschreibungen der Liebe ist uns Shakespeare auch heute nah: Qual und Genuss, Begehren, Eifersucht und Hass- all diese Facetten hat er in seinen Stücken und Sonetten meisterhaft ausgeleuchtet. Schöner und drastischer hat das vielleicht keiner nach ihm geschafft."[...] 2. T Reinhard Simon, Intendant der Uckermärkischen Bühnen, Schwedt: „Die Texte William Shakespeares - zu denen ja nicht nur Theaterstücke gehören - sind nach wie vor von ungeheurer poetischer und rhetorischer Kraft. Insbesondere die Theaterstücke sind für ein breiteres Publikum geschrieben, das seine Kritik gewohnt war, sofort und unmissverständlich zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Die Tragödie birgt mitunter brachial humoristische Szenen, wie die Komödie tieftragische Momente enthält. Shakespeare gelingt es dadurch, jedem etwas zu bieten und dabei noch Figuren von großer Komplexität zu zeichnen, die in ihrer Zuspitzung auch für unsere Gegenwart noch interessant sind und Diskussionsstoff bieten. Dadurch bleiben seine Stücke in jeder Epoche aufs Neue prägnant und aktuel. Sie unterscheiden nicht, trennen nicht, sondern bilden zugespitzt Leben ab- in seiner ganzen komplexen Farbigkeit. Und sie rühren an unser Innerstes, denn dass es Shakespeare gelingt, nur mit Worten sämtliche Gefühle zu evozieren, ist der Kern seines Geheimnisses, denke ich." [...] hevorruffen vor dem geistigen Auge entstehen Igor Holland-Moritz, Dramaturg an der Neuen Bühne Senftenberg: 400 Jahre nach William Shakespeares Tod sind aus seiner Feder 38 Stücke und sechs Versdichtungen überliefert, darunter die berühmten 154 Sonette. Diese schiere Menge allein lässt schon ahnen: Man kommt einfach nicht an ihm vorbei. Shakespeare wurde in v über 100 Sprachen übersetzt schon sehr früh ins Deutsche und über die Jahre immer wieder neu - vom Romantiker Schlegel über Frank Günther und Thomas Brasch bis, jüngst sehr prominent, Feridun Zaimoglu. Es scheint, jede Zeit hat ihre Shakespeareübersetzung. Dabei ist der Dichter in seiner Beschreibung des Menschlichen zeitlos. Es bleibt wohl so, dass weiterhin unsere Geschichte schreibt. [...]" 2.T Q1.2 E1/E2 Name: 2. Klausur - W. Shakespeare, Macbeth Vorgaben für die Bewertung der Schülerleistungen Klausurteil A: a) inhaltliche Leistung Aufgabe 1 (Comprehension) Anforderungen Der Prüfling kommt sinngemäß zu folgenden Ergebnissen: • Macbeth has decided that Banquo must be killed. ✓ • he wants two murderers to perform this for him • he says this soliloquy before meeting these men Zeynep • Macbeth worries about his position as king since he feels that Banquo suspects him of having murdered Duncan ✔ • his feeling worries him greatly, especially since Banquo is very brave and can act in safety • Macbeth says indirectly that Banquo possesses the qualities a king should have which he Macbeth lacks M he feels repressed by Banquo and unable to act freely Macbeth remembers the prophecies of the weird sisters and believes that Banquo challenged them to speak to him so that they said his sons would be kings, which means that Macbeth's children would not succeed him ✓ by murdering Duncan Macbeth has therefore lost his immortal soul for Banquo's children he foresees that the crown will be taken away from him by force • he has given up his eternal life to the devil to make Banquo's sons kings he calls on Fate to make him do what has to be done namely murder Banquo 5 erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium (2) Gesamt maximal erreichte erreichbare Punktzahl Punktzahl 2 4 12 1 3 2 4 10 Aufgabe 2 (Analysis) Anforderungen Der Prüfling kommt sinngemäß tu folgenden Ergebnissen: I This soliloquy is clearly structured. 11. 48-57 Macbeth • considers his own position and compares it to that of✔✔ Banquo • expresses his fear and envy of Banquo V • refers to the historical example of Mark Anthony and to his 2 11.57-64 Macbeth • recalls the witches' prophecies ✓ • blames Banquo for urging the witches predict that Banquo would be father of a new line of kings and he, Macbeth, would not have any sons succeeding him ✓ shows his anger and jealousy of Banquo (✓) 3 11.64 f Macbeth ✓ • is upset and desperate because he realizes that he lost his own soul to the devil for the profit of Banquo's sons deems it right/has no qualms of killing Banquo V The images used refer mainly to Macbeth's state of being king and his soul: "fruitless crown" (1. 61) and "mine eternal jewel" (1.68). • The crown for which he killed "the gracious Duncan" almost seem worthless to Macbeth now a crown without a jewel. melaphas/ allusions • The language reflects Macbeth's disturbed and callous mind very expressive verbs to underline the unfairness of his situation 2nd part of the soliloquy- abundance of qualifying adjectives with negative connotations and with positive connotations again underline the contrast between his present royal state and that he destroyed through his (✓) murder • end of the speech: Macbeth appears to be cold-blooded appeals to Fate like a warrior going to battle erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium (4) Gesamt maximal erreichte erreichbare Punktrabl Punktzahl 3 3 3 لیا 16 2 3 15 Aufgabe 3 (Evaluation: comment) Anforderungen Der Prüfling greift auf den Text und im Unterricht erworbenes Wissen zurück und... Ierläutert, dass Macbeth • die Ermordung Duncans absolut nicht bereut ✔ Angst hat, die Königswürde, für die er bereits sein Seelenheil geopfert hat, zu verlieren • • die Ermordung von Banquo und Fleance der einzige Ausweg ist 2 charakterisiert Macbeth als Tyrannen, der völlig skrupellos und ohne Angst vor Entdeckung über ✓ Leichen geht (Banquo, Fleance, Lady Macduff und ihr Sohn, Young Siward) • durch die Prophezeiungen der Hexen großenwahnsinnig wird und sich für unbesiegbar halt (v) • immer mehr unter den Einfluss von übernatürlichen Kraften/Mächten gerät Lady H. ✓ 3 bewertet • den Mord an König Duncan (1st regicide) als destruction of the divine order, der Aufruhr in der Natur hervorruf (Duncan virtuous king/a saint) den Mord an Macbeth (2 regicide) als tyrannicide", der zur restoration of the divine order" führt (Malcom-the legitimate heir to the throne becomes King of Scotland) und somit gerechtfertigt/keine Sünde ist. formuliert ein Fazit, indem er Summe der inhaltlichen Leistung • Macduffs Rolle (has put the world on its feet again- fair is fair and foul is foul) als die des Retters, der mit Gottes Segen/Hilfe (Old Man's words in II, 4) den Fluch der/l Hexen aufhebt, beschreibt 5 erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium (4) Gesamt Зеупер ~ Der Prüfling verfasst eine situations- und adressatengerechte Email, indem er die Gründe der einzelnen Theatermacher darlegt: Drama director Mario Holetzeck: • although Shakespeare has been dead for 400 years, his plays could not be more current • Shakespeare has a unique portrayal of good affevil characteristics of human nature and something (surprisingly) new can always be found in his work (V) • Shakespeare's plays hold a mirror up to the audience, meaning the audience recognize aspects of themselves within them/the plays/the characters Theatre manager Tobias Weilemeyer: • Shakespeare was the most influential dramatist and has certainly left his imprint on theatre; without him there would supposedly be no Goethe, Schiller or Brecht-all famous ✓ German writers . (Huxley's 'Brave New World" would also never have been written) • poetic, brilliant and complex portrayal of the abyss of human nature, Shakespeare shows a variety of human facets: the rise and fall of tyrants, human squalidness, weak beroes, strong women, dark clowns Klausurteil B: Teilleistungen - Kriterien (Sprachmittlung) a) inhaltliche Leistung Der Prüfling gibt die wesentlichen Inhalte im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung sinngemäß zusammenfassend wieder. Anforderungen Theatre manager Reinhard Simon: . Shakespeare's words have great poctic and rhetorical power ✓ • his plays were written for a broad audience ✓ his tragedies include humorous scenes and his comedies contain tragic moments, therefore his plays offer something for everybody without being simplistic • Shakespeare's secret is to be able to touch the innermost emotions of each and every person in the audience Dramatic adviser Igor Holland-Moritz: maximal erreichte erreichbare Punktzahl Punktrabl the vast quantity of Shakespeare's works means you cannot avoid him • his works have been translated into more than 100 languages and differently in different eras, yet his portrayal of human nature remains timeless 3 2 18 14 42 2 maximal erreichte erreichbare Punktzahl Punktzahl 1 ^^ 36 b) Darstellungsleistung/sprachliche Leistung Kommunikative Textgestaltung Der Prüfling... richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung auf die Intention und den Adressaten aus. 2 beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale der jeweils geforderten Zieltextformate. 3 erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text 4 gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten 5 belegt seine Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten. Gesamt Ausdrucksvermögen / Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel Der Prüfling... 6 lost sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig 7 verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz. 8 verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktions- und Interpretationswortschatz 9 verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzban. Gesamt Sprachrichtigkeit Der Prüfling 10 Orthographic Grammatik 12 Wortschatz Gesamt Summe sprachlichen Leistung Summe der inhaltlichen Leistung Gesamt Klausurteil A b) Darstellungsleistung/sprachliche Leistung Kommunikative Textgestaltung Der Prüfling... I richtet seinen Text konsequent auf die Intention und den/ die Adressaten im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung aus. 2 berücksichtigt den situativen Kontext. 3 beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale des geforderten Zieltextformats. 4 erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text 5 gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. Ausdrucksvermögen / Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel Der Prüfling... 6 löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig ggf. unter Verwendung von Kompensationsstrategien. 7 verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz. 8 verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktionswortschatz. 9 verwensies cinen variablen und dem Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbau Sprachrichtigkeit Der Prüfling... beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit im Sinne einer gelingenden Kommunikation. 10 Wortschatz 11 Grammatik 12 Orthographie Gesamt Klausurteil B Gesamtpunktzahl Klausurteile A und B 13 Punkle selv gut (-) Note: 7.6.21 Awesome maximal erreich Pfl 6 6 4 4 Mesind Pukul 4 3 21 45 Pabiash 4 eneck Pukul Punkta 4 6 4 6 21 20 7 21 63 42 105 erreichbare Paskrald Po 3 3 18 18 erichte erreichber Punktzald Punktzahl K 7 8 36 92 Pustral 32 125/150 1/21 English No 4 (1) The extract from act three scene one from Shakespear's work called "Macbeth", contains a Soliloquy of Macbeth, where he expresses his fear a dramal R in which of going to be taken down of his throne because. of his former friend Banque. play Macbeth clearly states his fear of Banguo • because of his breveness and clever state of mind. and • consequently! feels threathened by him that his sons would take over the role as a king. He is also upset thefit Banqua clared to the witches to make prophecies about him as well? If he had not asked for a fortune telling, llacbeth would not have to be afraid of anything, especially losing his in the society as a king. demand • importance inclucting Duncan's murder, He sees all his actions he has done before I as a benefit for Banquo's children and states that he made a deal with de devil just to make it advantageous for anyone but him. He comes to the conclusion to go against fate and consequentery. is convinced by his own mind to murdes Banque and v Son Fleance. "' his неупер w bravery ( cowage V V (^) G A A (2 As already mentioned. Macheth feels threathered by Banquo and his children after he gets crowned as the king of Scotland. The cause of this is the witches' prophecy which Claines that Banquo's sons will take over the throne. In the end he to murder decicles views and what is threathering him. this clecision as a right. one. To explain how Macbeth has come to this conclusion, the state of mind. Macbeth reveals in his soliloquy in act three will be analyzed fecusing on structure, images and lastly, stylistic. the devices. He the. to lose his power. effect impact on him which is losing his soul to the devil and concludes to commit a crime once again. One can say that Macbeth for sure is afraid. oc, Banquo because of his frequent Prepention use of the word "fear [ed]" (1.49,51,55). To highlight this terrifying feeling, he uses a reference in line 57 • and compares with his hist icap event Situation: By mentioning Mark Antony's angel who was afraid by Caesar, one can suppose that Macbeth sees himself as the angel who would be fearing Banquo or caesariof. L. 57). Like them, they used to fight together before, but afterwards they turned to enemies. By describing the witches as "prophetlike" (1.59), the ability of the weird sisters, namely fortune belling, is underlined. Furthermore, in line 61 Macbeth uses a metaphor which represents his images: He states that he has a "fruitless crown" (L.6.1) which emphasizes the little worth of this item if it cannot be passed on to an heir. In the was! a "barren scepter As for the structure, Macketh begins his Soliloquy by staring his fear of Banquo same sentence Macheth talks about having and refers to Octavius Caeser, who (C.62) in his hand. feared by the angel of Mark Antony (cf. 1.57). The use of this metaphor again outlines Mackeths fear of not being able to pass his position. on his own child because of the threathening feeling. Afterwards he puts the beaune. on Banquo or is upset v not læelig able to and about have anheir and having mentions this ✓ That Only Banquo and his children can benefit from Mackethis ! - actions. which upsels him is visible because of an anaphora in line 65 and 66. R a A Low value S.O. G A further image is to notice in line 68: Macheth uses the term "eternal jewel" (1.68) instead of soul. This metaphor refers. back to his commited Sins and that he has to give up something so holy, so meaningfel R (S.o.) R Sb ✓ zeynep and important to the devil, just to not owe any 3) It is known that the work "Macketh" by Wiliams Also!) advantages of it. And Macbeth is of his mistance, because we R(1) Shakespeare was written within the time of the Elizabethan age. This results in specific. Characteristics aspects of the Elizabethan age To highlight his dissatisfaction of the current appearing in Shakespeare's "Macbeth" situation and his developed hatred towards such as violence and cruelty? But something Banquo. Macbeth names Banque's son as which was unacceptable in that period of time. "the seed of Banque (1.70) which could be was a regicide.. Now, if you read "Macbeth"," labeled as an allusion and dyseuphemism., two regicides come into action ? At first Duncan Summing up all the aspects of the analysts gets murdered and afterwards Macbeth. above, it is clear that Macketh sees :- his " former friend as an enemy now. By beausing in the regicides and what macheth's further development could be. Now it is controversial if there are any differences. him+ listing negative consequences as well as negative descriptions or degrading names comparing himself to a historical event war is included et cetera, it is clear that Macketh is once agapset which leads him choose murder " as a solution, as something right. First of all, it is important to mention that Duncan was a caring rewarding. and after- looking king. An indance would be Macbeth's promotion as the thave of Sutween working and Scotland He -may have conducted war, but this happened. in order to create peace in his country. Regarding the Great Chain of Being, Duncan was chosen by God and consequently had a higher rank in the society as even universe. And by ring for his citizens and creating peace he did. nothing but make God's will come true. This, however, does not alter the - fact that he describes the derie as the common enemy of man" (1-69). ge fo get betrayed more often. Violence may be normal. "Golden Age" "but Macketh gained his title as the king of Scotland in the W & the R belive in Godt, masculing etc. G W ✓ ✓ Z R V ✓ ✓ by disrupting the universal system, the Great Taking all above mentioned aspects into confideration I come to the conclusion that the regicides should be booked at differently: while the murder of the innocent Duncan brought within the citizens, Macbeth's greedly and evil behavior leads him to turn crazy and not being in his right state of mind. By getting murdered by Macduff, his death. does not brings in contrast to Ouncan's murder peace. upon the country? ・ country of Chain of Being To weapon this argument, it is important to more that Macbeth gets manipulated and easily tempted by his wife hady Macbeth. She dregrades him about his masculinity which was a big deal back. that then. Macbeth murders Duncan but mean that he vegrer his decision and is not comfortable in his role as a murderer. Furthermore he is nownted by voices and consequently canner sleep since Duncan's murder. 2nd June 2021 Dear Kübra, Sorry for not being able to answer to your in stress lately because of my exams. Today I have written my last one in English and guess what? It was about Shakespeare and his work "Macbeth". I thought this would be a good opportunity to help you on your essay about Shakespear's global appet. By murdering Oancan and commiting such last mails but I've been a crime, Macbeth makes a huge impact. on the macrocosm as a part of the micro- Co sm & This refers back to the assumption that the human being consists of four liquid elements that should work in сездите harmony... But one can that Macbeth has either too which ar too litle of one of the elements that leads him to murder his superior and TO your question: yes, Shakespear's plays are still presented in German theatres! to explain the situation further, I have found an German consequently brings pain and cliseases article which includes the reasons for staging. within the nation. Shakespeare from different producers. Lastly, it is correct to label Macheth as a tyrant because of the already. mentioned aspects: -He is considered as evil, greedy i intolerant Vicent. 12 R (s.a) 39. G R S.a. A? betrayal, The acting director Mario Holezeck states. clearey his enthusiasm for Shakespeare because of the diverse topics. that were used for example murder, Love and so on. Shakespeare succeeded in persuading the readers to dig more into the fiction, even if it is written in the past. Another person, namely Tobias Weilemeyer, shares the same opinion & He claims that all of the famous works. from for example Goethe or Schiller are based on the works of Shakespear. Without him, there wouldn't be any theatre, unustpe where the plays also show topics Like weak heros or superior women which Did was not common in the Elizabethan lye.. you know that the peoper nous. living in that time were mische gysts? My feminism could never! Anyways, another intendant reasons his positive views on Shakespeare with the mix. of tragedy and comedy in his works. He refers to the description of the complex. figures that make the people living in a modervised world curious about the plays. No other than Shakespeare is able to arouse strong feelings with only words. Simon's words, not mine! These were Kübra, I'm sure you're Zeynep ao Dear -So alime that Shakespeare had hundreds of works. "We can't get rid of etwas him so easily, he will - your life at least negativ, der ame one time. Furthermore a work of art that includes humanity and the human being itself, doesht lose its importance. Never! That's what William which are also translated into several languages makes Shakespeare's, plays still current and topical. , write back I hope I could be sort of a kelp for you to answer your question. If something from the article I mediated - for you immediately! And don't forget to contact. me once you get your mark on your essay. You know I'm only one message away. Yours, Zeynep Mandmel ist deine Schrift schwer on lesen. Alle ein wenig auf die außere Form deiner Vildusur. understand