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Mediation: ,,Klar und konsequent konservativ" von Annett Meiritz, 26.09.20

Mediation: ,,Klar und konsequent konservativ" von Annett Meiritz, 26.09.20 https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/amy-coney-barrett-klar-und- konsequent-konservativ-trumps-kandidatin-fuer-den-supreme-court-im-portraet- /26221538.html?ticket-ST-1972991-AETydsBGWz4rClUlocpT-ap4 I have been following the news lately, but I don't understand the American liberals' worries about the upcoming appointment. Look, I found a German article about Amy Coney Barrett, which explains why Liberals are so worried about her possibly being elected to the Supreme Court. You already know about the great influence the Supreme Court has in America. Its decisions apply to all its states and define matters like abortion, healthcare and rules on immigration. The nine justices don't serve a term but a lifetime, which would be a fairly long time for Barrett, who is only 48. Although she has excellent qualifications, many people, especially American liberals, worry about her being appointed. One major concern is her religion, she's a very strict Catholic. Even though Barrett claims that her religion doesn't influence her in her duties as a judge it seems quite questionable. That has shown on another occasion when she declared that one should know, love and serve God. Knowing about her beliefs, it is not surprising to hear that she is an abortion opponent. Nonetheless, it gets clearer how serious she is about that standpoint when knowing as well that she actually lives what she preaches: Barrett has a son with Down's syndrome and...

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two adopted kids. That strengthens the impression that she might work hard for further restrictions in that area. Not only might she fight for a change in abortion law, Barrett might also be successful. With her as a conservative justice the proportions would be 6:3 in favour of the Republicans, a situation which might stay for generations. Now, these are many theoretical trains of thought but appointing Barrett as the third justice in his first term of office would surely be a great success for Trump and a huge boost for his campaign since he had been planning to nominate Amy Coney Barrett for a while already. Maybe this helps to understand all the buzz going on...