


Stereotypes and racism







Exam #1
Oral grade:
Part 1: Reading Comprehension:
Diversity in the top jobs will benefit the whole society.
Exam #1
Oral grade:
Part 1: Reading Comprehension:
Diversity in the top jobs will benefit the whole society.
Exam #1
Oral grade:
Part 1: Reading Comprehension:
Diversity in the top jobs will benefit the whole society.
Exam #1
Oral grade:
Part 1: Reading Comprehension:
Diversity in the top jobs will benefit the whole society.

Exam #1 12 Oral grade: Gradk () 9.8 12 16/12/2019 Part 1: Reading Comprehension: Diversity in the top jobs will benefit the whole society. Black and ethnic minorities want to succeed on their own merits. We need to understand what is stopping them. 8.5/10 1 A traditional approach to nurturing talent is needed for a modern workforce. For far too long, executive positions in both the private and public sectors have been the preserve of white males. I therefore welcome the interventions by Sir Peter Fahy, who leads the Greater Manchester Police, and business secretary Vince Cable that we need greater diversity in important positions across the country. Sir Peter's call becomes more 5 urgent when you consider that only six chief officers in the police are from non-white backgrounds. When writing to the seven FTSE 100 companies that still do not even have a woman on their board, Dr Cable made it clear that people from different backgrounds bring with them fresh perspectives. A lot has changed in the 20 years since my son, Stephen, was murdered but a lot more needs to happen. The UK will only reach its full potential when everyone, irrespective of their background, truly believes that they 10 can make it. The Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust is working hard to bring about this change. The evidence shows...

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there is still not enough diversity in senior roles. Research has found that even those people from black and minority ethnic (BME) background who manage to get jobs in professional occupations can often struggle to progress up the career ladder despite suitable qualification and experience. In 2010, only 4.1% of directors in FTSE 100 companies came from ethnic minority backgrounds Statistics show that 15 black university graduates can expect a 24% pay penalty after they leave university. This is not only a British problem. In the US, only 13 black executives have ever made it to the top of a Fortune 500 company. Only six of them are currently active. While we welcome Sir Peter's understanding that it is important to have more officers from ethnic minority backgrounds, we have found that the vast majority of black people do not want affirmative action. They, and i 20 other ethnic minorities, want to work in environments where they are assessed on their merit, rather than having people believe they only secured their jobs because of the colour of their skin. We need to examine what gets in the way when people try to succeed on their own merits but are not as successful as they would have hoped or their paper qualifications would suggest. They may not have the confidence to believe they can do a role. They may not even aspire to a specific profession in the first place. They might be the first person they know to have "made it", which means they will not have the in-built network that their peers may have grown up with And sometimes they will look at an industry, not see 25 anyone in it who looks like them, and decide to walk away from it It is not just about getting into a job in the first place it is also about how people are supported to stay and progress. I have had plenty of people tell me how difficult and excluding they found the culture of their workplace. They have told me that they felt overlooked for promotion and worked extra hard to get to where they are From The Observer, by Doreen Lawrence, Stephen Lawrence's mother, 2 February 2013 Read the text. For multiple-choice or right/wrong questions please note: -Tick the correct solution(s). Support your answers by quoting from the text: line number(s) + first word + last word. See example. (0) People with an immigrant background say they need help in order to get to the top of the career ladder. subheading: "Black..merits" (1) Diversity should be seen as an opportunity to view things in a different way. 11.6.7 (2) The workforce in Britain is not as effective as it could be because some people have no hope when it comes to their careers. (3) The reason why British people with an immigrant background Do not fully succeed is that they are often poorly qualified. K #bring with them fresh perspectives" K true W 0 (4) When students with an immigrant background start work, it is common for their salaries to be one third lower than those of white students. X (5) Over half of the black top managers in America have now stopped working false И 1. (.9.f... truly belives that they can make it" H 0 0 0 u 1.1.15 black university graduates", 24060. 1. (L. 13 Struggle to progress..." despite suitable qualification, -0.5 * X hot enough as -0.5 U 114.16€. only 13 black executiver" "six of them are currently active" 11 240 / pay penalty" 0 Annotations: merit-the quality of being good and deserving praise, nurturing-(to) rane, to be preserve of-th which is restricted only to a certain group, it is their special, limited domain, urgent- very important and needing attention immediately, FTSE 100- most successful 100 companies, the board- a group of directors in a company who have the power to make the rules, Irrespective-without considering, a pay penalty the difference in salaries between one group and another because of colour, sex, etc., Fortune 500-the 500 largest companies in the US, which are named in the fortune magazine, affirmative action-If a government or an organization takes affirmative action, it gives preference to women, black people, or other groups that are often treated unfairly, when it is choosing people for a job. (to) assess-to judge or decide the amount, value quality, or importance of something. (to) aspire-to have a strong desire to achieve sth Part II: Cartoon Analysis Analyse the cartoon below with reference to the short story A Pair of Jeans and the protagonist Miriam. Write at least 300 words. EVERYTHING COVERED BUT HER EYES WHAT A CRUEL MALE- DOMINATED CULTURE! Evaus 7 content: language: 6.5/10 13/15 NOTHING COVERED BUT HER EYES, WHAT A CRUEL MALE DOMINATED CULTURE! Stock Hea (Lingrad) CICESTE SL Patersburg Nischni or Nord see pa Hog LINDE ARG DEUTSCH.P. HIM nsko Nowograd Jefferen WarschwSRURG Moskau 16.12.19 Part II. Cartoon Analysis Nowadays many people suffer from inner conflicts due to their biracial ethnicity. If you grow up with two different cultures, you might have to decide for one of them because every ethnicity has its own traditions, rules, beliefs and values. This identity crisis will L influence your personality and identity because, have to find your personality and who you are. The given cartoon deals with the fact that your ethnicity and your origin influence how you act or how you see others and more than one personality can lead to conflict. you a sight yourg This belongs in your introduction The cartoon is drawn Evans. At the first look we can see two by women walking away of each other. Both women are looking at each other in an arrogant way. In the background we can see a wall. made of bricks with bushes on it. At first glance the woman on the left hand side seems to be western due to her outward appearance.. She is wearing high heels and big earings. Except sunglasses and a bikini she is not wearing any clothes. We get the feeling she is a tourist on her way to the beach because of the bag she is carrying. In contrast to her, the woman on the right-hand side seems to be a Muslim of an eastern country. Her body is fully covered by traditional muslim clothes. If we look at the speach bubbles we can find out that they are both thinking bad of each other because of the prejudices they have (got) due to their different outward appearance Z L L Where does this come from? Sounds whe a very Constructed introduction no connection between the topic of the Cartoont intro thre - give clear topic (Riparaphrase the content Gr have The cartoonist may want to convey that our personality and ethnicity afferty hour of acting and thinking. In this cartoon the differente L Gr ethnicities cause stereotypes. On the one hand, the Western woman thinks the Eastem woman just lovers her body because ZL Z of the male dominated culture. On the other hand, the Eastern woman thinks the Same of the westem one. The message of not judge people by their outward the cartoon is that. we should appearance. Most of the time stereotypes just appear because of our lack of knowledge. In this cartoon, the woman on the right-hand side might be very religious and not opressed by the male part of the Society and the woman on the left-hand side just feels confident enough to present herself. On the other side there is no wrong and false of wearing a bikini or traditional muslim clothes. Due to our personality that is mainly influenced by our ethnicity and religion we rely on different values and have different beliefs. That leads to R the problem that we seperate people into groups because of our ZR values and experiences. In the short story "A pair of Jeans" the protagonist faces another problem due to her personality. Miriam has an inner conflict between her westem and eastem side. In this have Gr cartoon she would have stand in the middle and has to decide explain ho problems, father-in-law, cancelled prejudices Why is it effective? for one side. In the short story Miriam clecides. on wearing jeans. instead of wearing the traditional suit. That causes many problems and affects her arranged marriage. westen From my point of view the cartoonist gets the message across very well. It is obvious that the woman on the eastem (right) side stands for eastern wounen and the woman on the left) side stands for western women. It clearly shows how our personality causes stemnotypes and with reference to the short story that more. than one ethnicity could lead to an inner conflict. own opinion! Outlook? TM to structures even more advanced sentence (by eg. wsing participle constructions