


Multicultural Britain







English J1 - Sehr
EXAM 1: Multicultural Britain
Name: Jacqueline
Credits: 28 /35
(12) 1096 )
Well done! Sch
Good Luck
English J1 - Sehr
EXAM 1: Multicultural Britain
Name: Jacqueline
Credits: 28 /35
(12) 1096 )
Well done! Sch
Good Luck
English J1 - Sehr
EXAM 1: Multicultural Britain
Name: Jacqueline
Credits: 28 /35
(12) 1096 )
Well done! Sch
Good Luck
English J1 - Sehr
EXAM 1: Multicultural Britain
Name: Jacqueline
Credits: 28 /35
(12) 1096 )
Well done! Sch
Good Luck
English J1 - Sehr
EXAM 1: Multicultural Britain
Name: Jacqueline
Credits: 28 /35
(12) 1096 )
Well done! Sch
Good Luck
English J1 - Sehr
EXAM 1: Multicultural Britain
Name: Jacqueline
Credits: 28 /35
(12) 1096 )
Well done! Sch
Good Luck
English J1 - Sehr
EXAM 1: Multicultural Britain
Name: Jacqueline
Credits: 28 /35
(12) 1096 )
Well done! Sch
Good Luck
English J1 - Sehr
EXAM 1: Multicultural Britain
Name: Jacqueline
Credits: 28 /35
(12) 1096 )
Well done! Sch
Good Luck
English J1 - Sehr
EXAM 1: Multicultural Britain
Name: Jacqueline
Credits: 28 /35
(12) 1096 )
Well done! Sch
Good Luck

English J1 - Sehr 10 EXAM 1: Multicultural Britain Name: Jacqueline Credits: 28 /35 2019/2020 Grade: (12) 1096 ) Well done! Sch Good Luck A Pair of Jeans Part I: Reading Comprehension Miriam is the daughter of Pakistani immigrants and lives in Manchester with her family. She is engaged to Farook, also a second generation Pakistani. His very traditional parents are about to visit Miriam and her family in order to strengthen the ties between the two families before their children's wedding and in order to see if Miriam really is a good future wife for their son. On the day of their visit Miriam takes a trip in the morning with some friends from university to go hiking in the Peak District which she is just coming back from. As the bus pulled into her bus stop, Miriam glanced quickly at her watch. They were coming! And she was very late. She hurriedly waved goodbye to her friends as she stepped off the bus. She pulled her jacket close to her body, becoming suddenly very self- conscious about her jean-clad2 legs and the short vest³ she wore beneath her leather jacket. It had, unfortunately, shrunk in the wash. All day she had kept pulling it down to - cover her midriff. Strange, but she felt odd in her clothing now as she...

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was coming home. Yet they were just the type of clothes she had needed to wear today - for hill walking in the 15 Peak District. Somehow here, in her neighbourhood, however, she felt different. As she walked down the street to her home, she was very conscious of her appearance and hoped that she would not meet anyone she knew. She tugged at the hemline of her vest once more and held her jacket closed with her other hand as the jacket had no buttons. Her eye on her watch she hastened her pace. It was much later than she had 20 thought. She remembered the phone call of yesterday evening. They said they were coming today. What if they had already arrived? She glanced down at her jeans again. As soon as she got home she must discretely make her way to her room and quickly get changed. Just as Miriam reached the gate of her house, she heard a car pull up behind her. 25 Nervously she turned round to see who it was. Spotting the colour of the car and the person behind the wheel her step faltered - colour ebbing from her face. She turned back to the gate and tried to collect her wits about her. Too late! They were already here. Her heart was now rocking madly against her chest and the clothes burnt her. She wanted to quickly rush into her home and peel them off. to become self-conscious = to feel uncomfortable and embarrassed about your own behaviour 2 jean-clad covered by jeans, dressed in jeans vest shirt without sleeves midriff = part of the body between the chest and the waist hemline dt. Saum to falter to become weak and less confident to ebb out of to become less 30 She braced her shoulders. She couldn't run inside. That was not the way things were done, no matter what the circumstances. She calmly let go of the gate and turned round to greet the two people who had by now stepped out of the car and were surveying her. She didn't realize that she had let go of her jacket. It fell wide open, revealing the short vest underneath. Their eyes fell straight to the inch of her waist flesh. The woman was her 35 future mother-in-law, a slightly frail woman dressed in shalwar and kameze with a chadar around her shoulders. The elderly man behind the wheel earlier, was the woman's husband. He seemed to tower behind his wife. English J1 - Sehr 50 2019/2020 10 Miriam found herself unable to look either in the eye. A watery, hesitant smile played around her mouth. She didn't know what to do, or how to act. Her cheeks burnt in 40 embarrassment. And yet these were the very people she wanted to impress. All she was aware of were the surreptitious glances they darted at her. In fact not at her as Miriam, but at the figure, the appearance she presented clad in a pair of Levis and an inadequate leather jacket to top it up. This was not the Miriam they knew, but a stranger, a western version of Miriam. She immediately sensed their awkwardness. They too were caught off 45 guard and did not know what to do with themselves in particular with their eyes. The father-in-law was avoiding eye contact with her by carefully looking above her head. Then he pushed the gate open and walked up to the door to ring the bell. Miriam's mother, Fatima, opened the door to her expected guests, beaming in pleasure and warmth to welcome them. She had not expected Miriam to come with them, however. When she saw her daughter slipping in the house behind the two guests, Fatima received a shock. Never before in her life had Miriam glimpsed such a dramatic change in her mother's face. (Normally Fatima wouldn't have batted an eyelid if her daughter had turned up at her door at 11 o'clock at night as long as she knew where she was and with whom and at what time she was returning home. Today, however, she was viewing her 55 daughter's arrival and appearance through different eyes the view just didn't look very good. 60 In one glance she took in her daughter's appearance. The jeans which wouldn't have normally aroused her interest, today stood out on Miriam's body. Fatima couldn't quite make herself understand why she felt ashamed of her daughter's clothing and why she was suddenly angry with her. Her eyes noticed Miriam's midriff showing through. An inch of her daughter's flesh was visible! Fatima communicated her displeasure by signalling wildly with her eyebrows to her daughter to go up and change into something more respectable. Miriam understood and was only too glad to obey. (945 words) to survey sb = to look carefully at sb shalwar and kameze = traditional Indian dress which consists of a pair of loose trousers fitting tightly around the ankles and a long shirt extending to the hips or knees / chadar = long shawl which covers the head and shoulders 10 surreptitious done in a concealed or underhand way to escape notice, especially disapproval English J1 - Sehr Finish the following statements and answer the questions about the text by ticking the appropriate answers. There is always only one correct answer. Also give the line in which you found your answer and a sufficient text quote. The first statement gives you an example: 0. The short story is set in... O Pakistan O the Peak District X Manchester O Edinburgh (1.2) Miriam is the ... lives in Manchester F The protagonist Miriam is... O a young English woman engaged to a young Pakistani man O a young Pakistani woman engaged to a young English man O a young English woman engaged to a young English man 2. Which of the following statements is not correct? a young Pakistani woman engaged to a young Pakistani man✓ (1.1.1-2) Miriam is the *... secound. generation Pakistaciti ✓ 2019/2020 daughter Pakistani. asook... V O Miriam is very excited about the visit of her parents-in-law O Miriam had a great day hiking with her university friends Miriam feels comfortable in her jeans and leather jacket V O Miriam picked these clothes specially to wear on the trip (1.11.13) Strasige, but she felt odd in her clothing .….... held her jacket closed. Tick the right statement: Miriam starts to walk faster the closer she gets to her home V O Miriam wishes she could have spent more time with her friends O Miriam isn't worried about her neighbours seeing her in her clothes O Miriam isn't worried about her parents-in-law seeing her in her clothes (1./11. 19 ) Her eye on the ber watch she hastened her pace. of 1 English J1 - Sehr Which adjective best describes Miriam's feelings when she hears her future parents-in-law arrive in the car? O relieved O uneasy panicky V O happy (11.11.25-28 ) Nervously shie turried round her step faltered colour ebbing from her face 2019/2020 heart was cou socking madly... clothes burot her. 5. What does Miriam do after her future parents-in-law get out off the car? Miriam thinks it is her duty to say hello to them O Miriam starts to run into the house to get changed O Miriam wants to open the gate for her parents-in-law O Miriam takes off her jacket to say hello to them (1./11. 30-32) She couldn't cun inside. That was not the way things were done... turned cound to greet the two 6. Why does Miriam care so much about how she looks? O she wants to impress her mother by obeying Pakistani traditions she wants her parents-in-law to have a good opinion of her V O she believes she makes a better figure clad in jeans O she wants her future parents-in-law to feel awkward (1.1. 40) And yet these people she were the very wanted to impress. 7. How do Miriam's future parents-in-law react? O they are happy to see her they are irritated to see her O her mother-in-law admires her vest her father-in-law star's right at her (1.11. 43 f.) This was not the Miriam they know, but stranger, a western version 43-45 English J1 - Sehr 8. What three pieces of clothing describe the "Western version" of Miriam? (1.11.425./34) a pair of Levis ; an in adequate feather jacket; vest ✓ 2019/2020 9. What three pieces of clothing would make a Pakistani version of Miriam? (1./11.35 ) shalwas + kameze with chadar a I can do it I can do it I CAN DO IT 0 10. What does Fatima think about the English versus the Pakistani life-style? O she lives by the traditional Pakistani standards only O she has completely adapted to the English life-style she doesn't know when exactly to follow either life-style she thinks both traditions are okay depending on the situation (1./11.58 , Fatima couldn't quite make hes. self widerstand why she felt ashamed of her daughter? clothing 52-55/57-61 (8/10 Credits) Jacqueline English J1 - Sehr Part II: Text Composition - Choose between either A or B 2019/2020 A A Pair of Jeans One day after Miriam's future parents-in-law's visit, the two mothers, Fatima and Begum talk on the phone. In the text, we only get to know some of Fatima's reactions. Take a look at the passages below and write down their telephone conversation by filling in the blanks. Write approximately 300 words. (→ Pay close attention to the clues given in the text and make use of your knowledge of Begum's and Fatima's characters.) Miriam had just got in from university, when she heard the phone ringing. She dashed down from her room to answer it. She faltered it was Aunt Begum. She quickly obliged Begum in her request to speak to her mother and called her mother. Leaving the phone she went into the living room and sat down to watch television. Fatima left the meal she was preparing and went to speak to Begum. They talked for nearly five minutes. There were several moments of awkward pauses on either side of the telephone receivers. By the time the conversation ended, a pinched look had settled around Fatima's mouth. Begum had nervously said her "Salam Fatima had quite literally forgotten to return the greeting at the end, but silently put the receiver down. Her eyes stared at the wall. At the other end, with her head bent over her legs, Begum thanked Allah that it was over and done with: She sank down against the banister of the stairs. She felt bad, oh god, terribly bad, She had hated herself every minute of that conversation and the role she had been forced to play. Putting herself in Fatima's position, she realised how painful it must be for her. How would she feel if she had found out that her daughter had been jilted at the last minute? Mechanically, as if in a daze, and with her hand held against her temple, Fatima, for her part, went into the living room. Going to the sofa, she sat down and pushed the cushion aside absent- mindedly and stared in front of her, at the fireplace. Miriam did not notice anything unusual about her mother until she realised that her mother had not said a word since she entered the room. "What did Aunt Begum say?" she asked quietly - her heart's rhythm had altered for some reason. "I-I," Fatima stalled as she sought to answer her daughter's question. She was not yet ready to divulge what she had learnt. She was still reeling from the shock herself. What would it do to her daughter? She turned her face away from her daughter. "What is it, mother?" Miriam's heart had now gained a steady sharp beat. Dread entered. "What did Aunt Begum say?" she asked again. Unable to control herself any longer Fatima bitterly burst out with "She said that your engagement had to be broken off!" Miriam paled. Her heart had now sunk to the pit of her stomach. "Why, mother?" she said quietly. She was amazed at how clearly her mind was functioning, although a buzzing sound seemed to hammer in her head. "She said that they came yesterday to inform us, but found it impossible to get around to doing so. Begum says that her sister insists that her daughter was betrothed to Farook. That they were well- matched together. She says she is very sorry and apologises, but apparently her sister comes first. B My Son the Fanatic Write a letter from Parvez to his son, Ali. Instead of having another argument about whether it is better to live by the Koran or by English cultural standards, Parvez is trying to suggest compromises on both sides in order to help the relationship between him and his son. In order to accomplish this he tries to explain his own general behaviour to Ali, but he also wants to tell him that he is trying to understand his son's behaviour. Write approximately 300 words. (Remember that anything you mention must also be explained!) (26/25 Credits) Content 7 /10) Language (3/15) English class test no. 1 A A Pair of Jeans М= Містам F: fatima Вт Ведим M: Hrello, it's Miriam, B: Salam Miriam, Mother? could I speak to M: Ah, aleikum salam auot Beaum Sure, one moment, I'll call her. F Salam Begum, why are you calling? B: Aleikum salam Fatima, I have about the to talk to you engagement of Fasook and Miriam, F= Ah perfect! I wanted to call you saya too We have to set a the for the wedding date and plain the details. B = I'm really sorry Fatima, but. FOBut B = But off we have to break the engagement. Fatima? Are still there? you F: Yes, I am. I just don't know. what to say. I thought you liked Miriam.... and I thought. friends. it we were 3:11's not because of Miriam or you! My sister insists that her Jacqueline Z J Gr Gr. R Z Gr Gr (R) R daughter was bretrothed to Farook. She thinks they are well-matched together and Z I think so too. F: Aren't Farook and Miriam also well-matched? are for sure, B: They but you my sister comes first... (The) family comes all ways & first... I'm very sorry, Fatima. F: That's true first, I get it. BG= We worked came to io form you st it impossible to get around to doing so. family comes. yesterday but we fouad F: That's the reason. why you left so early I didn't B: Yes, it is. We don't want to ha (now If I know. B. Thank you. your feelings... You know, that I'allways thought that Miriam is a smart, beautyful girl my but I can't change the circum- won't reproach you... osure Miriam will & you Містам man for who will be able to make her happy and who t will find an other shares your values. I wish the best fuckk. I'm F: Thank such you.... It's just shame We alleady made the engagement official a we this B: I'm really sorry, wasot year ago. We can can we? F: Sure our intention.... still be friends Fatima... suce this you we can. 3 Right 3. I'm glad to hear be an honor to be related to Say Have I'm so sorry So... I would a nice day. Salam. Sprache: 13 Inhalt: 7 Gr R