


The Cirle - Inhalt, utopian and dystopian aspects







Book I (pp 1 304)
The Circle by Dave Eggers
Mae starts her new job at the circle
motivated, thankful, overwhelmed
"The Circle" global player

Book I (pp 1 304) The Circle by Dave Eggers Mae starts her new job at the circle motivated, thankful, overwhelmed "The Circle" global player, tech company, provides a large campus with every neccessary store etc. works in custumer experience Stressful, rewarding, motivating, natural talent Circle expects its employees to socialise at the campus post on the Cirles Social media, take part in free time activities at the campus (seminandatory events) has to take some time off to find time for her parents is watched when she performs her hobby (kayaking) outside of the company. Mae steals a kayak to go paddeling when the store is closed →The Cicle gets to know about this criminal act Bailey asks for a conversation; convinces Mae to be a part of The Circles "See Change"/ transparenty. project → Mae starts to wear a Seechange camera where ever she walks Book I. (pp.305- 486) →>> Mae neglects family and friends → can not agree with her ex-boyfriends (Macer) rejection of The Circle does not care that much for her best friend. (Annie) anymore her parents suffer from the Circles Survilliance at their home Kalden turns out to be Ty and warns Mae about the Circle; Mae does not belive in the warnings Mae is still persuated by The Cicles company systems. becomes one of the most important employees...

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in the public appearance enjoys the attention Ty worries about. The Circle gaining more and more global power → wants Mae to read a manifesto of digital rights to let her understand the importancy of stopping the companies expand → Mae lies about changing the way she thinks about the company Book II (pp. 487-491) Mae publishes Ty's plan about Stopping The Circle imagines the Circles as it offering her a utopian future sits besides Annie who is in coma because of a blackout → the company has made her work to hard. Utopian overview Utopian and dystopian aspects of the novel "The circle perfect and free health insurance appropriate salary complete care including free activities no poverty within the company 11 no criminality caring social network full filled infrastructure futuristic technoligical progress opportunity for work-life-balance. Dystopian real life issues outside of the campus Loss of privacy controll of society loss of individuality The Circle own to rule the entire world. Manipulation affect the politics of the country.