


The Wall Charaktere







The superiors
captain: - was an other, got here ten years ago, before the law changed (p.us 1.112)
- is so hard and strict because he knows
The superiors
captain: - was an other, got here ten years ago, before the law changed (p.us 1.112)
- is so hard and strict because he knows
The superiors
captain: - was an other, got here ten years ago, before the law changed (p.us 1.112)
- is so hard and strict because he knows
The superiors
captain: - was an other, got here ten years ago, before the law changed (p.us 1.112)
- is so hard and strict because he knows

The superiors captain: - was an other, got here ten years ago, before the law changed (p.us 1.112) - is so hard and strict because he knows how it is out there p.us. - has done four turns because he's obsessed with keeping them out and proving he's worth being allowed to stay p.45 tall, at least a head taller than kavanagn p.12. looks scary I reassuring good leader but liar, hard-core behaviour (wants to prove his worth) - character trait: harsh. sergeant: -ne changed when he was on his own p. 12 Yos: no name given anonym - heavy get called sarge Comparison: the sergeant is nicer than the captain - "You're lucky it was me, the captain sees that you get extra days on the wall. corporal, superior -hobby: whittling, cut figures or patters into wood - tall, over six feet (p.14 1.44) - all beard eyes and wool cap (p. 141.8) humorous (p. 14 1.19) gave the order Characterization: Kavannagh outward appearance - wears glasses (p.11 1.24) - skinny body figure (p.49 1.18) - a head smaller than the captain (p. 12) - wishes & hopes - wants to leave home get as much education as possible get a well paid job, become member of elite gives rise to doubts - general information - Joseph Kavanagh, primarly called "Kavangh" - nickname "Chewy" (p.34) - defender → duty prevent immigrants, the "Others" from entering...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

the counter - ·18 years old - before he has began his time at the Wall he lived with his parents in the Midlands (lower class member) behaviour thoughts / feelings - skeptical about his time coming up on the Wall -> just wants his time to be over, bored thoughtful, overthinker →>>> 1 no Help spends a lot of time thinking & sinking in himself, worries about possible situations feels desperate & depressed (p. 28 1.12) tries to do "some maths to cheer Chimself I up" (p.28 1.13) -> hopeful, tries to stop the negative emotions from overflowing the positive thoughts L> Sign of strength & optimism - allows himself to cry to feel relief (p. 26 1.27) - is interested in Hifa → influenced by Hifa le.g holiday week together) - had the idea with the help ->> tidy place, no heavy back packs,... →> smart relation with others friends has a new "Wall family" (p.71) family bad to no relationships complicated relations with his parents ->parents generations "fueled up the world" (p.52 1.6 f.) -> responsible for the change doesn't talk a lof bad / troubled communication, aren't very approachable Flughes Want to study literature > teach at an university cy a defender duty same age Kavanagh an appereance: bulky, looming, whishing Serawn eyes, four day autward figure, always mumbeling ausser slum, dark haired guy, his real appereance skinny, gentle, intellectual Havanagh shift twin behaviour: meditabe martial art reads romantic pochy, want to be academic, like to joke around to character developement - side character an guer because we don't know him for that long, because we just at the shift swaps with Kavanagh saw him MARY - THE WALL Character analysis Outward appearance: - Curly Hair (p.27 1. 7/ p.68 1. 27) - is wearing a cap when Kavanagh first meets her (p. 27 1. 7) General information: - kitchen staff - Job: serves hot drinks on a bike for the defenders (p. 26-27) - loves cooking and dreams about opening her own place cooking as a hobby and passion - friends with Shona, Hifa, Cooper, Hughes and Kavanagh - age: young adult, probably 18-25 Behaviour/ Thoughts/ Feelings: - cares about the people (p. 271. 13) - talks with people about their shifts, which could show that she's curious (p. 3 1. 26) - has empathy towards kavanagh and also towards other defenders - she is also a good cook and makes good tea Character traits: - sociable: stops to make conversation with each defender page 27 - sweet: calls defenders „darling (p.27 1. 18)“/ hugs Hifa in an „unmilitary way“ (p.27 1. 26) - referred to as ,,temperamentally cheerful" (p.68 1.29) ->,,hilariously moody in the morning until she's had some caffeine" (p.68 1. 29-30) - faithful and passionate: shown especially when she talks about cooking and opening up her own place (p. 69 1.5) - optimistic (in general -> concluded from her behaviour when talking about her bright future) - determined: knows what she wants and loves and sets herself a goal for the future in hopes to achieve it one day (p.69 1.5) - controlling: was hovering above the chef and criticises his way of working