


Meeting people- online and offline







Exam No. 2- GK E EF
Topic: Meeting people - online and offline
Part A: Reading and Writing
Date: 17/12/2019
My best friendships h
Exam No. 2- GK E EF
Topic: Meeting people - online and offline
Part A: Reading and Writing
Date: 17/12/2019
My best friendships h
Exam No. 2- GK E EF
Topic: Meeting people - online and offline
Part A: Reading and Writing
Date: 17/12/2019
My best friendships h
Exam No. 2- GK E EF
Topic: Meeting people - online and offline
Part A: Reading and Writing
Date: 17/12/2019
My best friendships h
Exam No. 2- GK E EF
Topic: Meeting people - online and offline
Part A: Reading and Writing
Date: 17/12/2019
My best friendships h
Exam No. 2- GK E EF
Topic: Meeting people - online and offline
Part A: Reading and Writing
Date: 17/12/2019
My best friendships h
Exam No. 2- GK E EF
Topic: Meeting people - online and offline
Part A: Reading and Writing
Date: 17/12/2019
My best friendships h
Exam No. 2- GK E EF
Topic: Meeting people - online and offline
Part A: Reading and Writing
Date: 17/12/2019
My best friendships h
Exam No. 2- GK E EF
Topic: Meeting people - online and offline
Part A: Reading and Writing
Date: 17/12/2019
My best friendships h
Exam No. 2- GK E EF
Topic: Meeting people - online and offline
Part A: Reading and Writing
Date: 17/12/2019
My best friendships h
Exam No. 2- GK E EF
Topic: Meeting people - online and offline
Part A: Reading and Writing
Date: 17/12/2019
My best friendships h
Exam No. 2- GK E EF
Topic: Meeting people - online and offline
Part A: Reading and Writing
Date: 17/12/2019
My best friendships h
Exam No. 2- GK E EF
Topic: Meeting people - online and offline
Part A: Reading and Writing
Date: 17/12/2019
My best friendships h
Exam No. 2- GK E EF
Topic: Meeting people - online and offline
Part A: Reading and Writing
Date: 17/12/2019
My best friendships h

5 10 15 20 Exam No. 2- GK E EF Topic: Meeting people - online and offline Part A: Reading and Writing Date: 17/12/2019 My best friendships happen online - That doesn't make them less valid¹ Technology has the most glorious capacity to help us solve the loneliness epidemic - if we use it wisely. [...] Scientists semiregularly release studies that suggest a correlation between social media and loneliness, between Instagram and low self-esteem, between Facebook and social isolation. But [...] [d]oes Twitter make us lonelier, or do we pick up our phones when we're already lonely, looking for some kind of connection? I'd like to swing by and defend the internet for its friendship-enabling, loneliness-diminishing² qualities. [...] I know a woman who met all three of her bridesmaids - the women she cherishes most in the world - on Twitter. She says she feels like her most authentic self when she's online and the friends she's made there are her closest allies! [...] My best friends in the world live in Melbourne, New York, Los Angeles and New Orleans. [...] And so, we spend the majority of our friendship exchanging stories and dancing lady emojis on WhatsApp. I am indignantly distressed by anyone who would suggest our largely online friendship is in any way less valid than people who have the...

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luxury of sharing oxygen in the same physical place. We live in a world where technology is omnipresent and we may as well be hooked up intravenously to wifi"; this is simply the way we operate now. [...] Befriending apps are popping up all over the market, adapting the Tinder model of meeting someone online then following up with an in-person meeting. [...] Downloading an app specifically to make new friends [...] reduces our chances of rejection - if you're on a friendship app, you're obviously open to making new friends [...]. This is lovely and empowering for the average person, sure, [...] but think how many people friendship-via-tech might particularly help: introverts, people with disabilities that make it difficult to leave the house or even speak, ¹ valid = here: worth being, valuable diminish= decrease 3 be indignantly distressed= be outraged/ extremely shocked about sth 4 be hooked up intravenously to wifi= be able to connect to wifi by interjecting something into one's blood English EF 2. Klausur: Bewertungsschema Name: Klausurteil A a) Inhaltliche Leistung Aufg. 1: Comprehension - Erwartete Leistung Meeting people - online and offline Der Prüfling formuliert einen topic sentence und bennent dabei Autor, Textsorte, Titel und Hauptaspekte des Textes fasst die genannten Aspekte zur Korrelation von sozialen Medien und Einsamkeit zusammen: questions the fact whether social media make us lonelier or whether we use social media to overcome the loneliness and new friends illustrates the positive effects social media can have on friendships (woman who has met her bridesmaids on Twitter, her own experiences with her best friends) argues that it is easy to make friends online because using friendship apps already sends a signal that [...] claims that it is therefore a powerful tool for people who have problems meeting someone in real life. concludes that the internet cannot be blamed for making people lonely per se. [...] Gesamtpunktzahl Der Prüfling Aufg. 2: Analysis - Erwartete Leistung verfasst eine Überleitung benennt die Absicht der Autorin fasst die Argumentationsstruktur zusammen: Leaver opens her argumentative text by questioning recent study results, indicating that she is about to disagree with the study's outcome (II.1-6) In the following two paragraphs she gives two examples which serve as evidence for her opinion (II. 7-16). Both examples illustrate that friendships can be both maintained and also started via social media. By drawing the reader's attention to befriending apps (II.17-24) Leaver emphasises that social networking sites and friendships are closely related because social media provide a platform to make new friends. This argument strengthens her point as well. By claiming that especially disadvantaged people may profit from using social media (II.22-24), Leaver enhances their positive effects. Her conclusion (II.25-27) is rather reserved. Leaver points to both risks and chances of the internet. untersucht den Sprachstil (tone), z.B.: The author intends to evoke a positive attitude towards technology as such and social media in specific. Instead of using a neutral tone she is rather persuasive and biased. She does not put forward any argument against her opinion. formuliert im Rückbezug auf die Absicht der Autorin eine passende conclusion. Mögliche Erreichte Punktzahl Punktzahl 3 9 12 Mögliche Punktzahl 2 4 5 2 3 3 Erreichte Punktzahl 2 4 5 1 3 Part B Hey Exam Kathie, I have read media influence Like The Media change about that friendships many are to people think first The inform n and followers who a The second a article friendships and 2 you about that. paragraph is called 2 Cast like are ready to of friends, bosses Social our personality and it is Instagram doesn't know. ikis more Many people party-, vacation- about have that talks you Even everybody like, some Shit very like. Another big Geel 1 Gr we How would and that paragraph deals with real important how you are problem that everybody. likes. Everybody who gets many likes. bette person. obviously 14% of about paragraph informs Social took people S users friends. the men talk about private informations. other get 17.12.19 G √ the fact that point jealousy. depressed if they only see eventpics on their time line. obsessed by Prūp likes feel & feels about how Sb luarde to get Likes, Sorve users ever... A says bad things about G informatia & like) A Raquaintance A from you Media But often social On the social friends, establish back. The majority of often other media with can establish friendships. hand are Communicate Facebook, Instagra~ and othe a good way to find friendships and get cla friends. the communicate people with family, friends majority the acquaintance you often. поре my understood everything. I hope soon. liked 35 % comm от сан don't text or colleagues. and new hear you more something English EF erfüllt gegebenenfalls ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium: Aufg. 3: Evaluation - Erwartete Leistung Meeting people - online and offline Gesamtpunktzahl Der Prüfling nennt Pro-Argumente, z.B.: Making and keeping up friendships online is indeed possible, as Leaver's examples prove (cf. II. 8-15). There is no objective criterion what makes a good friendship. Thus, it is Social media which helps to keep in touch with people. For instance, when there is no other form of communication because of a great distance, using social media is the ultimate solution for keeping in touch with friends, relatives and so on. nennt Kontra-Argumente, z.B.: Social media may cause loneliness because it alienates people from real life and especially hinders them from making real-life acquaintances and friends. This has been proven by several studies (cf. Leaver II.3f.). Meeting somebody online is it as valuable as meeting somebody in real-life. When you use a chatroom it is hard to show your emotions, you cannot hug a friends online when they need consolation and you cannot look them in the eye to uncover their true feelings and thoughts. b) Darstellungsleistung/ Sprachliche Leistung formuliert auf Basis der genannten Argumente eine abschließende conclusion. erfüllt gegebenenfalls ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium: Gesamtpunktzahl Kommunikative Textgestaltung Der Prüfling richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Aufgabenstellung aus. beachtet die Konventionen der jeweils geforderten Zieltextformate. erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text. gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeit. belegt seine Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten. Der Prüfling löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig. verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz. verwendet einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Textbesprechungs- und Textproduktionswortschatz. bedient sich eines variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenem Satzbaus. Gesamtpunktzahl Mögliche Erreichte Punktzahl Punktzahl 5 (2) 16 4 5 (2) 14 4 3 Gesamtpunktzahl 21 Ausdrucksvermögen/ Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel Mögliche Erreichte Punktzahl Punktzahl 6 6 4 4 4 7 4 21 4 15 2 20 Mögliche Erreichte Punktzahl Punktzahl 4 4 6 4 4 7 19 3 C 25 deaf people, people with mental health problems, people with autism, people who find social interaction terrifying. If we use it wisely, technology has the most glorious capacity to help us solve the loneliness epidemic and find each other again. The internet can be a vicious, alienating place, yes - but it could also be just the thing to help us revive friendship. Source: Kate Leaver, The Guardian, March 27 2018 Tasks: Information about the author: Kate Leaver wrote the book "The Friendship cure" which deals with the (inter)relation of loneliness and friendship. She spent a year researching for the book and speaking to a great number of people. 1.) Comprehension: Sum up Kate Leaver's findings concerning the correlation between social media and loneliness. 2.) Analysis: Analyse the author's attitude towards social networking sites. 3.) Evaluation: "My best friendships happen online - That doesn't make them less valid." - Discuss the positive and negative aspects of making and maintaining friendships via social networking sites. Part B: Mediation 5 10 15 20 25 Task: 4.) You have met your American friend online on Instagram in the comment section of your favorite musician. In your most recent messages you have discussed the likeliness of the development of your friendship offline. Write an email in which you outline the positive and negative effects social media can have on friendships. Like mich: Wie soziale Medien Freundschaften beeinflussen Soziale Medien verändern unser Verhalten [...] Instagram kennt keine Freundschaften, die von beiden Seiten bestätigt werden müssen, sondern dort wird einfach nur gefolgt - je mehr Follower, desto besser. Ein wichtiger Grund für die Nutzung sozialer Medien ist also [...] Selbstdarstellung. Wir wollen uns selbst in ein gutes Licht rücken, und dafür tun wir einiges. [...] So veröffentlicht [laut einer Befragung] knapp ein Viertel der Nutzer auch schon einmal Klatsch über Freunde und Bekannte - wobei Frauen insgesamt vernünftiger vorgehen als Männer. [...] Das Problem: Likeaholismus Der Grund für das zweifelhafte Verhalten eines Teils der Nutzer ist der Wunsch nach Bestätigung: Wer auf Facebook viele Likes bekommt oder auf Instagram viele Follower hat, fühlt sich aufgewertet. Auf der Suche nach Anerkennung liegt die Latte zum Inakzeptablen manchmal ziemlich hoch. Zwölf bis 14 Prozent der Männer sind bereit, vertrauliche oder peinliche Informationen über Freunde, Kollegen oder sogar den Arbeitgeber preiszugeben, unter Frauen sind es nur etwa halb so viele. [...] Ein weiterer Faktor ist Neid. Auf sozialen Mec werden vorwiegend gute Nachrichten verbreitet, und wer ständig einen ausschweifenden News-Feed voller Partys, Urlaubsreisen und anderen Events vor sich sieht, reagiert ob des eigenen, nicht ganz so aufregenden Lebens leicht frustriert. Soziale Medien können Freundschaften auch festigen Auf der anderen Seite sind Facebook, Instagram und Co auch durchaus von Nutzen, weil sie Menschen nach wie vor eher zusammenbringen als auseinandertreiben. Eine große Mehrheit der Befragten kommuniziert durch sie häufiger mit Freunden, Bekannten, Eltern, Kindern, Kollegen und dem Partner. Vor allem Eltern gaben an, dass sich die Beziehung zu ihren Kindern durch soziale Medien gebessert hätten. Dem gegenüber stehen aber auch 35 Prozent, die angaben, wegen sozialer Medien weniger direkten Kontakt zu ihren Freunden zu haben. [...] Quelle: https://www.e-wie-einfach.de/magazin/komfort/like-mich-wie-soziale-medien- freundschaften-beeinflussen, 23.05.2017 Part The text That by Guardian how my cate loneliness. are +6 or - make with doesn't make Kate Leaver 7 My at best technology helps or and Lover says that a good way to Over the world they ALSO if you way, it is them March friendships happen online- Less writth published in deals use 22, 2018 all and seems very dangerous friendships against loneliness. Also Kate Lover world where important and live Obviously for Online introverts, people who the house speak because it's easy them to new friends. Also cleaf people, people with where without technology.. 46 Can says that technology it's valid online friendships. make The with Prap on help against G[.J can't new friends. it help even we friendships are leave for if can h Live very mental health problems, people autism people who find Social interaction terryifying doesn't feel lonely because build notic conceivable good in new technology in an glorious capacity to friendships. the right 4 Solve G don't "1 W has a use quoting direly) مانیا 3 English EF Sprachrichtigkeit Der Prüfling beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit im Sinne einer gelingenden Kommunikation. Wortschatz Grammatik Orthographie Klausurteil B a) Inhaltliche Leistung Meeting people - online and offline Gesamtpunktzahl Aufg. 4- Erwartete Leistung Der Prüfling verfasst eine adressaten- und situationsgerechte E-Mail, indem er benennt, wie sich soziale Medien positiv auf Freundschaften auswirken können: Social media like Facebook and Instagram have an enormous potential to link people. It opens up the opportunity to communicate with friends, relatives, colleagues and so on. Some people claim they communicate more thanks to the use of social media, for example parents who may have an easier access to the lives of their children. benennt, wie sich soziale Medien negativ auf Freundschaften auswirken können: b) Darstellungsleistung/ Sprachliche Leistung So-called friendships on social media cannot be compared with real- life friendships. Using social media helps people to express themselves. Everyone strives to present themselves as positive as possible - no matter how damaging this might be for others. Many people look for approval on social networking sites. It's all about posting photos and news about one's extravagant lifestyle. They want others to envy them for what they have. Using social media might decrease the amount of real-life encounters. statistics erfüllt gegebenenfalls ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium: Gesamtpunktzahl Kommunikative Textgestaltung Der Prüfling richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Intention und den Adressaten im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung aus. berücksichtigt den situativen Kontext. beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale des geforderten Zieltextformates. erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text. gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeit. Gesamtpunktzahl Mögliche Erreichte Punktzahl Punktzahl 9 8 4 21 10 Erreichte Mögliche Punktzahl Punktzahl (2) 18 1 2 NNN 2 7 Mögliche Erreichte Punktzahl Punktzahl 2 2 7 4 18 9 8 1 لم 1 2 2 1 English EF Meeting people online and offline Ausdrucksvermögen/ Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel Der Prüfling löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig, ggf. unter Verwendung von Kompensationsstrategien. verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz. verwendet einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktionswortschatz. Gesamtpunktzahl Wortschatz Grammatik Orthographie Sprachrichtigkeit Der Prüfling beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit im Sinne einer gelingenden Kommunikation. Die Klausur wird abschließend mit der Note (3 Punkte) bewertet. Mögliche Erreichte Punktzahl Punktzahl 4 3 2 9 11.1.20 4 3 2 Gesamtpunktzahl 9 GESAMTSUMME 150 Mögliche Erreichte Punktzahl Punktzahl noch sehr gut Well done! " L 1 Datum, Kürzel 2 1 2 5 127 (1-) A √the reader 4 about what advantages. has A G study G√√says Z G has the capacity. to... 9 lonliness and In the sites, The author good way. the following I am going author's attitude towards Social about The connected. the 5 paragraphs. first the text's informs knows maids The informs about technology if author media and Correlation the that Priends friends. The up that find old about Structure fifth a woman on twitter. third part internet Friendships can this world The fourth apps improve our second between part and can intends to online that dears friends again. work very paragraph is you use technology is how the author studies that there. Online friendships can. who Social Social life be met (ast part 10 the Social media and the author states omnipresent. analyse networking friendships may be don't have a she is it explain how looking the right divided into all of are Kate Leaver with world wid and that technology in S a (creliness. that She her bride- about how friendship and how lovely it help people find chance get a sentence that sum * most glorious capacity= Kate Llaver may be own experiences. Also. her cure number The researching for her and reader author informative beginning (1.1-c) mention Studies by. Scientists. Affer the informative beginning she own experiences (1. 7-16) where the about also The a Social as hemed end social also Social fact that The creates a feeling that and it talking about consequences the Although the knows how She she also the write her interviews with a people. abour draws conclusions by her she draws conclusions by W works. At the she informs about how Online friendships can help against (creliness (1. 17- 27). divides how networks. wedda Litext internet is use book points networking sites about positive She add own dow an succeeds in out that 4 text into an where she Online ex perences. she know what she's seems like she knows has. The friendship great positive very Social networks. and Online added and she informs friendship she she isn't she uses She and negative points. informative and she W Morcover ? also uses informing about talks and against the W based on how friendships belong G-S G G-S G-S & Swhich A she has a positive attitude towards.. 5 I were together. Also the writer concludes that disabled people use G their Gan find new and (ovely for them. G му doesn't L think my G hiendship Ww friendships since changed best friendships happen online - That mak tum valid. " This statement is treve. and beautiful Sut Show you Race nice own ignores ne So you but online friendships can спе can alone I have (sot) Abe path good for into are only have you Still mental But olvicusly an friends To sum develop personality. Since that day my online not interesting and I'm say an online. can end like the Less in my Colline because you haven't got the lonely kid and experience, I had a beautiful Online the day I had change my friend any nove Opinion Sccial meclia is very strong also online friends can only by saying really health problems. online that it pecple Society Only a self-confidence. Up / friendship isn't Contact any more this halfway friendship fast are before. And if you friend and maybe someday. are to my opinion a bad if you friendship who got problems. friends help and could lead is very to thim. internet don't ден the other trust Also it to find for find friends example I think good seesms friends decide Start an and Ove One too for like for online bad easily and wental your far. very good way people that doesn't illness friendship and Act. have Cr own problems autism. be can you have if you will w much G who don't & for yourself