









• located on the western coast of Africa.
capital. Abuja
↳biggest and most important city: Lagos!
President: Muh
• located on the western coast of Africa.
capital. Abuja
↳biggest and most important city: Lagos!
President: Muh

'C Ġ NIGERIA GENERAL FACTS: • located on the western coast of Africa. capital. Abuja ↳biggest and most important city: Lagos! President: Muhammadu Buhari. •.official. language: English. ilation: 2:16.. • popul L disparities between the regions: north: very poor. south wealthier ECONOMY •• biggest oil production in Africa (opportunity to make environmental pollution : oil money.). ·leaks. and fish. die. half of Nigerians work in the service sector a lot of profit. from oil exports and film industry. #nevertheless: a large part of the population. Lives in poverty. they produce 90 million tons per year. Cross border. smuggling. is a problem... resulted in huge losses to operating companies happens through. oil, bunkering and pipe line. tapping. MIGER DELTA-OIL POLLUTION CRISIS •• also called the oil Rivers. area at the southern coast in Nigeria. once a major producer of palm oil major polluter: Shell. . Problems: no profit for oil wealth Nigeria has borrowed government only does regular fire out breaks. toxic smoke, affects people's health in a negative way Solutions: billions. empty promises G involve communibes. in agreements •stricter government. supervision pursicht • battle corruption. •hold. polluting companies accountable keep. plan a long quiet initiative •design. Special education systems r CULTURE over so languages, multiple ethnic groups. music: different kinds of folk - and popular music • favourite sport: soccer. Nollywood film industry. in. Nigeria. SLUMS • more than 82 million. Nigerians. Live on less than 1.$. a day •40% of people in Nigeria. Live in poverty •is an area of a city, where living condidions are •very bad. and...

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where the houses are in. bad. condition → bad hygiene, little space. there are more than 100 slums •no/bad. infrastructure PROS: beautiful beaches and boat trips. • Largest economy in Africa ↳many natural resources like oil, gold and gas). • beautiful landscapes. cultural aspects(art, fashion, film, music, sports) CONS •high crime rate, corruption • drugs: no state control: •• bad education. •no electricity. big oil spills (poor Nigerians. try to steal oil. from the Pipelines) • pollution, trash on streets •• slow-moving traffic ••bad infrastructure. politicans want push poor. Nigerians out. •no money /work • huge gap between poor and • very young population terrorism Boko Haram