


Shakespeare & Elizabethans







3 children, one son died
Joined the ,,Lord Chamberlain's Men"
→ The King's Men (King James I.)
37 plays
154 s
3 children, one son died
Joined the ,,Lord Chamberlain's Men"
→ The King's Men (King James I.)
37 plays
154 s
3 children, one son died
Joined the ,,Lord Chamberlain's Men"
→ The King's Men (King James I.)
37 plays
154 s
3 children, one son died
Joined the ,,Lord Chamberlain's Men"
→ The King's Men (King James I.)
37 plays
154 s
3 children, one son died
Joined the ,,Lord Chamberlain's Men"
→ The King's Men (King James I.)
37 plays
154 s
3 children, one son died
Joined the ,,Lord Chamberlain's Men"
→ The King's Men (King James I.)
37 plays
154 s
3 children, one son died
Joined the ,,Lord Chamberlain's Men"
→ The King's Men (King James I.)
37 plays
154 s

● ● ● SHAKESPEARES UPS & DOWNS 3 children, one son died Joined the ,,Lord Chamberlain's Men" → The King's Men (King James I.) 37 plays 154 sonnets with theme of romantic love Plays: consist of neologisms, jokes, wordplay & stylistic devises Scripts: dialogs & monologs THE ELIZABETHAN AGE ● Protestant country Opposition from catholics and radical protestants WORLD VIEW Elizabeth I. = the virgin Queen Reigned 1558-1603 • Hierarchical order of universe ● Higher being had more authority & responsibility than lower beings ● God Ruler (Herrscher) of the O macrocosm Monarch = ruler of political world ● Macrocosm = universe ● Microcosm = human body Women had fewer rights than men SHAKESPEAREAN PLAYS Themes: Love, hate, ambition, power, & world as a stage COMEDIES: -untypical -complicated plot, intelligent servant, ridiculous costumes & funny romantic love Jifferent aegree. GOD Angels Humans Animals Plants • created the universe • controlls nature Lifeless things • Monarch, Kings (Elizabeth I.) Nobles, churchmen • commoners, pauper Ox • Cat Mouse • Oak • Flowers • Gold • Iron • Stones TRAGEDY :-downfall of a protagonist / antihero at the hands of fate (durch Schicksal) Tragic flaw (Fehler) causes his ruin → Guilt by protagonist HISTORICAL PLAYS: -portraits of English Monarchs WAR OF ROSES (1455 to 1485) Fight between two families that claimed the right to the throne ● House of York & the House of Lancaster The Houses of Lancaster and York* Edward, the Black Prince Richard II (1377-99) House of Lancaster House of York *Dates indicate years of reign ● ● ● ● ● Lionel ● Philippa ● Roger Anne Lancasters Killed Edward III (1327-77) D • Towton, bloodiest battle John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster Edward IV (1461-83) F turned Edward V (1483) Henry IV (1399-1413) →...

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not a strong ruler → unpleasant life for many people Henry V (1413-22) Henry VI (1422-61) Richard, Duke of York dienry Tuder Lancastrians killed Richard → Edward IV. Became King 1461 • Henry VI. got sick → Richard, Duke of York became King → didn't want to give up his power E Henry put -Preturned, died Henry VI. became King with his queen Margaret of Anjou back First battle between families = Yorkists won Margaret of Anjou After king Edward III.´s death, split (into Yorks and Lancasters) descendants argued over who should rule England Richard III (1483-85) Edmund, Duke of York On thron © 2012 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Richard → she was very influential 1485 he was crowned → united both houses by marrying Edward IV.'s daughter → Henry, Margaret fled to Scotland Supporters of Margaret of Anjou returned to England and forced Edward IV. To flee → put Henry VI. back on the throne Edward IV. Returned and became King again After his death his brother Richard III. became King Edward IV. 's son and his supporters turned to Henry Tudor → killed Richard III. and ended the battle of roses SEITE 2 SONNETS OF SHAKESPEARE 154 sonnets (including the most romantic ever written - Sonnet 18) in 1590s • Never intended to be published (1609) – private form of expression - ● ● ● ● ● addressed to a young man known as the "fair youth" deep, loving friendship man's beauty can be preserved in his poetry evidence of Shakespeare's homosexuality? complex and controversial depiction of love Fair youth sonnets 1-126 TYPE I II III paved the way for modern romantic poetry CONDITION accomplishable Plays with gender roles Theoretically accomplishable Not accomplishable any more (too late) BERICHTSTITEL ● Dark lady = object of the poet's desire causes anguish (Qual) for the poet ● some sonnets suggest her having an affair with the fair youth 26 sonnets the female menstruation? ● Dark lady sonnets 127-152 IF CLAUSES Simple present Simple past connection of love and evil Past perfect (had + participle) ● (If) FORM (main) Will + infinitive ● Would + infinitive Completely different poet thinks about the Roman myth of Cupid conclusion to the themes discussed Greek sonnets 153 & 154 Would have + past participle speaks openly about sex EXAMPLE If I study, I will pass the exam If you exercised more, you would be fitter. If you had cared more, he wouldn't have died. SEITE 3 GENETIC ENGINEERING PROS: Possibility of improving life Prevent/ cure illnesses Icreased life span Children will be smarter, stronger & more perfect looking • New human abilities could be develop ● ● Design every part of the genom TRANSHUMANISM (seeking to expand the limits of human possibilities - interllectual, physical or psychological) Use of technological processes PRO TECHNOLOGY Saving time by using mobility / communication options Robots at workplaces Surveillance technology (Überwachung) Better learning methods like calculators (direct manipulation of organism's genes using biotechnology) CONS: BERICHTSTITEL ● TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE Less individuality Risk of geneticists making mistakes • No original creatures of God ● Increased number of damaged embryos Incredibly expensive (only rich people) → inequalities in society ● Downfall of nature ● ● DESIGNER-BABIES Baby whose genome has been selected or altered Often to remove genes associated with a desease CON TECHNOLOGY Technology creates dependencies Risk of spreading all our private data Technology reduces human effort Self-driving cars Cyber bullying SEITE 4 PUSH FACTORS: ● slave trade fleeing war & persecution, hunger, poverty refugees ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● POSTCOLONIAL EXPERIENCE PULL FACTORS: ● QUESTION OF BELONGING & IDENTITY Being torn between two cultures (values, norms & beliefs differ from other generations) ethnic identity preventing from fitting in with the new society questioning ethnic identity & social status dealing with racism, prejudices & discrimination because of a dark skin colour BEING BRITISH: communal beliefs, behaviours, mannerisms, emotional attachments (Sympathie) having British ancestors Multiculturalism traditions relating to the royal family, British politeness, pub culture, Fish & Chips, bad weather ADVANTAGES Improves quality of society by exchanging experiences Development of multicultural food, music, fashion More tolerant people More work-experience from foreigneers BERICHTSTITEL search of better living conditions (e.g. American Dream) • education, job (career, success) family Great Britain's society and politics are constantly re-forming and evolving , nevertheless racial conflicts exist in the country DISADVANTAGES Poor ethnic minorities complete assimiliation (Loslösung) → loss of their own national identity Tension between different religions Conflicts and racial tensions SEITE 5 OPERATOR AFB III Comment: -state your opinion with a supporting evidence Discuss: -give reasons for and against -final opinion Justify (rechtfertigen): -present reasons for a certain decision Evaluate: - in a balanced way; give reasons for and against - Final opinion Compare: -show similarities and differences Contrast: -emphasize difference between two things Analyse: -describe & explain certain aspects ● ● COMPARISON In comparison to / compared to Likewise ● EXAMPLES For instance Such as Take... for example In this case illustrates / clarifies / demonstrates this • Namely (nämlich) ● Similarly / similar to Conversely (umgekehrt) Whereas In the same way For the same reason BERICHTSTITEL ● GIVING REASON ● Due to the fact that Therefore Since/As • That's why ● CONNECTION In addition/ additionally ● ● ● Moreover Furthermore Besides Finally / lastly ● Apart from that Likewise / similarly Not only...but also ● CONSEQUENCE Consequently So, since ● As a result Accordingly Because Hence (daher) Therefore Thus (folglich) ● CONTRAST But, admittedly Even though However . Nevertheless On the one hand..on the other hand Instead • Alternatively In spite of (gerund) (Trotz..) ● unlike SEITE 6 FRANKENSTEIN BY MARY SHELLEY (1818) Gothic novel/science fiction Monster rejection while searching for love --> plans revenge on Viktor, who destroys the female copanion Alienation (Entfremdung) Ambition Secrecy ROBERT WALTON Arctic seafarer whose letters open and close the novel ALPHONSE Father who consoles (trösten) and sympathizes with Viktor Conflict: Viktor struggles to accept responsability for the monster and the disastrous consequences of his creation WHY DOES FRANKESTEIN CREATE THE MONSTER? Discover secrets of life and death ● Create a new species ● Learn how to renew life Monster kills Elizabeth Lavenza on the night of her wedding to Viktor Ambition like Satan (achieve something great) Moral duty to follow his ambition ● ● ● Viktor vows (sich geloben) to hunt down and kill the monster in revenge for all the deaths ● MONSTER Hideously ugly but sensitive creation Wish of destroying the monster ● Monster regrets what he has done Same ambitiousness to create / destroy monster ELIZABETH Orphan (Waise) adopted by Frankensteins VIKTOR Doomed (verdammt) Discovers secret of life MEANING OF THE ENDING Viktor feeling disturbed that monster still lives, Monster loses point of living without companion Viktor