


Summary und Comment







How to write a summary ?
A>Who is the author ?
=> When was the text published?
3> Where was it published &

How to write a summary ? introduction. wh-questions! A>Who is the author ? => When was the text published? 3> Where was it published & What type of text is it? > What topic does the text deal with? > What is the title ? main part - focus on the essentials / on basic facts - use the present tense - use your own words - use formal language. •According to the author,... •From the author's point of view..... •The author is of the opinion that .... Englisch written by 1 and published. 3 on 2, is about 5. for example: The news paper article "1, narcisst ranity, social media, and the human condition", withen by Carmen Fishwick don'ts X: The 4 and published in the Guardian on 17 March 2016, is about the effect of social media on the way people act. -Don't include irrelevant details. Lernzettel -Don't use the present progressive. Don't use direct speech. - Don't give your personal opinion. -Don't start analysing the text.

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