


Environment - The Future of Planet Earth







Climate Change
-global warming is man-made.
- main cause: greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide that we are releasing.
into the atmosphere.
→ act
Climate Change
-global warming is man-made.
- main cause: greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide that we are releasing.
into the atmosphere.
→ act
Climate Change
-global warming is man-made.
- main cause: greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide that we are releasing.
into the atmosphere.
→ act
Climate Change
-global warming is man-made.
- main cause: greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide that we are releasing.
into the atmosphere.
→ act
Climate Change
-global warming is man-made.
- main cause: greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide that we are releasing.
into the atmosphere.
→ act

Climate Change -global warming is man-made. - main cause: greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide that we are releasing. into the atmosphere. → act quickly to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. ! experts predict: changing weather patterns. →natural disasters: hurricanes, flooding, drought → -global warming has strong impact on human life • heatwaves the sick and elderly die → desertification of farmland. •food shortages →water shortages international conflict. → melting glaciers - rising sea levels, coastal land and low-lying islands disappear. climate change refugees. Water Supply - the threat to global water supply is increasing reasons: global warming D → overpopulation → more water to irrigate land to provide food (grain). → many countries are overpumping. their groundwater supply Consequences: droughts. water rationing. ! water is a finite natural resource. Pollution cause: industry and transport. exhaust from our cars → →smog -acid rain. agribusiness pollutants: pesticides, herbicides contaminate soil/ ground water + vast quantities of animal waste, sewage are produced • toxic, poisonous - millions of tons of plastic garbage in the oceans ! danger to sea birds and marine life Waste disposal -humans are producing rast quantities of rubbish /trash -Some gets reused or recycled -Organic waste is biodegradable composted -rubbish sent to landfill sites takes a very long time to break down. - another disposal method: incineration. → air pollution Energy sources -climate crisis generate energy sustainable. our dependence on oil isn't sustainable → fossil fuel emissions are damaging environment - cheap nuclear energy risk of radioactive fallout and radiation → long-term problem of disposing...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

of nuclear waste. alternative sources of energy. wind /solar energy. -renewable energy - conserve energy, →new economic opportunities. Biofuels • made from crops like corn and palm oil + release as much carbon as they absorb - increased the rate of deforestation (unsustainable) →global warming. - destruction of ecosystems. animal habitats are destroyed. → extinction of species. Plastics in the Oceans - plastic bags, bottles, containers washed up on the shore 4thrown away on land and washed out to sea → · every year 100m tonnes of plastic are turned out by factories all over the world only 5% is recycled - most plastic items are used once and then thrown away - 270k tonnes of plastic articles in the oceans. - plastic is light weight, comes in all shapes and sizes, long-lasting. -breaks up into smaller and smaller pieces (plastic particles, microplastics) - turning the ocean into a sort of plastic can strangle sea birds, turtles, seals trash Soup smaller pieces are eaten by fish, turtles, seabirds, turtles →mistake them for food over a million dead animals each year microplastics gradually make their way up the food chain to humans Fracking • recover methane gas from layers of shale rock • companies claim that it'll reduce coal/oil emissions and it's a green energy source - process generates toxic waste water, earthquakes - not sustainable fossil fuel + can't get enough energy from renewables. + fracking has less emissions than coal + all forms of energy production have environmental consequences + don't rely on other countries, national production is cheaper - → boost our economy, less imports. + new jobs have been created. FOSSIL FUELS -providing us with energy -have serious disadvantages ·burning them releases carbon dioxide coal, oil, gas major contributor to global warming. sulphur dioxide gas. Lacid rain damaging the habitats of organisms. oxides of nitrogen ↳breathing problems especially for people who suffer with asthma. -growing global population of 7.5 billion increasing energy demands. more environmentally friendly cleaner renewable alternatives. Other facts swimming pools are wasted money and water (estimated 1.1m pools in California) status symbol, expensive, not important for survival Consequences - unsustainable future. → future generation will find it increasingly hard to survive. Sustainable behavior ·vegeterian/vegan lifestyle. - buy local and organic food use more public fransport, bikes, car-sharing or walk - avoid plastic and buy unpackaged articles reduce waste -separate the garbage - buy second-hand - use renewable energy →low energy homes -shower cold or don't shower everyday safe water -grow vegetables and fruits using natural fertilizer and pesticides → collect rainwater for watering. -participate in a beach cleanup. -support organizations adressing pollution. PLASTICS + convenient + cheap + many industries rely on plastics - littering + there are even worse materials -not biodegradable out there + no other product can replace. plastic yet + variety of uses + hygienic packaging material. + other packaging materials would- increase product. prices + lightweight +odorless + can be used multiple times. + not fragile-long lifespan → durable -> + potential eco-friendly plastics. in the future. + made our life a whole easier + transparent theat resistant. adaptable material! 1-not sustainable -hurt environment. -water/air pollution - acid rain. ·recycling plastics may not be pos- sible non-renewable -land/visual/soil pollution. -resource exploitation. -global warming endangerment and extinction. of species -public health problems. -burning of plastics releases toxic chemicals - mikroplastics and toxic chemicals -eating food out of plastic contai- hers may cause cancer -its cost of recycling is very high. -threatens wildlife -plastic piles up in the environ- ment Effects of climate change - temperatures continue to rise - more droughts and heat waves - hurricanes become stronger and more intense - sea level rises -arctic likely to become ice-free-melting ice - extreme weather, shifting rainfall -developing countries depend heavily on their natural environment they have the least resources to cope with changing climate -damage to property and infrastructure -heavy costs on society and economy agriculture, forestry, energy, tourism are particularly affected. -many plants and animal species are struggling to cope increased risk of extinction. BIOFUELS efficient +causes less harmful carbon emission than standard diesel + can be manufactured from wide of materials range + cost-benefit a -production largely depend on lots of water and oil cleaner fuels (fewer emissions)-less suitable for use in low temperatures. potential of becoming cheaper more likely to attract moisture than diesel with increased demand -huge amount of land is needed -oils needed May come from rainforests and other endangered habitats. easy to source from many different sources such as waste from crops, algae and plants. + renewable + 4 crops can be replanted. again and again reduce greenhouse gases to 65% up →lower levels of pollution. reduce dependence on foreign oil +boost to agriculture industry economic security. ↓ -high cost of production. -use of fertilizers water pollution. -shortage of food rise in food prices.