


zeitentabelle englisch, Zeitformen







Simple past
past perfect
P+V (I
Simple past
past perfect
P+V (I

Zeiten simple present present progressive Simple past past progessive present perfect present perfect continuous past perfect Bildung P+V (Infinitiv) he, she, it, das 's' muss mit. P + (am, is, are) + V+ing P+V (2. Form) unregelmäßig= went; regelmäßi g = work(ed) P+was/were+V (ing) P+have/has+V (3. Form) P+have/has+ been+V+ing P+had+ (3.Form) past perfect progressive V+ing P+had+been Verwendung Wenn ich etwas regelmäßig mache. Was jemand etwas gerade in diesem Moment macht. Wenn ich etwas machte. Situation ist vorbei Wenn etwas zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit andauert. Wenn etwas geschehen ist aber noch einen Bezug zur Gegenwart hat. Wenn die Handlung in der Vergangenheit began und in der Gegenwart andauert Wenn Handlungen vor einem Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit stattfanden betont die Dauer der Handlung,die vor einem Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit stattfand Zeitentabelle Signalwörter every Monday, always, never, often now, at the moment yesterday, last week, last year yesterday, at 10 o'clock I was sitting on my chair. just, already, yet, not ... yet all day, for, since, the whole day after, before, when All (day, year), for (5 minutes), since, (the whole (day) Positiv (+) I play football. He plays football. I'm playing football. He is playing football. II saw a cat. He played football I was sitting on my chair. We were sitting on our chairs I just have seen a cat. He has seen a cat. He has been playing the guitar for three years He had driven the car before he took the bus She had been waiting for 90 min when the train arrived Negativ (-) I don't play football. He doesn't play football. I'm not playing football. He isn't playing football. I didn't play football. He didn't play football. I wasn't sitting on my chair. We weren't sitting on our chairss I haven't seen a cat. He hasn't seen a cat We haven't been drinking alcohol since January the 1st I hadn't watched the film Fragen (?) Do I play football? Does he play football? Am I playing football? Is he playing football? Did I play football? Did he play football? Was I sitting on my chair? Were we sitting...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

on our chairs? Have I driven a car? Has he driven a car? Have I been watching TV all day long? Had they gone to school? He hadn't been Had she been sitting there for a waiting... long time when the doctor ... W-Fragen (W?) When do I play football? When does he play football? When am I playing football? Why are we playing football ? When did I play football? Why did he play football? When was I sitting on my chair? When were we sitting on our chairs? When have driven a car? When has he driven a car? Why have you been reading this book? Where had we heard the song? When had she been waiting... Zeiten will-future going-to future Conditional I Conditional || Conditional ||| Bildung P+will/won't+V (Infinitiv) P+to be (am, is, are) + going-to+V (Infinitiv) If-Satz= if+ simple present Hauptsatz-will- future If-Satz= if+ simple past Hauptsatz would+ Infinitiv If-Satz= if+ past perfect Hauptsatz would+ have+3.Form Verwendung Was in der Zukunft passieren wird. Wenn man über Absichten und Pläne spricht "1 "Was ist, wenn ..." Sätze; unter best. Bedingungen geschieht etwas "Was ist, wenn ..." Sätze; unter best. Bedingungen könnte etwas geschehen "Was ist, wenn ..." Sätze; unter best. Bedingungen hätte etwas geschehen können Zeitentabelle Signalwörter in 2 weeks, in the morning, in the afternoon next weekend, tomorrow Positiv (+) I will play football. I'm going to paint a picture. He is going to paint a picture. If you learn for the test, your teacher will be happy If you learned for the test, your teacher would be happy If you had learned for the test, your teacher would have been happy Negativ (-) I won't play football. I'm not going to paint a picture. He is going to paint a picture. If you do not learn for the test, your teacher won't be happy If you did not learn for the test, your teacher would't be happy If you had not learned for the test, your teacher would't have been happy Fragen (?) Will I play football? Am I going to paint a picture? Is he going to ... Will your teacher be happy, if you learn for the test Would your teacher be happy, if you learned for the test Would your teacher have been happy, if you had learned for the test W-Fragen (W?) Who will play football? When am I going to paint a picture?