


13 Reasons Why - Characters







nice, shy, quiet
study on weekend
favorite type of weather: air warm
worked in cinema with Hannah
- had a crush on Hannah

Clay JENSE N nice, shy, quiet study on weekend favorite type of weather: air warm worked in cinema with Hannah - had a crush on Hannah SKYE MILLER -dresses in dull, loose clothing every day - Clay's eighth-grade crush PARENTS Mr. and Mrs Baker - had a tiny shoe store became distant to Hannah 50 No. 11 Jenny Kurtz - cheerleacler -friendly to Hannah - hod a Vu cor accident - - Tony Cloy's close friend receives the second set of the tapes make sure each person on the list follows Hannah instructions Hannah Baker -commited suiced for 13 reason - mode the tapes - loved poetry worked in cinema No. 7 Zach Dempsey - shy stole Hannah's encouragment notes Peer Communication was safe haven at school No. 13 Mr. Porter - Hannah's guidance counselor English teacher - look: had a tiny scar above her eyebrow, short hairs, wore no make-up teachers O-O SAGA Mr BrAdLey feocher of Peer Communication tried to touch Hannah No. 10/12 Bryce Walker - roped Jessica wanna have sex with Hannah Nu No.2 Alex Standall Hannah first friends when she was new to Crestmont - was also new made d list named Hannah Best Ass in the Freshman Class' FRIENDS Jessica Davis No. 3 - outgoing /sociable - Hannah's first friends Hannah has a scar because of her No.6 Marcus Cooley - had a date with Hannah and 30 minutes too late HANNAH'S 13 REASON No.1 Justin Foley was Hannah's first kiss plays basketball - many girls are into Justin bragging 1- Look: kind of fall read poem with Hannah published Hannah's poem No. 4 Tyler Down -won a statewide contest • first place in humor...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

category stalled Hannah No. 5 Courtney Crimsen - most popular girl in school - sweet to everyone and flirts with everyone fake, manipulative - spread rumors about Hannah - look prelly hair, smile, skin 1 No. 8 Ryan Shaver editor of school very own lost-n-found gazelle 1 1 T https://www.serienjunkies.de/13-reasons-why/(Hannah Baker) https://aminoapps.com/c/13reasons why/page/item/clay- jensen/z63) eWrcwlYewDK8JkKwJ7E1b781YVX0B (Clay Jensen)