


summary, analysis, comment







before writing:
- reread
find answers for w-questions
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and organize them.
introductury sent
before writing:
- reread
find answers for w-questions
- make notes
and organize them.
introductury sent
before writing:
- reread
find answers for w-questions
- make notes
and organize them.
introductury sent
before writing:
- reread
find answers for w-questions
- make notes
and organize them.
introductury sent
before writing:
- reread
find answers for w-questions
- make notes
and organize them.
introductury sent
before writing:
- reread
find answers for w-questions
- make notes
and organize them.
introductury sent

before writing: - reread find answers for w-questions - make notes writing -who -where -when -why -what and organize them. introductury sentence author Summary · title text type (non-fiction text). date of publication 1-2 sentences about the content of the story L> The given articel published in ... main part - mention only important aspects ↳no own words present tense (simple present or present perfect) no short forms chronological order. - is a non-fictional text by deals with the topic].... (w-questions) opinion, no quotation, no interpretation. author: the shows, describes makes clear to the reader that mentions. underlines explains, highlights intends to points out.... words/phrases: - The action takes place in... /is set in... First of all/ In the beginning of the text author starts the text with... - The •Then / After that / Afterwards the reader learns -In addition /conclusion argues that.... the author - At the end of the Text / Finally / Lastly... ✓ ✓ and Introduction - text type - title • author general idea to answer my question caccording to the assignement) to draw her readers' attention to... intention L> Analysis of style and tone the blog post draw her/his readers attention?" to pay of our constant distracting mobile phones. Therefore, she Stylistic and rhetorical devices and many other. achiev this. [Murray Rosenbaum] wrote. main part - use different paragraphs for different ideas narrative techniques: -tense • choice of words. • tone grammar /syntax • formal vs. informal - rhetorical questions. -narrative. perspective irony : - use of personal pronouns use of examples I facts. -use of adjectives :- use of adjectives (positive, aggressive, sad, motivating clueless etc.). - sentence. : - "How hard is it to attention to the problems several uses strategies to structure punctuation many relative clauses incomplete sentences simple sentences. slang -provide...

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evidence from the text to outline the effect that is stylistic devices complete + complex sentences -objectivity formal expressions -stylistic devices. created informal formal support your findings (quotations) by the authors. use of conclusion -refer to your introduction and write a concluding sentence in which you restate. your first general idea of your main findings do not add new aspects do not give your personal opinion or evaluation ↳ All in all the [blog post] is full of rethorical devices. make the text not only enjoyable to read but also enables. the author to engage the reader. with current and controversial topic of [title]. How to analyse an argumentative text Analyse the style and tone of the blog post and answer the following questions: - Is the post written in an interesting manner? - Does it sound natural? - How does the author make the reader feel involved? Fill in your writing plan. Write your analysis. Do's - use - How to analyse an argumentative text Use your notes to create a coherent text with the following structure: • introduction based on the question . main part . conclusion use - use Questions that could help you to structure your analysis: Does the text have a specific structure? Are arguments given? How does this structure influence the reader? Is the text written in an interesting way? → How? What makes it interesting? Consider style and tone and language as well. Does the author make the reader feel involved? ⇒ How? Does he give any examples or facts, present his own experiences? Does state any solutions? your While answering these questions, you'll automatically deal with stylistic devices. Use the table you have been given to note down your findings. Your paragraphs should always relate to the question ( what means does he use to underline his point of view and what effect is created by their use) and be other. Use li connected to each retationking words (connectives), see vocab list "Funktions- und in OneNote. Don't forget to give evidence from the text. Choose some striking examples for your quotes. your own words the present tense. linking words to ideas connect Don't's that do not use •no slang words. -do not write short forms. about yourself or your own. opinion useful phrases. -the author uses metaphorical language to... the author employs stylistic devices to... Stylistic devices underline/highlight the arguments/message the of the text the stylistic device supports / affirms the author's / the text's message the stylistic device (metaphor brings out the message linking words -throughout the phrases such as - the authors choice of words [blog post] underline Stylistic devices Comparison: the act of judging to what similar • "Miss Amelia Jones simile on explicit comparison between two things which are basically. quite different use of word such as like or is like creates extent two things or persons are her sister Dorothy" as contrast to comparison: the reader's imagination must be stirred (Miss Amelia Jones. is like a fussy old nen" / "She walks like an angel"/"I wandered lonely as a clud") Metaphor or as. • a comparison between · while without using like. simile only says that one thing is metaphor says one. thing is another a Personification two things which are basically "1 objects or abstract ideas are represented as if they were beings and possessed human qualities. "Justice is blind"/" Necessity is the mother of invention" symbol words, usually at the beginning of something concrete (a person, object, image, word etc.) that stands for smth or invisible alastract "The Cross is the symbol of Christianity" / "The dove symbalizes peach" Alliteration Peter Piper picked a peck of • the repetition of the same consonant sound neighbouring words. quite different "Like" another, a pickled peppers" same or similar syntactical form in different we charg him with.... We accuse Anaphora a form of prallelism where a word. or several word are repeated (aufeinander folgend) lines, sentences. or paragraphs . "In every cry of every human Repetition repitition of words. and phrases "Scrooge was his sole. executor, his sole administrator, his sole assign etc." Prallelism sentences him of.... We censure him for.... at the beginning of successive man /in every infants' cry of fear / In every voice, in every ban" Enumeration ·listing of words or phrases Today Climax many workers find their series of expressions idea and ending. * Some Hyperbole exaggeration books are to be tasted, other to be swallowed, Litotes opposite of hyperbole (@untertreibung) Pun Wortspiel · "My dog's a champion boxer" Antithesis · Kontrast ." That's on rises step by step, beginning with the least important with the most important one introduction. introduces the topic. - labour mechanical, boring, imprisonning.. small step for a man, one - in each paragraph... main part • convince the reader. support your view with evidence. giant leap Comment • tells the reader why this is an important topic - particular problem · states clearly your opinion ↳> in the following, I would like to comment the (text type, e.g. non-fictional text] by author] and I agree / disagree lots of different for manking" "1 on the problem of (title)" which was written published in [date]. It disusses with the author. ways to... However - rule!: new idea- new paragraph=> leave. mind. 3 Argumente there are • 1 state your argument. 2 explain your argument and ・3 illustrate it by giving an example, support it by providing evidence or by quoting an expert. one line blank •First of all to begin with. furthermore / Moreover • not only ... but also.... therefore ·another reason is that... on the one hand... on the other hand... altough however Finally · last but not least ending -round off your argument. ↳ I'd like to finish by saying that...