


>Textanalyse< This is not a good place to live







ENGLISH: TEXTANALYSIS – This is not a good place to live
The article "This is not a good place to live" by Afua Hirsch was
published in "T
ENGLISH: TEXTANALYSIS – This is not a good place to live
The article "This is not a good place to live" by Afua Hirsch was
published in "T

ENGLISH: TEXTANALYSIS – This is not a good place to live - The article "This is not a good place to live" by Afua Hirsch was published in "The Observer", a British newspaper in December 2013 and deals with the bad conditions in Agbogbloshie, especially the people who live there and work there. In her text, she tries to convince the reader of the main problem that the people who live there are working in the garbage industry. While the garbage is e- waste of the global industries. And with that she is trying to convince that people produce too much garbage. The text can be divided into 5 sections: In the first sections (line 1-5) the author Introduce the reader the main topic of her text by quoting Karim, a resident who came from northern Ghana to salvage, buy and sell at the dump. She knows that the place has "a lot of health problems [...]" (1.4) but the people who live there stay, because they need the money. With introducing her text by the quote "Electrical Waste comes here from all over the world - but especially from Europe" Afua tries to catch the reader and make them think. Because we consumers mostly do not know where our product go after we used them and throw them...

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in the trash. In the second section which runs from line 5 to 17, she argues with a statement of the UN's "Solving the E-Waste Problem" initiative, short "STEP", that the refuse increases a third over the next four years. She is also giving us a view how people work (andlive) there. Shementioning that Agbogloshie is a "chaotic, apocalyptic in places, but [also has its] order" (line 9). Boys and young men managed to gather in groups to picking in old piles of hard drives, untangling wires and breaking up old air-conditioning units and even iron. She goes deeper with the example of Abdoullaye, a nineteen years old boy works with a group of other teenager boys under bad work conditions. They don't have professional equipment and have to work by hand. The third section (line 18-24) is about financial problems of the people who live there. They have to wear the clothes which went dirty by the work because of the fumes. They don't have enough money to buy and change clothes because they earn not much (only 0.50 £ to 1.30 £ a day) and even give a part to family members who are also living in bad living conditions. In the fourth sections which runs from line 25 to line 35 she mentions the fumes large fires influence Agbogbloshie and the people who lives there. Not really far away of the burning and dumping electrical waste places are houses where people live there, those people have a lot of health problems as a consequence of this. "Agbogbloshie is not just a site for trading, burning and dumping electrical waste; it's also home to thousands of people who carry on their lives and raise their children in the midst of its filth and fumes" (line 30-32). At the end it acts like a plot-twist. Afua Hirsch mentioned only negative statements about the waste and how Agbogbloshie deals with that but in this part she made a contrast. As the beginning of the text she use a quote from Karim where she says that they don't want Europe to stop sending waste because they need it for their work.