


Abitur 2023 - Englisch LK - Alle Themen







SHORT STORIES (postcolonial experience, displacement: questions, belonging and identity)
Loose Change - Andrea Levy
two women with a
SHORT STORIES (postcolonial experience, displacement: questions, belonging and identity)
Loose Change - Andrea Levy
two women with a
SHORT STORIES (postcolonial experience, displacement: questions, belonging and identity)
Loose Change - Andrea Levy
two women with a
SHORT STORIES (postcolonial experience, displacement: questions, belonging and identity)
Loose Change - Andrea Levy
two women with a
SHORT STORIES (postcolonial experience, displacement: questions, belonging and identity)
Loose Change - Andrea Levy
two women with a
SHORT STORIES (postcolonial experience, displacement: questions, belonging and identity)
Loose Change - Andrea Levy
two women with a
SHORT STORIES (postcolonial experience, displacement: questions, belonging and identity)
Loose Change - Andrea Levy
two women with a
SHORT STORIES (postcolonial experience, displacement: questions, belonging and identity)
Loose Change - Andrea Levy
two women with a
SHORT STORIES (postcolonial experience, displacement: questions, belonging and identity)
Loose Change - Andrea Levy
two women with a

SHORT STORIES (postcolonial experience, displacement: questions, belonging and identity) Loose Change - Andrea Levy summary two women with a foreign background meet in the bathroom of the National Portrait Gallery London - Laylor: political refugee from Uzbekistan, just arrived in London - narrator: third-generation immigrant, sees herself as Londoner narrator borrows money from Laylor for a tampon - narrator invites Laylor to a cup of tea in exchange. the two women look at paintings together, Laylor is drawn to gloomy works Laylor's brother shows up, they have a short discussion in their native language it turns out that they are homeless - changes narrator's view of Laylor, suddenly notices all her flaws (dirty fingernails, ugly tooth gap) narrator wonders why refugee approached her as she has a lot on her plate as well leaves Laylor behind in the café . ● . notes The Third and Final Continent - Jhumpa Lahiri summary ● . . narrator excuses her behavior by stating she's a Londoner - disregards her own heritage for the sake of not feeling guilty - ignores her grandmother's background and the struggles she had to go through in order to ensure a better life for her children - narrator has no emotional connection to Laylor's situation because she never experienced it herself - emigrational beckground is gadually getting lost . englisch LK ABITUR narrator (Indian man) native country...

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to sail to London - studies at London School of Economics notes - shares apartment with other Bengalis gets a job at a library in Massachsetts (5 years later) - marriage is arranged at the same time by family - flies bacck to Calcutta, then onwards to Boston - lives on a budget, tries to spend as little money as possible (while in the US) comes across an advertisement for a free room to rent (only for Harvard oder Tech students) - makes an appointment with the landlady for the next day regardless - moves into his fiirst apartment without other Indians (landlady Mrs. Croft, old no girls allowed) waiting for his wife's green card to be issued bonding experience with landlady sits by her side while she plays the piano narrator is the first boarder she considers a gentleman moves out when Mala (his wife) arrives, Mala and narrator want to go out one night but narrator thinks she's overdressed (wearing a Sari) - visit Mrs. Croft again, Mala gets along very well with her - Mrs. Croft dies a month later, Mala consoles narrator story continues, Mala and narrator have a son who later attends Harvard narrator disregards traditional norms, uncomfortable when confronted with it not fond of arranged marriage but accepts it since that's the way it has always been likes Mrs. Croft because she reminds him of his mother narrator: adaptive, simple man, untraditional, friendly, good-hearted, keen on building a new life, unbothered (has to live with wife he doesn't even love), naive (arranged marriage), humble She Shall Not Be Moved - Shereen Pandit summary . . . . . narrator on bus with daughter (Mariam), witness of an unfair and racist situation, story starts with "I would've changed something if..." two elderly, white women are blocking seats designated for people with prams, Somali woman has to stand in the aisle with her pram and two children notes fear of foreigner to stand up for other foreigners, feeling inferior, knowing that it's wrong to be a bystander, dilemma, inner conflict teaching her child what is right and wrong Somali woman ass example on how to stand up for yourself as a foreigner people on the bus lack confidence to stand up for other in fear of suffering consequences themselves narrator: political activist (had to flee her home country because of her activism), good will, mind # actions The Escape - Qaisra Shahraz summary . narrator (foreigner herself) points other free seats out to the two elderly women - bus driver (black man) loses his temper because of the blocked aisle, shouts at Somali woman . englisch LK-ABITUR narrator covers her daughter's face but doesn't stand up for Somali woman - knows what's going on but acts selfish in fear of getting kicked of the bus, Mariam is shivering reverse racism, narrator won't leave her seat for a white elderly woman entering the bus Mariam wants to leave her seat for the women but narrator pulls her back down, Mariam is disappointed in her mother narrator and Somali woman get off the bus, woman shouts "racists!" as she gets off narrator offers to help herr with the pram and report the driver, woman refuses, calls driver "slave [of the system]" narrator is upset with herself, thinks about incident all day protagonist Samir (73), from Pakistan, living in the UK son dropped him off at local mosque and is supposed to pick him up again, went to pray for his late wife - Samir bumps into old friend who invites him over to his house Samir declines, afraid of old memories resurfacinng - Samir owns a big house but with all of his family gone he has grown lonely religious holiday, same day a year ago his family gathered at Samir's place but this year he's by himself (not by choice) son comes to pick him up (lets his father eat alone at home, could've accompanied him) Samir's overwhelmed by gathering at his daughter's place, misses his wife, doesn't know how to cope, tears up, doesn't try to strike up a conversation with his family members announces that he wants to go back to Pakistan for a while to visit family - family in England is displeased by that idea leaves for Pakistan three days later, is greeted by family there - visits his parents grave, thinks it would be weird to be in a different country than his parents - visits village his wife did charity work at => realises that he neither feels at home in England nor in Pakistan, disconnected from roots - visits family who wife supported, they cry about his wife's death => realises how lonely he is in the UK leaves Pakistan after only a week notes sits next to a man about the same age as him - they talk to each other and find out that they are in a similar situation agree that neither of them knows which country to call their home Samir decides to leave his house to his children, his savings to his family in Pakistan and move into a retirement home on England younger generations (no direct immigrants) have better access to education (son is sports manager) Samir differentiates between his children's family and his own family, feels disconnected from family members who grew up tin the UK Samir can't identify where he truly belongs - Pakistan: country where he grew up in but also the country his parents died in, a lot has changed since he last visited, feel foreign to him - England: mostly white people of European descent, feels like an outsider, English isn't his mother tongue, knows close to no one example of immigrants who built a new better life, forever missing a part of his native country/his community, emotionally connected to his country of origin, while he didn't get the chance to build the same kind of connection to England - notices he feels lonely regardless of the country he lives in a place/person/feeling that makes you feel alive not a specific place what is "home" people recognising your efforts, feeling appreciated emotions, even negative ones "money can't buy you happiness" people who watched you grow up, people who grew up with you englisch LK-ABITUR $ ./. friends, people who are close to you, chosen family two types of immigrants: powerful and fierce vs. inferior and shy postcolonial experience, displacement, questions of belonging and identity t subcultures and interests belonging aspects taken from the short stories traditional norms from origin are hardly being adapted into life in new country, may even seem strange to others what is "identity" first-gen immigrants have a harder time adapting to the new country/culture than the following generations sexuality the further the generations are integrated into a country's norms and culture, the less they are aware of traditional norms from their cultural stand point culture and traditions religious beliefs patriotism GRAN TORINO (ethnic and cultural diversity, the role of gang culture and violence, cultural clashes) summary Walt Kowalski lost his wife and now lives alone has a problematic relationship with his family, no healthy relationship with either of his sons they want him to go to a retirement home lives i a neighborhood that used to be predominantly white (Walter is of Polish descent), now mostly Hmong people live there - new neighbors move into house next door (formerly Walter's friend's place, passed away) . . ● . ● . . . Walt ● . - Thao, Sue, their mum and grandmother, Walt acts distant towards them and shows racist behavior (calling them racial slurs) Walt saves Thao from Hmong gang one night -Hmong community of the neighborhood sees him as a hero. closed off, grumpy, old fashioned, self-centered, bitter, disrespectful TURNING POINT bringing Walt cultural gifts (mostly food and flowers) as 'thank you' Thao tries to steal Walt's Gran Torino, got prompted by gang to do so, Walt catches him redd handed Walt saves Sue from African-American gan another day - Walt starts to get along with Sue and Thao Once again Thao gets into conflict with Hmong gang - Walt threatens them (in hopes of them stopping) . englisch LK ABITUR - learns about Hmong culture and traditions results from some health check-up come in, Walt is in bad condition (terminally ill??) - tries to tell his sons over a phone call but they don't listen Thao wants to make up for trying to steal Walt's car works for Walt, Walt sees potenti in him - friendship - Walt helps Thao get a job at a construction company even buys Thao tools ● Sue Walt wants to get revenge for Thao's family - locks Thao up in his house so he won't follow him and get hurt or worse gang shoots up Thao's house, r@pe and beat up Sue (wth??) - Walt wants to make it up to Thao for not being able to protect his family, lends him his car for a date with Yuoa gang gets arrested and sent to prison Thao - Walt visits Hmong gang - pretends to have a gun (it's just a lighter chill out) gets shot at Walt's funeral his family by blood and his chosen family meet for the first time - relatives inherit close to nothing, Thao inherits the Gran Torino, house goes to the church becomes friends with Thao and Sue, selfless, turns into rolemodel for Thao, caring, still racist but uses it as a form of humor, shows emotions, strong sense of protection still haunted by his past (experiences he made while at war) somehow child-like behavior - stubborn shy, quiet, push-over, polite, hard-working, ambitious, lacks confidence TURNING POINT still a lot of possible growth being a soldier (Korean War) taught him to surpress his feelings, be hard on himself, not relying on others traditional family values (mother father, two children, mother is a housewife, father goes to work) commanding tone, racism tries to teach Thao to behave more masculine (too shy, too sensitive) doesn't feel comfortable in his neighborhood (white people (of Polish descent) vs. Hmong people) feels left alone by his family, doesn't fit into modern America makes friends with his Hmong neighbors, feels finally comfy, opens up - however, never fully at ease, nothing to live for, haunted by guilt of his past (killed people) gets to know Walt, still polite, good-hearted BUT more and more ambitious, become more assertive, confident, more mature difficulties finding cultural belonging, American vs. Hmong tries to fit into American society (more or less successfully) - inheriting Walt's Gran Torino as a chance to choose American culture (Americans have a culture??) starts to shape his identity himself, picks out aspects from both cultures confident, open-minded, talkative, fierce, intellectual superiority, independent, optimistic, caring, emancipated woman (girl boss<3) being raped influences her optimism, shows how men are still ore powerful but Sue's fighting against the patriarchy (as she should) can easily incorporate Hmong culture into American culture (has an American boyfriend) seems at ease with herself (found her belonging and identity within the two cultures) Hmong people vs. white American Sue trying to assimilate to American culture ethnic groups live in parallel worlds, segregated society Ideal of white American vulgar remarks, racial slurs, stereotypes, harsh demanding tone, dehumanisation Seeing people as individuals instead of predjudice ethnic and cultural diversity segregated society vs. multicultural society cultural clashes englisch LK-ABITUR Hmong people keep up their traditions, Walt is taken aback when first coming into contact with it Walt is a racists but overcomes stereotypes Walt uses racial slurs gangs as result of disorientation, hopelessness, lack of future prospects orientation for alienated teenagers (mostly male) ethnic and cultural diversity, the role of gang culture and violence, cultural clashes } violence leads to guilt instead of peace (Walt and Korean War) Escalation of violence, insults, threats, physical violence (Smokie burning Thao with a cigarette) gang culture and violence Walt sacrificing himself so Sue and Thao can live freely rape of Sue, harassment of Thao, attack on Lor family's house Walt owns several guns, doesn't hesitate to put them to use shootings, crimes connected to gangs FRANKENSTEIN - MARY SHELLEY (ethics of science, role of nature, questions of human identity) summary letters by Robert Walton (scientist/explorer) to his sister Margeret in London looking for passage from Russia to the Pacific ● . . . englisch LK ABITUR - comes across a huge creature while far up north, finds Victor Frankenstein (half-dead legit) the next day, who tells him his story Victor Frankenstein, young, ambitious scientist, raised in Switzerland along with his adoptive sister Elizabeth (questionable relationship, siblings with benefits???) Elizabeth and Victor's mum fall ill shortly before he is to leave for Ingolstadt to study there - his mum dies, tells him to marry his adoptive sister (wth???) Victor becomes obsessed with his studies, desire to find and recreate source of life - loses sight of everything else, succeeds to instill life into male patchwork body (after two years of research) - flees as soon as creature starts to stir, Victor's disgusted and in horror, rejects creature Victor's friend nurses him back to health after he has had a physical and mental breakdown - while Victor is recovering his brother dies, housekeeper gets accused of murdering William (Victor's brother) - Victor is sure that it was the creature who murdered William as soon ass he sees him after returning home - doesn't tell anyone about his discovery though Justine (housekeeper) is wrongfully convicted and hanged, Victor can't handle the guilt Victor takes a trip to the Alps to lift his spirits - confrontation with creature, wants a "mate", is completely changed and well-spoken, educated, asks Victor to listen to his side of the story - has been secretly living near the DeLacey family, studied them, learned from them about humans snatches Victor's research notes from his jacket as he doesn't want to create another creature, gives in as the creature threatens to kill his family travels to Orkney islands where Victor begins his work, destroys his half-finished creation because he's overpowered by guilt and remorse - creature witnesses this and vows to take revenge on Victor's wedding night kills Henry Clerval (Victor's friend) first - Victor is accused of being the murderer as his boat gets washed up after a storm on the same shore the body was found at - Victor is exonerated and returns home to marry Elizabeth creature kills Elizabeth while Victor is checking the rest of the house, Victor ensures the creature that he's going to take revenge - pursues creature through Europe and Russia until he almost catches him near the Arctic Circle the Romantic movement meets Walton - Walton is unable to cure Victor, Victor passes away after telling his story creature enters ship, mourns his creator - tells Walton his side of the story -vows to end his life and disappears into the ice theme of nature, dreams, dreams, desires Shelley portrays that nature can only be beneficial to humans if they respect nature nature as a nurturing place of comfort - era was influenced by industrial revolution - conflict between nature and modern society health, medicine, bioengineering, genetic engineering human's dignity, preventing people from creating life for one sole reason (e.g. savior children) Victor ignores basic rules of research think critically act responsibly communicate results . provides food and drink foreshadowing (thunder strikes - someone dies) natural phenomenons as devices to tell the stroy ethics of science inability to predict every single possible consequence if it can be done, should it be done? role of nature Victor loses respect for nature the more he studies. sunshine happiness (during Victor's and Elizabeth's wedding) Victor doesn't take responsibility when things get out of control playing god VR, AI teaching role (the creature) englisch LK-ABITUR perfection cannot be achieved by nature, Victor tries to create the ideal human ethics of science, role of nature, questions of (human) identity underlining a characters emotional/physical state genes as an indicator of a successful life ability to react and feel will to learn, build human connections and belong outer appearance Victor is captivated by beauty (his mother, Elizabeth questions of (human) identity self-identity creature doesn't have one, nameless rejection makes creature become violent. importance of human interactions alienation things that used to be important to him lose meaning when Victor isolates himself HAMLET - WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (fate vs. free will, the role(s) of women, questions of morality) summary act 1 ● . . . - warns his sister Ophelia not to fall in love with Hamlet act 2 ● a ghost who looks like King Hamlet appears at castle Helsingör - Horatio, Barnado and Marcellus see the ghost and the ghost tells them that he got poisoned act 3 englisch LK ABITUR they think the dead King's ghost will protect them after the war against Norway - King Hamlet killed King Fortinbras (King of Norway) Horatio tell Prince Hamlet about the sighting of his dead father talks to him the night after, finds out Claudius (Hamlet's uncle) killed his father because of Gertrude and the throne ghost orders Hamlet to take revenge on Claudius Laertes travels back to Paris Polonius is convinced Hamlet is acting mad because of his love towards Ophelia (Polonius' daughter), she rejected him "to be or not to be, that is the question" Polonius and Claudius hide in the room to observe Hamlet and Ophelia Hamlet talks about the worth of life, acts cray cray, tells Ophelia he never really loved her Claudius plans to banish Hamlet to England in an attempt kill him Hamlet tells Horatio to observe Claudius' reaction to the play - Claudius' recognises his own situation in the play and flees the room Gertrude want to talk to Hamlet to tell him that he's acting weird and ask why he's gone mad Hamlet sees Claudius praying fro mercy because he killed his brother - doesn't want to kill him this way because that would mean that he Caudius would go to heaven Polonius moves behind the curtain and Hamlet kills him thinking it was Claudius while talking to his mother Hamlet hears someone behind the curtain - stabs through the curtain thinking it's Claudius -joke's on you, it's Polonius - hides Polonius' body . Ophelia tells Polonius about Hamlet behaving strange Clausius and Gertrude send Rosenkrantz and Guildenstern to spy on Hamlet and find out why he went mad - Hamlet takes notice of this, Rosenkrantz and Guildenstern try to cheer him up with a play Hamlet wants to include a part he wrote himself into the play (plots to expose Claudius of murdering King Hamlet) act 4 ● Gertrude is enraged, tells Claudius • Ophelia goes crazy (go crazy go stupid ahh) because of her father's death and the unrequited love Laertes wants to avenge his father's death and his sister's disregarded feelings, wants to kill Hamlet Claudius tells Hamlet that the killed the King, Getrude interrupts them to tell them that Ophelia drowned herself Claudius plots to kill Hamlet in a duel (poisened blade) and to poison his wine act 5 Laertes and Hamlet fight in the presence of the King and the Queen Gertrude accidentally drinks the poisened wine Hamlet gets wounded, they change blades, Laertes gets poisened as well Laertes exposes Claudius and his conspiracy, Hamlet kills Claudius Hamlet and Laertes make up Horatio is about to kill himself as well but Hamlet stops him as he needs to spread his story Hamlet dies, Fortinbras declares himself the new King of Denmark - honors Hamlet's deeds (soldier's death) "what monster you [women] make of them [men]" less respected than men (Polonius' disregards Ophelia's feelings) role(s) of women insincere, dishonest, manipulative, deceitful Gertrude marries Claudius to avoid becoming his next target on his way to the throne be protected from this corrupt, horrible world vs. being corrupt herself defined by men (Ophelia: polonius' daughter, Gertrude: Claudius' wife) Is it right to marry the man who killed your husband? Gertrude had no other choice if she wanted to live Ophelia as scapegoat for Hamlet's anger englisch LK-ABITUR obedient, passive, intimidated Ophelia is passive, hardly speaks { fate vs. free will, the role(s) of women, questions of morality: ·⁰ questions of morality to having to decide himself vs. knowing there's no higher. power to make decisions Was Claudius murder moral considering the future of Denmark? torn between accepting the way things are or ending things himself Hamlet struggles to decide between accepting his fate (as heir of the throne) and living life according to his own rules Is it moral to take revenge for a murder? fate vs. free wil country is bound to be rotten because of the unmoral death of King Hamlet King Hamlet's ghost telling Hamlet to avenge him.