


Postcolonialism: Nigeria







Postcolonialism Nigeria
81 years
48 years
Comparison: Nigeria and Germany
59 years
18 years
The history
Postcolonialism Nigeria
81 years
48 years
Comparison: Nigeria and Germany
59 years
18 years
The history
Postcolonialism Nigeria
81 years
48 years
Comparison: Nigeria and Germany
59 years
18 years
The history

Postcolonialism Nigeria Germany 81 years 48 years 100% Comparison: Nigeria and Germany Nigeria 59 years 18 years 68% 29% 60% 25% The history of Nigeria 1400- trade and developing -> trade and animal breeding is the biggest buisness in economy 1500 - the first "slave hunter" brought people from Nigeria to America -> slave trade start to begin 1700- the British took over the slave market 1800 the Britian trying to stop the slave trade and all included wars-> Britians intervention 1807 - slavery was banned by the British parliament 1861 - annexation of Lagos as a British colony 6.8.1861 - official beginning of the colonization from Nigeria -> Nigeria's trade became more profitable 19th century - inner Nigerian conflict: Fulani (north Muslims) vs. Hausa (south Christians) 1906 - Britain gained control Life expectancy Median age Access to improved drinking water supply Access to improved sanitation facilities Access to electricity Internet users 1914 - north and south are united by British Empire (North: poor and South: spread of religion and political influenced) 1954 - Nigeria becomes a federation (fight for independence) 1.10.1960-INDEPENDENCE-> Nigeria becomes a federal public-> celebrated the Independence from Britain HUNTER • colonizer (European) -> the hunter captures or kills the lion = European exploit the Africans and destroy their culture • the history of the hunt only will glorify the Hunter = Europeans (authors) only write positively and doesn't tell the story from another perspective 1967-1970 - Biafra war (civil war) / Biafra is...

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a new state with the most oil resources 1983-1999-dictorship 2003 - election (Olusegun Obasanjo as President) 2019 - today - Republic with Muhammed Buhari as President and large film & oil industry Post-colonial voices Until the lions produce their own historian, the history of the hunt will only glorify the hunter." Chirma Achebe, African writer - Corruption - Gap between rich and poor - Kidnapping - No electricity - Abuse of guns and drugs and crime HUNT Problems in Nigeria mentioned or shown in the song and video: - Violence by the police / citizens - Sexual harassment -> children (church) positive - "police closes at six"> it means that you can't trust the police - Terrorist massacre 99% negative 100% 89% Post-colonial era: October 1960 - today Pre-colonial era: 1400-1861 Colonial era: 1861- October 1960 This is Nigeria - Falz Link: https://youtu.be/UW_xEqCWrm0 "This is Nigeria" is a song by the Nigerian rapper Falz and released on May 25, 2018. This song is a cover of "This is America" by Childish Gambino. The "This is Nigeria" song addresses a lot of political and social ills. The music video to this song, highlights Nigeria's issues with violence, political corruption, policing and organized religion. booth stories needed to produce a counter balance The impact of British rule in Nigeria Britain Free navigation in the African area Britain had to deal with a lot of inner conflicts regarding religion and independence Nigeria →a united Nigeria . new forms of money, communication and education Nigerian chiefs lost authority LION the African population (colonized) -> the lions must produce their own historian = Africans need to tell their story / write their point of view The British Empire took the decisions Forced westernization F.SANA ->In his Song Falz holds up a mirror to his country, because it deals with with all problems Nigeria has. These Problems include a different government which supplies (mostly) poor medical facilities and electricity service and has the reputation of being corrupt. Lagos: gap between rich and poor ,,Nothing is permanent here, except suffering. No job security, no safety clothing nor gadgets. Accidents are common. Every worker here would leave if they had a choice." Joyce Ugbede, 29 old nigerian woman (slums) • two different sides in Nigeria -> rich and developed side & poor and undeveloped side • than 112 million people are living in poverty in Nigeria • Nigeria spent just 6.5 percent of its national budget on education and just 3.5 percent on health • over 60% of the population of Lagos live in slums • houses of Makoko are built on stilts above Lagos Lagoon -> they are built on water • Poverty in Nigeria can also be caused by the political instability • Nigeria is dependent from the oil industry => all is reflected by Lagos, because there are slums and shopping Centers nearly together (gap between rich and poor) How to connect rich and poor? sport is a unify force -> it doesn't matter were you are from • poor child's have the chance to feel normal and not disadvantaged • sport is chance to climb the social ladder Boko Haram Book Haram =("Western education is forbidden") • Boko Haram is an Islamist terrorist group -> in northern Nigeria also active in the other countries for example: Cameroon, Chad,... • the group campaigns for the introduction of Sharia law across Nigeria -> against Western education they are known for the murder of Christians and Muslims who do not support them group connects itself with the Taliban . • Nigerian Islamists have left a bloody trail of terrorist attacks in recent years • lead a war to create an Islamic state in northern Nigeria and introduce Sharia law (Islamic law) • they don't want that girls to go to school • only they Islam is the real Religion • with violence they want to intimidate the population and force them to live according to their strict rules • Boko Haram fighters have killed more than 2,000 people Boko Haram huntress • there are also people, which fight against Boko Haram -> Boko Haram huntress • the most famous one is Aisha Bakari Gombi > rolemodel for many wimen in Nigeria • she wants to give all wimen, all over the world, the courage and vocal advocate of woman and children rights. fights against: racism, colonism, sexism, terrorism • wants to change the definition of womanhood by giving insights in diffrent lives Nollywood • Nollywood began 1980s • first major movie: Living in Bondage (1992) by Kenneth Nnebue in general the films have a great diversity and a lot of variation (genres and language) • low production costs round about $20.000 - $70.000 -> improved skripts, bad light and Sound, ... • "New Nollywood" began 2000-> higher quality films with a higher budget (Half of a Yellow sun ) • 2nd largest film industry • the most films are watched in Africa • piracy is a huge problem (damage $2 billion annually) • poor implementation of copyright laws -> pirate make copies and sell them illegally and official distributors make secret deals with copyright owners • marketing bosses are involved and profit from legal and illegal sales Education in Nigeria Facts: • Nigeria has the world largest out of school number • children from a poor background are disadvantaged -> they miss school, because their family need to earn money by sacrafing their education they trapped in a cycle of poverty> vicious cycle • education would be a powerful too, to change their life's and gain knowledge • kids in the slums can not go to school, because they can't handle the situation, when they are out of water exp. go over a street, because of the cars -> because of this a architect builded a school on water (Floating school) • the Floating school is a place for education and it's also a community place • education means to learn about religion and accept each other • without education no one will never learn their rights • lack of education affects children, in Nigeria, in a negative way => with education you can be an independent person The Floating School: it brought hope to the Makoko slum • built (2013) for the historic water community of Makoko throws a spotlight on poverty the school offers free education • alternative to their normal primary schoo-> for the most to expensive • community place : connecting people • slums future is partly dependent on education -> symbol of hope for all residents • collapse (2016) of the Floating school is serious a blow for the slums future > it's helped them to prevent the slum from being demolished by the government • received many awards -> international attention new versions of the floating school in other countries: Conclusion China (2018) Beligium (2018) 2014 Italy (2016) 2016 NIGERIA HAS A LOT OF ISSUES REGARDING VIOLENCE, POLITICAL CORRUPTION, POLICING AND ORGANIZED RELIGION. LIKEWISE THE HISTORY OF NIGERIA IS NOT THE BEST AND HAS A LOT OF WAR AND INJUSTICE. LIFE IN NIGERIA IS NOT VERY EASY EITHER. YOU HAVE TO WORK A LOT AND HARD AND HARDLY GET ANYTHING FOR IT.