


The British System of Government







● constitutional monarch and head oft he State
the Queen opens each new session of the parliament
• represetational duties →"focus for natio
● constitutional monarch and head oft he State
the Queen opens each new session of the parliament
• represetational duties →"focus for natio

● constitutional monarch and head oft he State the Queen opens each new session of the parliament • represetational duties →"focus for national identity, unity and pride" & she stands for stability and continuity has to be politically neutral, but she can warn and advice ministers and she has a close relationship with the prime minister (→ weekly meetings) • appoints the prime minister after the elections has the power to sign treaties and declare war has the power to make and pass legislation together with an elected parliament • she can approve orders and proclamations ● she can award honours • formal role in the assemblies of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland head oft he commonwealth head oft he Anglican church/ church of England the British people are subjects oft he monarch she does not have executive powers her power is limited by the parliament ● ● The role of the queen ● ● ● officially appoints The British System of Government is accountable to elects Monarch offical head of state (mostly representative functions), signs bills passed by Parliament thereby making them law The Government Prime Minister head of the government leader oft he strongest party in the House of Commons officially appoints (on the recommendation of the PM) Cabinet about 20 of the most important Ministers (heads of government departments) Parliament House of Lords Ca. 700 members (life peers, 26 Anglican bishops, and 92 hereditary peers) scrutinizes bills passed by...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

the House of Commons House of Commons 650 MPs from constituencies makes laws elected for each constituency in an first-past-the-post system, elections are held at least every five years Electorate all men and women over the age of 18