


The Hunger Games- disscusion







The hunger games
-24 Teenagers - 1 con
- demonstrate power the regime of totalitarion state
of Parem organises the hunger games

Discussion: The hunger games -24 Teenagers - 1 con - demonstrate power the regime of totalitarion state of Parem organises the hunger games every y - Katniss voluntarily, goes to the arena for her te sister. - an other candidate is Peeta, a long knownchi Lolhood friend from her. Peeta confesses his love to her shortly befor the Competition but the Capitol makes them mortal enemies, Dystopia - People of Panemore forced to give their Children up to compete in the hunger games and Katniss unknowingly. starts a rebellion against. the government by defying the capital she sparks a rebellion against the oppressive Capitol District 12 is the furthest from the Capitol so it is the poorest The people of the Capitol have more money than all the districts combined - Hunger games is used as propaganda is shows that the Capitol is in Charge The propaganda does not provide any space for anything that does not pertain to the capitol Utopia 8-Luxus & relative Freiheit für die Menschen des Kapitals Gewinner dürfen Zu ihren Familien zurück Dystopic's - Armut - Unterdrüching Menschen in den Bezirlien - Kontrolle • Goverment Controls many aspects of society techndogy religion, education, manufacturing Critic's Maes charaterised as a boring, unreflected, and naïve girl The film has an important topic but it is poorly The complicated Love story is presented in a simplified way and ends totaly...

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