


A Raisin in the sun - Charakter







The characters - A raisin in the Sun - Act 1 Scene 1 25. November Q1-GK
Walter Lee Younger.
- chauffeur
-has a son (Travis), is Beneatha's b

The characters - A raisin in the Sun - Act 1 Scene 1 25. November Q1-GK Walter Lee Younger. - chauffeur -has a son (Travis), is Beneatha's brother, married to Ruth. - he wants to be rich an believe that money fixes problems - he often fights with Ruth - he wants to improve the families lives - nervous /erratic speech / habits -Slim and intense -lazy and a bit naive -Charlie Etkins is his role model because he opened a successful store -wants to open a liquor store with his friends Ruth Younger -about 30 years old, smokes -Walter's wife, mother of Travis -was a pretty girl but is now dissapointed -She thinks that Walter has changed. -cares about / for the family. - She has a good relationship with her mother-in-law. -has a conflict with Travis about 50 cents for School -thinks Walter's friends are good for nothing. - her dream: she wants a better future for her family, see them happy. -She's a house maid Beneatha Younger: -goes to a medical school to become a doctor, well educated -tries a lot of hobbies, wants to find her identity. -doesn't believe in God, about 20 -dates George Murchison - Shares a bathroom with Mama Mama (Lena Younger): -fights with Benetha if theres a God -early 60's, full bodied. Strong - she lost one of her children as a baby and her...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

husband -religious believes in God -takes care of her plant. - she loves Travis - She does not want Walter to open a liquor store -She wants to save some isurance money for Beneatha's education. -dream: to have a house with a garden -doesn't like the conflicts and want to end them