









->simple present
->use reported speech (back shift of tenses! ->grammar topic)
older brother was on television, and so far, it has been the

->simple present ->use reported speech (back shift of tenses! ->grammar topic) older brother was on television, and so far, it has been the Highlight of his two weeks in highschool." (P.13 l.59) Ex. -> "But my ->find a balance between: Mentioning all the necessary and essential events VS. Keeping your text short and simple/ don't get lost into detail =>write easy sentences =>show variation in Connectors+phrases: -> first,... ->In the beginning... ->Furthermore,... ->After that... -> He/she also... ->Moreover... How to Write a summary your sentences ->In addition -> finally,... -> It is also mentioned, that... ->last but not least... ->In the End... Reporting verbs: ->Charlie says that... ->Charlie thinks that... ->He mentions that... ->He hopes that... ->He believes that... ->He agrees that... ->He adds that... -> He feels... ->He is worried that... Back shift of tenses: Direct Speech Simple Present Present Progressive Simple Past Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple Past Progressive Present Perfect Progressive Past Perfect Progressive Future I (going to) Future I (will) Conditional I (would) Reported Speech Simple Past Past Progressive Past Perfect Simple Past Perfect Progressive was / were going to Conditional I (would)

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