


Stereotypes in A Streetcar named Desire







Southern Belle
contrast to the submissive wife sex object
- covers light bulbs to dim the light
- had "Belle Reve"
young & less ex

Southern Belle ● Blanche contrast to the submissive wife sex object - covers light bulbs to dim the light - had "Belle Reve" young & less experienced beautiful, graceful, charming, loyal to family &virtuous - doesn't want a dominating husband very sensitive - writes polite letters to an old friend wants to have a good image in front of others - flirts with a young man upper class in society (large mansions, colorful social life and parties...) concept of men courting & worshipping women the goal: getting married and consequently becoming a Southern lady flirty impulsive and provocative attitude ends when she is married manners are important e.g. always calling a women "ma'am" or a gentleman "sir" may have traveled around the world but she never loses touch with her roots Wife - Stella ● ● ● ● ● ● Macho ● Stereotypes in "A Streetcar named Desire" ● stays at home, while Stanley is working and going out -> less friends than Stanley chats with other women/housewives (her only friends) subordinated to/under Stanley and takes care of him (lunch etc.); depends on him pregnant: is going to take care of the child fulfilling sex life with Stanley to be satisfied domestic violence verbal aggression lack of attention and empathy for women Stanley hits Stella (p.43) - "you son of bitches!" (p.44) - Stella begins to cry but Stanley ignores her

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