


Plastic waste and the ocean







By Shannon, Amina, Daria
Plastic waste and the ocean
390 words
Plastic waste, which marine animals often mistake for food and thus
By Shannon, Amina, Daria
Plastic waste and the ocean
390 words
Plastic waste, which marine animals often mistake for food and thus

By Shannon, Amina, Daria Plastic waste and the ocean 390 words Plastic waste, which marine animals often mistake for food and thus represents a major problem for the animals. In the 21st century, we live in the so-called age of plastic. The invention of different types of plastic made it much cheaper to produce materials and bring them into almost any shape. Another advantage of these materials is their enormous durability. The aspect of long shelf life in particular causes big problems. Plastic decomposes very slowly. Since the 1950s, 8.3 billion tons of plastic have been used. Those tons of plastic will not leave our side for a few more centuries. There are still around five billion tons of plastic waste that is dumped on landfills or somewhere in the environment. The tiny plastic particles spread over the entire surface of the earth, in the atmosphere and even in the entire ocean. In the case of turtles, it is clear how damaging the plastic is in the sea. Many specimens die because they get entangled in the floating materials or because they eat the plastic parts. Scientists suspect that turtles snap at the pieces of plastic because they look like jellyfish to the animals and smell like food. This problem also affects whales, as they perceive plastic as food....

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If the plastic gets into the stomach, it can cause major damage. For example, cuts in the stomach. If a whale is pregnant, the plastic can still affect the child. 250,000 sea turtles die each year from a cruel death. Research has shown that reptiles react to plastic contaminated with algae or small animals in the same way as to their actual food. Thanks to this knowledge, the huge accumulations of plastic in the oceans are now even more dangerous than initially assumed. Experts fear that areas with a large amount of plastic waste will be viewed by animals as a source of food due to their smell and that living things will settle there. Since there is hardly any way to get the plastic out of the ocean again, the experts' approach is to prevent these materials from entering the oceans at all. By Shannon, Amina, Daria Here are organizations that advocate for marine animals: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Save The Whales Ric O' Barry's Dolphin Project Oceanic Preservation Society DID YOU KNOW? 390 words There are only 5200 Blue whales left in the world!