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Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?
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LK MÖLL 13.1
Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard?

bum on Ansich 2141 wells 5 10 15 tuchelle K 25 LK MÖLL 13.1 Shakespeare Shakespeare's 450th birthday: Will we ever get bored of the Bard? By Hayley Leaver (17 Apr 2014. www.metro.co.uk) I Dec 2021 ↑ Spitzname Wie offiziel international Shakespeer A rose by any other name.... Joseph Fiennes as the Bard in Shakespeare in Love (Picture: Universal) brised Enfaited 'Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." You've got to hand it to William Shakespeare - he always has the right quote for every occasion, even his own anniversary. Shakespeare is still the most influential writer of all time, having transformed English drama and the very language that we speak. But does that mean we all have to be fans? rhetorical question Well, try to utter a sentence without borrowing from the Bard and you may find we've sent you on a "wild-goose chase". Yes, that's one of this. Long before "bestie" was added to Oxford's English Dictionary Shakespeare coined about 1,700 words. Without him you'd have no 'swagger', 'critics' or 'gossip'. He also came up with the word, 'advertising'. Professor Stanley Wells, honorary president of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust said: "The English language is full of Shakespearian expressions. He helps us to articulate our deepest emotions. He said Shakespeare fits all situations. 'A lover may quote Sonnet 116: "Love is not love / Which alters when it alteration finds". 20 Worrying...

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about something that can't be remedied we may say, like Lady Macbeth, "What's done cannot be undone". And faced with the death of a loved one we may echo King Lear: "Why should a dog, a horse, a rat have life / And thou no breath at all?" unbiased biased With almost 40 plays and 154 sonnets penned by Shakespeare, it is estimated that his works are being performed somewhere in the world every minute. But are these plays, with their iambic pentameter and old-fashioned language, still relevant to modern audiences? Gregory Doran, artistic director of the Royal Shakespeare Company, certainly thinks so. 'If you have ever been in love, or felt the pangs of jealousy, or the fierce drive of ambition; if you've ever grieved for a lost friend, or rejoiced at the promise of the future, then you will find Shakespeare intensely relevant to your life today,' he said. parand smom from Ende 30 Shakespeare never criticises his characters. He sees human life with great compassion, from a 360-degree perspective: no black and white, but infinitive congruities of grey. Michelle. к.. 40 am For Prof Wells, Shakespeare's plays are far richer in language and deeper in human understanding than most others. He believes they have stood the test of time because they are about timeless events and emotions - love, death, courage, joy, jealousy, youth and old age, 35 laughter and grief. полет • feut 55 'People value Shakespeare now for the beauty of his poetry, as in Romeo and Juliet; for his wit and humour, as in A Midsummer Night's Dream; for his portrayal of heroism, as in Henry V; for his depth of human understanding, as in Hamlet, and for his portrayal of courage in the face of suffering, as in King Lear. t It is estimated that Shakespeare's works are being performed somewhere in the world every minute They have been translated into almost every language on Earth - including Klingon Except for the Bible, Shakespeare is the most frequently quoted writer in English More than 3,000 schools and 150 arts and heritage organisations took part in the first Shakespeare Week last month Jullet has been voted the most popular Shakespearean character by visitors to his home at New Place, Stratford The balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet is the most requested Shakespeare scene performed by the resident acting troupe at his birthplace Shakespeare probably left school at the age of 14.15 New reforms revealed by education secretary Michael Gove will see Shakespeare play a more integral role in the national curriculum to help drive up education standards. From September, all British pupils between the age of 11 and 14 will be required to learn at least two complete Shakespeare plays. 45 'Shakespeare is absolutely vital to education", Gregory Doran say 'He gives us the words when our own fail. Once encountered, Shakespeare is a passport for life. He appeals to every age. As a kid you can become enthralled by these stories about shipwrecks and battles; witches, ghosts, and fairies. Then perhaps the language grabs you with the extraordinary rhythmical beauty. Then perhaps the politics, or the astonishing 50 psychological depth of his characters. He stays with you at every stage of your life,' So what about those who aren't gripped? Is it acceptable to admit you're simply not a fan? 'All children should be given an opportunity to see whether Shakespeare is for them,' said Prof Wells. A great many people in England and all over the world derive great enjoyment. and spiritual refreshment out of Shakespeare. But no one has a moral duty to like him any more than to like Mozart or The Beatles. 700 words) randam ein Bild om hergleicht "Juozalt & Shakesspease nochmal wells detin. за мастер mit den Beatles?! S aromat LKE MÖLL 13.1 Shakespeare Vocabulary: 1.8 to thrust sth. upon so.- jmd etwas aufdrängen 1.13 to swagger-prahlen, schwadronieren 1.19 to remedy-beheben,heilen 1.22 penned- verfasst 1.26 pangs-plötzlicher Schmerz 1.27 to rejoice- sich freuen, frohlocken 1.30 congruity-Kongruenz, Folgerichtigkeit 1.44 enthralled-bezaubert, gefesselt EXER eine Aufgabe Text ! Assignments: Point out the author's view that Shakespeare is still relevant in the 21 century considering the <reasons Leaver gives for her judgement (Comprehenston) inhaltswid gabe ed achten Summary & 2 Analyse the way Hayley Leaver tries to convince her readers of her opinion. Consider structure, use of language and stylistic devices.(Analysis) Blog entry , eigene Meinung 3. Choose one of the following tasks: 3.1 "Shakespeare is absolutely vital to education“. With reference to your own experience with Shakespeare, comment on this quote about Shakespeare's relevance today (Evaluation: Comment) 3.2 You are absolutely bored by Shakespeare's plays and poetry. Write a letter to the editor and explain why do you think students nowadays shouldn't be tortured with "Hamlet" or "Romeo and Juliet" anymore.(Evaluation: re-creation of text.) Macbeth cants as well 4. Roughly count your words, 8 Michelle h. Süddeutsche Zeitung 27.10.2015 Dec 2021 la - 4 don't understand what he is his working by the choosing of -better to talk about nowadays problem (politics. live in 2021 no witcles or live is diffrent fairy tales, how its unnecessary we ban words. yes but no weld to read his text still don't understand him LK MÖLL 13.1 Shakespeare Klausurteil 2: Mediation Spiel der Throne" Kurzels zweiter Film Macbeth beginnt mit einem toten Kind, das beerdigt wird. Es wird mit Steinen belegt, die die Erinnerungen der überlebenden Eltern bedecken sollen. In Shakespeares Stück war kaum die Rede von ihm, viel wurde gerätselt, ob es das Kind wirklich geben sollte. Nun macht der Tod des Kindes die Macbeths haltlos, eine Aura des Außenseitertums umgibt sie, die das Kino auf eine zärtlich perverse Weise intensiviert. Fremde Familien zerstören, das wird dann das Geschäft der Macbeths, grausam und unerbittlich, durch feige Mordanschläge oder auf dem Scheiterhaufen. Dec 2021 Die Macht, die sie anstreben, soll hier eine Leerstelle füllen, und die Verführung durch diese Macht hat stärker als bei Shakespeare, etwas Magisches. Poetisches in diesem Film. Justin Kurzel spricht von Lyrik, wenn er Shakespeares Dialoge erwähnt. Shakespeares Sprache gibt seinem Film die Impulse, dem Spiel seiner Hauptdarsteller Michael Fassbender und Marion Cotillard, den Macbeths Fassbenders Blick ist ganz träumerisch, wenn die Hexen ihn als einen zukünftigen König grüßen, er und seine Frau können einfach nicht widerstehen, es ist die reine Reklame (...) Macbeth ist der totale Krieger, sein Denken, sein Begehren sind ganz vom Krieg geprägt. Er ist, sagt Justin Kurzel, ein Produkt dieses Kriegs. Shakespeares Stücke visieren gerne die künftige Ordnung an, aber in ihrem Inneren rumort kräftig das gegenwärtige Chaos, die Anarchie, aus der diese Ordnung geboren werden soll. Das macht Macbeth zum puren Kinostoff. Natürlich übernehmen sich die Macbeths mit ihrem Königsprojekt. Sie haben aufs Kleingedruckte der Prophezeiungen nicht geachtet, nicht auf den Doppelsinn gehört. Aber das Kino richtet nicht über sie, es hat von Anfang an das Moralisieren dem Theater überlassen. Macbeth ist eine Orgie der Verstörung, ein Triumph der Unbeirrbarkeit, erst recht, wenn sie in den Wahn, in die eigene Zerstörung führt. In Macbeth sind Kausalität und Psychologie noch nicht in Kraft gesetzt, ein prähistorisches Universum hat Andre Bazin über den Nachkriegs-Macbeth von Orson Welles geschrieben, dem der von Justin Kurzel manchmal sehr nah kommt. Eine Prähistorie des Bewusstseins, ein ,,Universum an der Schwelle der Entstehung der Zeit und der Sünde, als Himmel und Erde, Wasser und Feuer, Gut und Böse überhaupt noch nicht voneinander getrennt waren". Der irisch-deutsche Michael Fassbender ist ein Außenseiter auch im Kreis der großen britischen Shakespeare-Darsteller, er ist frei von deren selbstgewisser Intimität mit Shakespeare. Fassbenders Macbeth ist spröde, was Kurzel-der viel als Werbe- und Clipregisseur arbeitet-mit mysthischer Musik und Zeitlupe kaschieren will. Es ist aufregend, diesem Macbeth beim Zerbröckeln zuzuschauen. Er sitzt infantil auf dem Boden uns spielt mit dem Schwert. Die Krone, von der er träumte, wollte nicht passen. Als Nächstes wollen Kurzel, Fassebender und Cotillard ein Videospiel verfilmen- Assassins's Creed (437 Wörter) Assignment: Your school participates in the international project" Shakesspeare at school". Part of this project is a blog, with several Shakespeare film versions and reviews published in different countries. You have found this review in a German newspaper. Write a blog entry about the film review with the main statements of the critic. ( Rudelle Paisli Klausurteil A: Inhaltliche Leistung( Schreiben/Leseverstehen(integriert) 1. Comprehension: Der Prüfling hat die positive Sichtweise der Autorin auf die Relevanz Shakespeares im 21. Jahrhundert zusammengefasst und Gründe dafür benannt( the most influential writer of all time. having transformed English drama, contributed many words, his expressions help us to articulate emotions, he presents human life with timeless events and emotions, vital to education 2. Analysis Der Prüfling hat analysiert wie die Autorin ihre Leser von ihrer Meinung überzeugen will/ Zeitungsartikel zum 450. Geburtstag des Schriftstellers als Lobeshymne brose -positive choice of words (most influential writer, fits all situations, richer in language and deeper in human understanding, beauty of his poetry, vital to education, extraordinary rhytmical beauty, astonishing psychological depth, great enjoyment -rhetorical questions: Will we ever get bored of the Bard? Is it acceptable to admit you're simple not a fan? - portve arnol -quotations: Shakespeare's work Prof Wells/Gregory Doran-credible sources -chart/ statistics( 1,700 words, 40 plays, 154 sonnets) -tone: duldet keinen Widerspruch/ structure: klare Struktur mit Titel, Foto, Text mit Zitaten und Grafik 3.1 Comment Der Prüfling hat mit Bezug auf seine eigenen Erfahrungen mit Shakespeare das Zitat zur Relevanz des Schriftstellers aus dem Zeitungsartikel kommentiert oder 3.2 Re-Creation Der Prüflin hat einen kritischen Brief an die Autorin des Zeitungsartikels verfasst und seine ablehnende Haltung zu Shakespeares Werk und Relevanz für Schüler in der heutigen Zeit begründet Gesamtpunktzahl 10 Punkte 12/16 Punkte 12/16 Punkte / 16 Punkte 28/42 Punkte Richelle Raushin Klausurteil A (Schreiben/Leseverstehen integriert): Kriterien zur Bewertung der sprachlichen Leistung/ Darstellungsleistung Die Bewertung erfolgt orientiert an den in den Lehrplänen ausgewiesenen Referenzniveaus des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens (GeR). Kommunikative Textgestaltung Anforderungen Der Prüfling 1 richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung auf die Intention und den Adressaten aus. 2 beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale der jeweils geforderten Zieltextformate. 3 erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text. 4 gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. 5 belegt seine Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten. Ausdrucksvermögen/Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel Anforderungen Der Prüfling 6 löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig. 7 verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz. 8 verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktions- und Interpretationswortschatz. Sprachrichtigkeit Anforderungen Der Prüfling beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit im Sinne einer gelingenden Kommunikation. 9 verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat 47 angemessenen 10 Wortschatz 11 Grammatik 12 Orthographie (Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung) Gesamt Darstellungsleistung/sprachliche Leistung 6 34 34 4 3 23 21 Gesamt Klausurteil A (inklusive inhaltlicher Leistung) 6 4° 24 21 9 58 34 21 63 105 Klausurteil B: Teilleistungen - Kriterien (Sprachmittlung) Teilaufgabe 4 (Mediation) a) inhaltliche Leistung Randlin Der Prüfling gibt die wesentlichen Inhalte im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung sinngemäß zusammenfassend wieder. Anforderungen Der Prüfling Die inhaltlichen Kriterien werden hier mit Blick auf folgende Aspekte kurs- und aufgabenspezifisch ausgeführt: situations- und adressatenbezogene sinngemäße Zusammenfassung, Konzentration auf wesentliche Inhalte, ggf. Hinzufügen von für das Verstehen erforderlichen Erläuterungen. Der Prüfling richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Intention und den/die Adressaten im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung aus. 2 berücksichtigt den situativen Kontext. 3 4 5 1 b) Darstellungsleistung/sprachliche Leistung Die Bewertung erfolgt orientiert an den in den Kernlehrplänen ausgewiesenen Referenzniveaus des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens (GeR). Kommunikative Textgestaltung Anforderungen beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale des geforderten Zieltextformats. erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text. gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. Ausdrucksvermögen/Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel Anforderungen Der Prüfling 6 löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig, ggf. unter Verwendung von Kompensationsstrategien. 7 verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz. 8 verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktionswortschatz. maximal erreichbare Punktzahl 9 verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbau. M₁ 18 maximal Punkt 9 maximal erreichbare Punktzahl Sprachrichtigkeit Anforderungen J. Rashi 10 Wortschatz 11 Grammatik 12 Orthographie Der Prüfling beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit im Sinne einer gelingenden Kommunikation. 16⁹ Gesamt Klausurteil B +P: //150P₁ Ⓒ befriedigend maximal erreichbare Punktzahl 28/45 (8 P.) Doll Shakesspeare The tabloid: "Shakespeare's 450th birthday Will we ever get bored of the Bard' written by Hayley Leaver and published on 17th April 2014 at the website www.metracok P W is a column. The tabloid talks about the positive influence Shakespecise gave the world and why we I will never get bored of him. The newspaper article is adressed to everyone because the writer wants to make. everyone liking Shakespeare, even if you already hate him or never heard of him. That's as well the reason why * Hayley Leaver wrote the article to show everyone how important Shakespeare is to all of us and the fact that it is his 450 th birthday. In the following I am سا Z Dec 2021 Michelle K haly's Ⓒ Richelle h. Shakespease is still relevant R in the 21. Century considering the reasons Leaver gives for her judgement by starting to Summer up the newspaper. You can part the article in four passages. R Jay going to point out. the authors new that archan The first passage starts in (. 5 and ends with 1. 15. Here the author is telling subconsciously her opinion about Shakespeare. In this passage she points. out that without Shakespeare we wouldn't have a lot of words to describe someting ar a situation The second passage starts Prin in (. 16 ends with 1.25, s goes on in 1. 32 till 39 and from 1.51 to 1.55. In this parts of the article you get to know about Proffesor Stanley wells, president of the Shakespeare Birtplace trusts opinion. and that Shakespeare fits. all situations ((. 18) The third passage which goes from (. 26 to 31th and 1.45 to So is just about Gregory Dorans, the artistic director of the Royal Shakespeare Company, opinion that Shakespeare is still relevant to modem audiences. is The last passage 1.40 till 44 here a picture w chart -appears in the article w where the most important or intresting facts about Shakespeare R are being summed up magse to make the importance. of Shakespeare clear. After the picture the education Secretary Michael Gove reveals that from September all British pupils between the age of 11 and 14 will be required to learn at least two complete Shakespeare plays' ((. 43-44). archiginn All in all the author Just uses three sources. Ilgis analgis ichelle u. Michelle K. Michelle h. O valgus Task 2 but all having the about same opinion Shakespeare and how brilliant. he is. The author quoted as well just people who already are specialized on Shakespeare and his positive impacts on humanity. The author just uses positive comments about Shakespeare to make her point of new clear that She thinks Shakespeare will never be boxing. Exactly this method of the author, the way how She tries to convince her readers of her opinion I am about to analyze how.. considering structure, use of language and stylistic devices. First of all this newspaper- article is based completly biased. The author just talks about the positive influence Shakespeare and underlines gave her opinion by quoting people who think the same. To add Roosed to that she mostly uses positivly conacted w words which lets the reader think positive of Shakespeare aswell while reading words like. intensely, infinitive, richer, 44² deeper, understanding a great. enjoyment' The author uses rhetorical questions as well. When she asus a questions she simply answers it with by quoting someone who answers it for her but just someone } having a positive opinion about Shakespeare because as it seems, no negative Opinions about Shakespeare are allowed. by example. W "But are these plays, with their lambic pentameter. and old-fashioned Language, Still relevant to modern W fr. audiences? Gregory Doran, [...] a certainly thinks so. '((. 25-26) Leaver answerd ben 4 bad I questions by quoting an export with the same opinion as her. Michelle u. Michelle k. the structure of the article is smart. In the first part of the article. the author tells something about Shakespeare to get R the reader intrested into' reading. In this kind of answers the question part she A from the headline herself because as well in the whole article she just uses positive comment about Shalespoore. After that the smart parts begins. All she does is Estery near Alwa using two sources which both think positive about Shakespeare but after every pro argument She changes to the other. Source So that the reader wont get that the article is just based upon Duran and Por Professor wells. Just at the end of the next she a third sourer Michael Gove to underline the importance of reading Shakespeare in school. in the end the author found a smart solution for underlining her opinion subconscious, and to convince her readers of her opinion. Jv. Now I am going to comment "Shakespeare. • absolutely vital to is education" Important to know is that neither am I or against pro Shakespeare and in the following i am going to explain myself. What speaks for the quote is that indeed Shakespeare had a big impact on the language and he coined about 1.700 words.. But we live in 2021. and Shakespease was. a long time ago. considering that our words. nowadays are not the 3.1. A Michelle Michelen. عهد ZR they were 450 years ago. Still Shakespeare plays boven are about timeless. events and emotions. On the other side we + have millions of authors which write about timeless events and emotions why has it to be one of Shakespeare's plays when even nowadays. • We have difficulties. understanding them? Against this argument is the fact that a lot of people say that he is vital to education. because he appeals to every age. But in the end It is better to talk about nowadays problems politics, the enviroment, RR Fridays for future and more Shakespeare isnt a need to get educated and know about like live these days because most of his plays were about problems they had in the past. At last but not least I would like to add. my own experience after reading Shakespeare. Macbeth in my english R class. AS I already said before neither am I pro or against Macbeth. The thing is, yes it intresting story Las an and yes after understanding his play kind of really liked it but in the 1 end it didnt educated me. Personally I always heard people talking about. Shakespeare and especially his play Romeo & Juliet, which I have never seen. or read, and I always. wanted to know why Sha wespeare is so popular; but after reading and watching his play life fr. R R Michelle h Michelle u (19 Macbeth, I sadly cant Say that it changed. my life in any way. a play like most It is nowadays just that it is more difficult to understand the message. behind it, but after you do, you wonder why Shakespeare is so hyped, A if you don't, well I do. Hello Shakespeare lovers, I found an intresting R Germany film review in : " Süddeutsche Zeitung" published on 24.10.2015 by from fritz Göttler and wanted to tell you about. the film review with the main Statements of the critic. this article is about Z Kurzels second movie Macbeth which starts with a dead child being. burried. Klausurteil 2: In Shakespeare's play the dead child in the beginning. wasn't mentioned anywhere. play, so in the whole many critics came if the child should've been in the beginning of the mare. the director Kurzel talus about lyric when he says something about. Shakespeares dialogues. He says aswell that Macbeth is a product of war. what makes Macbeth to a good movie is that Shakespeared plays the are *a likely to be about future order but still Z being born. veze it is exciting. watching Macbeth. having a break down and meet down in the more because the mysterious music W Z Z being in a big mess and out of the anarchie R the order is kind of Michelle h. Michelle u. 12 and the slow motion parts give you the extra spice you don't. get while reading Macbeth. that would be the main message and the most important points in this film. review. Gottler wrote a lot more then that but the things werent really. Something about the film more about the play Macbeth itself. ZR that's why I didn't added it to this blog entry as well as some comments. I quite didn't understand because he used a very formal German. R I still hope you liked my blogentry and see you next time when I found something new! Please make sure to Comment if you Liked blog entry L and my a comment if should change something. Your Macbethfan, hichelle Michellen. (13)