


To Kill a Mockingbird Characterisation







Characterisation of Boo Radley
In the following text the character Arthur Radley,
from the novel ,,To Kill a Mockingbird", written by

Characterisation of Boo Radley In the following text the character Arthur Radley, from the novel ,,To Kill a Mockingbird", written by Harper Lee will be characterized. The novel is about the living conditions in the southern states of the USA, here is told about the childhood of Scout and Jem. However, the focus is on the trial of the black Tom Roobinson. Boo Radley is the neighbor of the Finch family who lives in the same street. He is still not shown in the book but he's been talked about lot. Boo hasn't left his house in at least 20 years and no one knows how he's been doing. He has become like a ghost to people in the city, that's why people call him ,,Boo" while his real name is ,,Arthur Radley". The Finch children and the people in Maycomb make different and strange stories about him. Boo has been mistreated by his father, who locked him up for a minor infraction when he was a young man, but Jem and Scout believe wyld talens about Boo, such as the rumor that he kills the neighbors` pets.

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