


Englisch Abitur 2022







shorter form of a text
has all the important information from the original
introductory sentence :
chronological order
simple p
shorter form of a text
has all the important information from the original
introductory sentence :
chronological order
simple p
shorter form of a text
has all the important information from the original
introductory sentence :
chronological order
simple p
shorter form of a text
has all the important information from the original
introductory sentence :
chronological order
simple p
shorter form of a text
has all the important information from the original
introductory sentence :
chronological order
simple p
shorter form of a text
has all the important information from the original
introductory sentence :
chronological order
simple p
shorter form of a text
has all the important information from the original
introductory sentence :
chronological order
simple p
shorter form of a text
has all the important information from the original
introductory sentence :
chronological order
simple p
shorter form of a text
has all the important information from the original
introductory sentence :
chronological order
simple p

+ RULES shorter form of a text has all the important information from the original NO . introductory sentence : chronological order simple present words own no finishing sentence examples direct speech quotes numbers Summary Summary of two textes - one introduction title, author, source, date of publication, main topic on the one hand on the other hand summarize seperately BUT in one text • statistics → (unknown) author / authoress excerpt of personal comments details literal meaning figurative meaning - อาหา depending on task analyse referring to task (p.ex.: analyse how the author employed authenticity) no introductory sentence Right from the beginning.... no finishing sentence quotes! find an explanation /effect LINGUISTIC MEANS / STYLISTIC DEVICES simile (as/like) She is like a rose. (p. ex. With... in line... the author employed...) metaphor comparison for two unlike things He is a monster. numbers/statistics satire paradox/contras technical terms comic effects bittersweet oxymoron if unsure: the author/authoress employed imagery. irony Aufzählung enumaration heading anaphora imagery choice of words wit Witz humour repetition Analysis personification inanimate things get human behaviour The wind whispers. climax others Same, similar sentonce structure parallelism symbol demotes smth abstract dove -> peace black humour Redewendung Ausruf idiom exclamation parody euphemism Beschönigung A sarcasm Irony in a hurting way, worse than black humou alliteration rhetorical question - linguistic means statistic devices first person narrator person who tells the story elliptical sentences linguistic mean → quote → effect hyperbole/ exaggeration <-> untderstatement tone (mood) playful, serious third person register (choice of words) → formal, informal, neutral meaning!! point view perspective from which the story is told limited find and explain two different linguistic means in the text (analyse ) unlimited (omnicient) INTRODUCTION → whole paragraph MAIN PART CONCLUSION - pros and cons reference to the text own experience final statement Datum Anrede Aufbau TYPICAL PHRASES I think, I believe, I personally feel, To my mind, In my opinion, I I don't) with you agree Moreover, Furthermore, Besides, But, at...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

first, Finally I want to comment on the statement / discuss I want I like... better an.... I want to point out... Titel, Thema, Quelle des Artikels hint to the topic of the text interesting ! Editor Letter Anfang: SIR-/SIR informal, persoral, colloquial language Ende: Meinung präsentieren Argumente (with own opinion) underline + quotes Name, Datum, Ort und Bundesland Comment Beispiel Appell/Lösung/ I think politicians should [...]. Ausblick Dear Sir or Madame, I am writing to you in response to the article "title" about [main topic] which was published in the "name of newspaper/magazine" on the 3rd October. 6th October, 2016 I controvert the author's opinion on [the building of wind turbines] because I do not think that the author includes arguments of people [who live in these regions]. The first argument against/for [...] is [...]. In my point of view [...]. In my opinion [...]. I am certain that [...]. I argue that [...] The (main) issue is [...]. Issues like that could be solved by [...]. 8 MERKE Blog Hi everybody! Title short introduction See you soon!/Comments below /.... Article Title ! -by name • Datum Anrede (Dear Sir or Madam, ...) • Bezug zum Artikel herstellen (Titel, Hauptthema, Quelle) • Standpunkt in einem Satz zusammenfassen • Argumente, die Standpunkt unterstützen, überzeugend und strukturiert darstellen • Schlusssatz, der Meinung zusammenfasst (Appell, Ausblick in die Zukunft, Lösung) → Deutsch → Englisch 1/3 des Textes nur wichtigsten Informationen je nach Aufgabenstellung auf Adressaten achten! Mail From: To: Subject: - Hey. Sincerely.. their address Mediation Letter my address date Hey, I hope that you are doing fine and that you are making progress with your work. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me. Blog Hi everybody! short introduction See you soon!/Comments below/... sentence beginnings Despite (trotz) Sometimes Then Not that But At last (zum Schluss) Meanwhile (in zwischen) However (Dennoch, jedoch) As Besides = Furthermore = Moreover Also, ! After all, In the meantime, That's why That means that Above all, Of course, I am in two minds I totally agree with you speaking about/ referring to Advices useful language: statistics The table/ bar chart/ pie chart/ line graph/ triangle is about... It gives us information about... the percentage of/ the number of... who/what/ how many/ what percentage of... The chart table shows that... most/more/ fewer a high percentage of/ 25 per cent of... twice as many/ three times as many f you compare... the percentage of/ the number of ... you can see... pictures In the picture/photograph I can see... The picture/photograph shows... The focus is on In the foreground/background one can see/ there are The picture is blurred/ colourful/ black and white/ deterring (abschreckend) It arouses my interest because of its message. topic sentence (the picture is about) describe at first what you see, then what the people are doing the picture and me emphasis It does matter to try to do something against climate change. It is the ordinary people who have to do something. I absolutely agree with you. I myself have to rebel. Giving examples: For example For instance Such as Adding information: And In addition As well as Also Too Furthermore Moreover Apart from In addition to Besides Summarizing: In short In brief In summary To summarize/to sum up In a nutshell/to put it in a nutshell To conclude In conclusion All in all On the whole Sequencing ideas: The former, ... the latter Firstly, secondly, finally The first point is Lastly The following Last but not least Giving a reason: Due to / due to the fact that Owing to / owing to the fact that Because Because of Since As Giving a result: Therefore So Consequently This means that As a result/the result is This/That is why Hence Thus Contrasting ideas: But However Although / even though Despite / despite the fact that In spite of/ in spite of the fact that Nevertheless Nonetheless While Unlike In theory... in practice... On the one hand... on the other hand... In contrast On the contrary Comparing ideas: Similarly Equally Likewise In the same way Relating information: With regard to With respect to Referring to Regarding According to When it comes to Emphasizing facts: In fact Obviously Undoubtedly For this reason Again Fortunately/unfortunately Indeed Reformulating: In other words To put it in another way Giving opinions: In my/his/her opinion My opinion is I think believe In my view From my point of view To my mind Cartoon Analysis 1. Description - structured, detailed, systematically - important elements - people, what they are doing, facial expressions - background speech bubbles simple present progressive: he is wearing !!! 2. Analysis, Interpretation - examine the elements and their message - function of characters and objects (wealthy people, objects as symbols) - size and colour of elements - irony, humour!!! 3. Evaluation - effect of cartoon effective? - own view, opinion AIDA Attention: headline catches readers' attention - big target group - headline reavers or conceals an interest - must be exciting Interest: Desire: Action: - benefits - must enhance the lives of costumers - make your offer irresistible - free bonuses, sale, ... - build urgency, people must buy it - ask costumer to buy - create an undeniable desire through free bonuses, guarantee, ... - easy to buy - must feel left out if they don't buy it Characterization 1. implicit (indirekt) or explicit (direkt) description? 2. outward appearance, character stylistic devices!!! - good adjectives - evidence!! explanation - 3. Conclusion - kurze Zusammenfassung -mixture of explicit and implicit description!! Advices: - Another important fact is (that) ... - Another significant aspect is... - From this one can conclude that ... - However, even if x is... he, she is ... - It is quite apparent that ... - Not only does x ...., he,she also ... - Proof of this can be found in II. .... when x.... - Since x is portrayed as a ..., x can be called a - This behavior clearly indicates that x ... - This is also the reason why (x can be summed up in)... - This is an example of ... - This reveals that x ... - This shows that x is.... - This very when x ... - To sum up... / Finally ... - Without any doubt... feature becomes apparent in II.... - x also appears (to be) ... -x is but a(n)... - x is described as... - x is portrayed as ... - x likes to be... - x represents (the) .... x seems to be... Also: - use linking words like "since, when, moreover, besides, despite, thus..., all in all...” - use lots of different adjectives to describe a person - know the difference between a flat and a round character/main and minor character - know "How to write a characterization" e.g. Present tense, quote (!), three parts etc. poem analysis 1. Introduction (thesis statement): title - author - topic - thesis statement (Deutungshypothese): -> let the reader know what the poem is about -> in the mainpart you have to prove this statement 2. mainpart/analysis: 1) Form and rythm: What makes a poem a poem and not a piece of prose? - Form: - refers to the type of poem - How many lines and stanzas does the poem has? - Ryhtm: - the way the poem sounds stressed and unstressed syllables - end-stopped lines: lines end by a comma or a full stop -> creates a pause or slowing down - enjambements: continuing a sentence or an idea into the next line -> the reader cannot comfortably pause at the end of this line 2) Language speaker: lyrical subject/me - Choice of words: - determines the authors Style - Grammar and Syntax: - rhyme: - is it formal/informal, simple/complex or straightforward/ ambiguous - connotations of a word are the associations it evokes - Imagery appeals to the reader's senses; refers to the use of comparison (simile, metaphors, personification) - Are there any questions, commands or exclamations? - Is the normal word order changed in order to emphasize certain words? - Sound: - Are certain structures repeated (parallelism)? - Is the poem written in the first person (I, me)? - What feelings and attitudes does the narrator convey? -Don't forget to name the effects! a musical effect can get created it makes the poem easier to read - can give a poem momentum and eveness of tone (poems without a regular rhyme scheme are called free verse) - Alliterations, Anophoras, ... - Assonance: rhyming of vowel (Vokal) sounds within two or more words 3. Conclusion: - sum up the results/most important aspect - What is the readers intentions? of the analysis