


1984 George Orwell Handout







Sude& Lilly
George Orwell
1903, India - 1950, London
I inspired by Stalinist Soviet Union and its developments
English intellectuals acc
Sude& Lilly
George Orwell
1903, India - 1950, London
I inspired by Stalinist Soviet Union and its developments
English intellectuals acc
Sude& Lilly
George Orwell
1903, India - 1950, London
I inspired by Stalinist Soviet Union and its developments
English intellectuals acc

Sude& Lilly George Orwell ■ ■ 1903, India - 1950, London I inspired by Stalinist Soviet Union and its developments English intellectuals accepted socialism embossed by the Soviet Union Extrapolation ■ ■ Summary ■ main character: Winston Smith has a relationship with Julia they hide from the "Thought Police" because of crimes personal diary (own opinion, thoughts) ■ emotions, feelings (love) ■ totalitarian state everything is controlled no personal freedom ■ 1984 by George Orwell ho imprisoned, tortured and abused (brainwashed) freed because they are modified Winston is now a citizen who fits perfectly into society State and individual freedom *State displaced by "Big Brother" and "The Party", supported by the Thought Police ■ ▪ 24/7 surveillance no privacy control of thoughts loss of freedom of expression (Newspeak-limits the range of words in order to limit communication between citizens and to reduce emotional expressions) prohibition of feelings loss of human characteristics Society and class differences: high ▪ middle ■ low marriages, families are allowed children are only meant to be offsprings in order to serve Big Brother and The Party you can trust nobody (not even your family) Use of technology telescreens 09.09.2020 ■ ■ Big Brother inner party outer party in order to ... the proles ... surveille ... control ■ . manipulate ... Sude& Lilly ✓ cameras ✓ Microphones Pursuit of happiness ■ rebellion relationship (feelings, emotions) diary ■ Role of history and culture: ■ new continents: Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia ■ ■ Elements: Dystopian Elements ■ ■ I Newspeak (language) prohibition of writing and reading Big Brother replaces religion totalitarian state 24/7 surveillance (no privacy) thoughts are a crime (no personal freedom, individuality) Newspeak to limit expression human characteristics are restricted (emotions, feelings) "...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

war Comparison: BNW and 1984 ■ ho Similarities control I no books classes no emotions, feelings children only as offsprings, servants I main character is a loner I religion (Henry Ford & Big Brother) Utopian Elements security 09.09.2020 I no racial discrimination or domination Diffrences families(betray each other/ no loyalty) (1984) World are known, Big Brother is not rebellion: brotherhood (1984) Sude& Lilly ho 09.09.2020