


Analysing fictional Text - Nigeria







-Introducction sentence:
-Point out general informations
-Look at the Task
Transition senten
-Introducction sentence:
-Point out general informations
-Look at the Task
Transition senten
-Introducction sentence:
-Point out general informations
-Look at the Task
Transition senten

ANALYSING FICTIONAL TEXT: 1. SUMMARY -Introducction sentence: 2.ANALYSIS -Point out general informations -Look at the Task Transition sentence: ENCUCCUL (1 The extract from the short story in vyvy/on the da mm. - KLAUSUR usually two tasks in one -First paragraph: narrative technique / perspective What kind of narrator ? →limited. 1 situation/ The author tries to portray the protagonist as.... (adjective)... in order to do So a ... (narrative technique)... is used, focusing on... (character's).... perspective and a special use of... (use of english). -Second paragraph use of english stylistic devices written by XY and published deals with / is about... (main topic).... omniscient knows "everything" observer / neutral → first-person narrator #author (→ second-person narrator/ what does it mean for the reader ? How much is the reader involved. in the story first person (first-hand- experience) third-limited-person (distance between reader and written) ALWAYS PAY ATTENTION ON THE EFFECT IT HAS ON PROTAGONIST OR SITUATION! EVERY PARAGRAPH (1 - (( → rhetorical devices as alliteration, anaphora, hyperbole, allusion, metaphor, simile → create imagery, emphasis, clarity engaging the reader. -choice of words: → denotations, connotations, euphemism, abstractations, keywords, positive/negative -Third paragraph: Conclusion 3. COMMENT/DISCUSS 4. MEDIATION SOME KEYWORDS SETTING Sum up all main findings - Don't add anything new PLOT - -Giving own opinion •Refer to task - use own experience and knowledge - Just answer the question briefly → first mention main question/topic give your opinion and include examples refer to the short story → sum up your opinion and give outlook to the future. - sum up just essencial informations - shorter than...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

original text don't translate word for word Look at task which language should be used (addressee) place and time of a story action of a story Action increases, Climax, kind resolution SINGLE STORY stereotypes which are true but incomplete. just one perspective of that what a word can lead DIASPORA people who have left their home country usually involuntarily POSTCOLONIALISM → cultural legacy due to colonialism and imperialism focusing on human consequences of the control of colonizes people and their lands NIGERIA - - - country of contradictions: extreme poverty/ wealthy and more. ethnically devided country. dangers in northern half Boko Haram, rivers instead streets, faint out due to heat