


Narrative Techniques and chracters







Narrative Techniques
• analyze the way in which a story is told
• influence the way the reader sees the story
The effect of the story depend
Narrative Techniques
• analyze the way in which a story is told
• influence the way the reader sees the story
The effect of the story depend

Narrative Techniques • analyze the way in which a story is told • influence the way the reader sees the story The effect of the story depends on • the relationship between characters, narrator and reader • Setting time and place and social circumstances that characterize a work of literature • Plot = what happens in a story • Atmosphere/Mood = created by using particular words and descriptions • Turning point = moment in a story or play when there is a change in direction which leads towards the end • Climax = moment in a story at which the suspense reaches its highest point, usually the turning point of the story Character Description ...is the way in which the authors of a fictional text presents the characters direct characterization indirect characterization Somebody tells the reader what sort of person a character is. This can be the narrator, other characters in the story or the character him-/herself. examples: Her red hair is getting long. I am as tall as my mom. The reader has to draw conclusions about a character on the basis of his/her actions and words. examples: She started to cry when she saw that her cat had died. = loves her cat, is sad She started to chew nails. = nervous Archetypes • sometimes the characters are archetypes • a character that always stays the same • often symbolizes something e.g....

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the "proud Indian" or the "bad guy" • often based on standard personality traits and may present a cliché that often has little to do with reality, often used because they are easy to understand Narrative Point of View ...narrator is the person or voice who tells the story, the reader is strongly influenced by the narrative point of view OR narrative perspective from which a story is told 1st person narrator 3rd person omniscient narrator • knows everything (facts, feelings, event, context...) • tells story from the outside, he's not part of the story • narrator often knows more than the characters 3rd person limited narrator • seem to present the story from the outside, but only knows thoughts and feelings of one of the characters • BUT the narrator is NOT identical with the character • is a character in the text who tells what he/she knows, experiences and feels ("I") • limited point of view because the reader gets only to know what this particular character knows and the infos may not be reliable