


The political system of the United Kingdom 🇬🇧







the political system of the
The Heuses of Parliament
united kingdom policama the machi
- the people vote directly, in a first-past-the-post.
the political system of the
The Heuses of Parliament
united kingdom policama the machi
- the people vote directly, in a first-past-the-post.

the political system of the The Heuses of Parliament united kingdom policama the machi - the people vote directly, in a first-past-the-post. System. -every five years. W The House of Commons 1-650 MPs ione for each constituency. -examine the work of. Government. -debate cond (drafts for I pass bills the House of Lorels -760 Members (life peers. and 26. Anglican bishops) -advise on / suggest changes to bills. Government the Prime Minister -leader of the party. winning most seats in. the House of commons. •-reports resulary to the monoch -represents government and the Cabinet!! -20 senior ministers appointed by the Rime Minister to lead government. departments The Shadow cabinet. - MP3 and Cords from the. second largest (Official) Opposition party. -responsible for checking and questioning the - con delay most bills for up a year. ↑ the monarch/the sovereign... -official Head of State and commonwealth, Commondes-in-chief of the Amed Forces Supreme soveror of the church of England needitery and crowned for life -representational function: Stelte opening of Parliament each year. -appoints the Prime Minister and all cords in the Heuse of Cords pros and cons for the british monarchy Pros - Prime Ministers think that the weekly, and thices with. the Queen are a uniave. opportunity to discuss govern: mviseriment, with a pealth of ment, maliks out side a porty. who can expertence and politicall. Kabwledge. stends above party politics the monarch is seen as a nonpolitical figure symbolizing Britishness and national values British monarchy has shown that it is able to reform itself and adapt to modern times Queen my be the most expensive monarch in...

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Europe .a. president could be more exprisive positive image of the Bri- world helps to secure trade. .deals. ein -morech does not have. any real political power. functions are madly formal by, other political bodies over -heeditery monarchy - people should be able to exercise denocceltic .control of the head. of the executive. - monoschy would not work as a kind of constitutional bacoter aseinst a clictector.-. ship. -The British Sovereish is the most expensive mengreh. in Europe om per year! -the Queen is the third. weell thiest monerch in. Evrope. menechy still receives public funding. -meny members of the. •Reyal Femily head charities. they do not really ensaise in practical work for those •charities but rather .serve as cl. kind of. momention spread sympathy in Britain. with new generations the had othered new yoys -members of the Royal Femily figurehead.. have imperten't functions. heading all kinds of charities •Their image and popullarity help •charities to continue their good work. List"