


13 Reasons Why: Characterization Justin Foley







1. Read the skill file section on analysing prose in your book (Camden Town p. 190f., 182f.)
2. Write a characterization about Justin Foley
1. Read the skill file section on analysing prose in your book (Camden Town p. 190f., 182f.)
2. Write a characterization about Justin Foley
1. Read the skill file section on analysing prose in your book (Camden Town p. 190f., 182f.)
2. Write a characterization about Justin Foley

1. Read the skill file section on analysing prose in your book (Camden Town p. 190f., 182f.) 2. Write a characterization about Justin Foley considering the narrative perspective(s). Read up on the cassettes where Justin Foley is mentioned (Cassette 1 - Side A & Cassette 5 - Side B). Also use the following passages for help: p. 19 II. 21 ff., p. 22 II. 19 ff., p.33 II. 6 ff., p. 181 II. 9 ff., p. 182 II. 12 ff., p. 185 II. 4 ff. Preparation: Name: - Justin Foley Age: 16 years old Role: - one of the main characters - secondary antagonist in the novel - first and ninth reason that Hannah committed suicide Look: Gender: male - Hair: brown - Size: 5'11' - Eyes: blue Specifics: very sporty Beruf: -Hobbies: o Basketball player o Football player Nickname: Justy (by Jessica, Monty and Bryce) Family: - Gets adopted later - Biological mother: Amber Foley - Unknown father - Adoptive father: Matt Jensen, adoptive mother: Lainie Jensen, adoptive brother: Clay Jensen - Coach Patrick thinks there was abuse at Justin's home (after he missed a few days unapologetically at school) Residence, Origin: School: Liberty High School Behavior: - He pinches and intoxicates himself once strongly, which may indicate that he does not have his life under control (even at this time he does not go to school) - Justin eventually spreads lies, he...

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begins the downfall of Hannah's reputation and school life Attitude: · Opinion on specific topics: o Rumours about him and Hannah: for hi spart it was a joke and Hannah overreacted o school: not responsible, he „disappears" once and is missing a few days unexcused o friends: he describes himself and his friends as "inviolable" (Cassette 3, Side A) - Personality: o Justin despite his mistakes, is shown to care about those he loves o He shows how much he cares about Jessica throughout and regrets the mistakes he made o He even shows concern for his troubled mother and seems to want her to be free of her abusive boyfriend, though she in return does not show much care or loyalty towards Justin Quite irrational and short-tempered, is shown to be extremely arrogant and cruel when he wants to be - Does not appear to show much remorse for what he did to Hannah and insults her numerous times after her death, claiming she was a crazy drama queen and a liar who just "killed herself for attention" (like a majority of the others on Hannah's list) he is shown to be willing to resort to extreme measures to hide the tapes Shown to be angered at Clay for the simple reason that he is the only person on Hannah's list who is not considered one of the reasons why she killed herself but just part of her story -> He tries to convince him that he is not as innocent as Hannah claims, though this is completely false as Hannah makes it clear Clay's name does not belong on her list, unlike Justin and the others who are guilty of horrible things and are responsible for Hannah's suicide - Afraid of the potential consequences of his actions Desperate to protect himself and the others he cares about on the list from having their lives destroyed - Regrets lying to Jessica about Bryce raping her -> felt as though he was doing the best thing to protect her Shown to be completely broken-hearted after Jessica breaks up with him and even more after she tells him that she never wants to see him again after he offers to kill Bryce with his hands and face the consequences of murder Language: - Often grid or unsightly words like asshole, etc. Relationships/feelings to/against other people: Jessica Davis girlfriend (on- and off relationship): they dated and broke up at the end of the book Jessica told Hannah she really liked Justin and that he's nice -> Hannah warned her that he's not - Kat - ex girlfriend - Hannah Baker - former crush-kissed (Hannah's first kiss) - Gerücht: Hannah und er hatten Sex im Park (hatten sie nie wirklich) - First met with Hannah: at her party; during this time, he was still dating her friend Kat, the two begin a relationship after Kat moved away - Hannah described Justin as a "forbidden fruit", she doesn't miss but still wants a bite of - After Hannah's suicide, Justin would describe Hannah as a "crazy drama queen", who lied on the tapes - Justin describes Hannah as a kind and funny girl who he liked from the moment he saw her - Clay Jensen: o Justin tried to keep Clay from revealing the truth about Jessica, even threatening him o seltsame "Freundschaft" o Justin ist wütend auf Clay Justin threatened Clay to beat him up, but Clay wasn't scared o Justin kept trying to find ways to keep Clay quiet, even proposing to kill him at some point - Bryce Walker: O O Justin defended and protected him (Justin knew that Jessica was raped by Bryce but lied to Jessica telling her that he and Jessica had sex and she was just drunk) He constantly battled between his relationship with Jessica and his loyalty and friendship with Bryce Beliebtheit des Charakters bei anderen Personen: popular - has many friends (Jessica Davis, Zach Dempsey, Clay Jensen, Tyler Down, Alex Standall, Bryce Walker Enemies: Montgomery de la Cruz, at the beginning: Clay Jensen Situations in which the person occurs: - First and ninth tape: first and ninth reason why Hannah committed suicide - Zach, Alex and Justin decided to try and scare Clay by forcing him in Alex's car and interrogate him while Alex pushes the car to 120 mph -> Justin told Clay that he can't mess with them and took Clay's bike with him - Reason 1: - Justin is Hannah's first reason of why she committed suicide Justin first meets Hannah while he's still dating Hannah's best friend Kat; after Kat moves away, Hannah and Justin spark an interest with each other After a flirtatious game, like cat-and-mouse, Hannah meets up with Justin in the park: their date in the playground ends in a kiss -> Hannah is really into him o During their date: Justin sneaks a photograph with a flash of Hannah's underwear as she's coming down the slide: they get published and causing a rumor of Hannah being a 'slut' (=> very start of the downfall of Hannah Baker) Reason 9: o Hannah is hiding in the closet because a couple came in while she was in the room and she hid, after this, she was going to come out, but Justin and Jessica enter the room, Justin leaves Jessica -drunk and sleeping- and comes out, to meet Bryce, from here Hannah overhears Justin and Bryce have an argument which leads to Bryce pushing Justin out the door, closing the door, and raping Jessica, who is unconsciously drunk. After Justin tries to stop this and fails, he goes downstairs and feel guilty and disgusted at what Bryce could be doing to his girlfriend. On the other hand, Hannah is hearing and somewhat witnessing what Bryce is doing to Jessica as she hasn't come out of the closet, being too scared to move.