


Basics of nutrition







•Formula diets (liquid diets of precise chemical compositition made for sick people)
Lessential to help sick people to survive
•Formula diets (liquid diets of precise chemical compositition made for sick people)
Lessential to help sick people to survive

Supplements •Formula diets (liquid diets of precise chemical compositition made for sick people) Lessential to help sick people to survive L! not made for long-term though (no optimal support for growth and health) • healthy people drink those as "meal replacers" REAL FOOD IS SUPERIOR TO SUCH SUPPLEMENTS. Lo when eating food, the body has to work (digestion) 4 when not eating but only drinking your food, those unused muscles and organs grow smaller L digestive organs also release hormones in response to food the eater gets a feeling of satisfaction and "being full LO 1.4 Give examples of the challenges and solutions for choosing a health-promoting diet. • BASIS OF A NUTRITIOUS DIET: vegetables, fruits, meats, milk, grains (whole foods) Food Types (ABCMV) A nutritious diet is really an eating pattern, with five characteristics. 1. Adequacy: The food provides enough of essentiel nutrient, fiber and energy. 2. Bolance: The choices do not overemphasize one nutrient or food type at the expense of another quick meals (restaurant foods) whole or modified foods that contain bioactive food components believed to provide health benefits medical foods natural foods organic foods staple foods processed foods whole foods (basic foods) foods with added nutrients, a basic food that becomes highly nutritious or a concentrated form of sugar or fat that becomes less nutritions specially manufactured for use by people with medical disorders Con advice of a...

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physician) no legal definition; term implies wholesomeness grown without synthetic pesticides or fertiliz often used or daily, e.g. rice or potatoes any subjection to process (cooking, milling...) milk&mik products, meats and fish, vegetables, fruit you lose some every day so you have to replace it ! too little → you can develop iron-deficiency anemia (feel week, tired, sad..) ultra-processed highly palatable food products of manufacturing made with industrial ingredients & additives (sugar...) food s ü enough you • feel more energetic Adequacy for example: fron 3. Calorie control: The foods provide the amount of energy you need to maintain weight 4. Moderation: The foods do not provide excess salt, fat, sugar or other unwanted constituents. 5. Variety. The foods differ from one day to the next Healthy people who eat a nutritious diet do not need supplements at all! - Balance for example: Calcium too little → causes poor bone development in growing years ! foods that are rich in iron are poor in calcium Calorie Control ! required for body functions and physical activity It helps control body fat content and weight Variety different foods each day, even highly nutritious ones not every day fast food s functional foods enriched and fortified foods Moderation For health's sake, intakes of certain food constituents such as saturated fats, added sugars, and salt Moderation! Not total abstinence! Moderation also means: even "good" nutrients should be limited too CHAPTER 1 goals of this chapter. LO 1.1 Describe the ways in which food choices impact a person's health. LO 1.2 List the 7 major categories of nutrition and weight-related objectives including in the publication Healthy People 2020' LO 1.3 Name the 6 classes of nutrients. LO 1.4 Give examples of the challenges and solutions for choosing a health-promoting diet. LO 1.5 Describe the science of nutrition. LO 1.6 Describe the characteristics of the six slages of behavior change. LO 1.7 Explain how the concept of nutrient density can facilitate diet planning. LO 1.8 Evaluate the authenticity of any given nutrition information source. LO 1.1 Describe the ways in which food choices impact a person's health. • the body renews itself every new you need food that provides the right amount of energie and sufficient nutritions • Malnutrition includes deficiencies, imbalances, excesses of nutrients . itiens support growth, maintenance, and repair of the body LO 1.2 List the 7 major categories of nutrition and weight-related objectives including in the publication Healthy People 2020' • the vision: a society in which all people live long & healthy lives • they set 7 health and nutrition objectives for the nation, each decade . 1. Chronic diseases (reducing death rates, cases, numbers) 2. Food safety (reducing food allergies, infections that were transmitted through food) 3. Maternal, Infant, and Child health (reducing deficiencies, blood lead levels, cases of fetal alcohol syndrome) 4. Food and Nutrition Consumption (increasing vegetables, fruits and whole grains + reducing fats and added sugar) . • The • most deadly diseases are caused by bad eating habits • Life choices, such as smoking, drinking or being physically active, can either damage or improve your health 5. Eating disorders (reducing them). 6. Physical activity and weight control (increasing the number of people with healthy weight; reducing the number of obese people) 7. Food Security (eliminating very low food security among children in the U.S. households) LO 1.3 Name the 6 classes of nutrients. the body needs ENERGY Le fruits, vegetables & grains store solar energy from the sun Leating meat is similar: the energy comes originally from the sun. Carbohydrates! Fat! (lipids) • Protein ! Vitamins ! Minerals Water (enough water, carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins and minerals) the nutrients that contain carbon are organic :)! ENERGY-YIELDING NUTRIENTS ↳ the body uses the energy they contain 4 O Carbohydrate, fat, Oprotein "the macronutrients" VITAMINS & MINERALS "micronutrients" Structures •some minerals serve as part of body • all vitamins & minerals act as regulators ↳ they assist in all body processes (digesting food, moving muscles, healing wounds, obtaining energy from macronutrients...) WATER • body constantly loses water (breath, sweat, urine) • water must constantly be replaced the body's cells only function with water