


Wasting time is new divide in digital era: Analysis







article "Wasting time is new divide in digital
era" written by Matt Richtel and published on may 29,2012
on the internet a
article "Wasting time is new divide in digital
era" written by Matt Richtel and published on may 29,2012
on the internet a
article "Wasting time is new divide in digital
era" written by Matt Richtel and published on may 29,2012
on the internet a
article "Wasting time is new divide in digital
era" written by Matt Richtel and published on may 29,2012
on the internet a

Nr.5 The newpaper article "Wasting time is new divide in digital era" written by Matt Richtel and published on may 29,2012 on the internet at www.nytimes.com deals with the new dividle and digital media, which have a high consumption and the wasted time because of unnecessary things. Matt Richtel intention is that we should think about our Society spend too much time wasted time because our with the digital world. poor First the article explains which digital media people use. There is a difference between kids from families. Kids from poor and rich families waste more time on digital media as kids from rich families. Many parents. do not know a lot about Facebook. The aptitude to handle with digital gadgets and tools is a good way to use for education and job-skills training. In the article are some useful digital gadgets listened like the computers. Students use them to waste Hime and gain entertainment, Matt Richtel included a which notice that teenager with parents, who do not have a special degree spend 90 minutes more time per day as higher socioeconomic families. Furthermore there are some examples survey, for different people, who use digital media mention like the Facebook freak, Alejandro Zamora, who use the computer for entainment and his mum does not understand why. The examples explain how long they use each. digital media with which reasons. The children make clear that they "Can control...

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their consumption and finally. and do not use digital media for school. Matt Richtel discovers that children from poor families spend time with digital media as children from rich famimore because poor children do not have a regular check and the opportunity to get informed from their parents (cf 11.10). These children do not get informed about digital media labout that they are wasting their time (cf1.13).* The author include a survey to underpin his argumentation with the quote "Digital literacy is important (1.4-6) from a expert and clarifies how imorpartant it is and to be convinced. It effects the attention from the readers too (cf li. 46). The survey notice that teenager with parents, who do not have a special degree spend 90 minutes more time per day as higher socioeconomic families (cf. 11.69). *The enumeration".. and gadgets to watch shows.... and connect on social networking sites..."CII. 13) shows the causes why people spend much time on digital media and waste their times with useless things. The word "time-wasting gap" (1.15) shows the negative aspect from digital media. one of T In this regard he explain some examples from different people who are using digital media to show more negative aspects from These digital meolia (f. 11. 110-144). examples clarifies that Matt Richtel does not like the reasons why people use digital medias and why they are wasting their time. He noticed that many students do not like homeworks. The author ascertaines that digital use digital media for useful things media become necessary and he uses a climax, which trainers want that the school (cfll.29). the increase of leven more shows that some more computers are using in Furthermore it makes the clear digital media. The main topic become clear when Matt Richtel uses the repetition in 1.40 and 1.60 because. more and more people use it. However in the uses beginning he already listed the negative and positive aspects of the topic (cf. 11.1). Also the author the inclusive language from experts or himself to pay more attention to the readers (cf 11. 62, 67). All in all the stylistic point out the negative that digital media is lealed that people have with unnecessary things. devices which the author uses, aspects from digital media and a time wasting gab. He app- to stop wasting their time The article is well-structured because Matt Richt- el starts the article with aspects from the past makes paragraphs. The only thing the auntor can त्र and change is when he spreads the examples on the whole text and not only in the end.